

Ravel was in her big brother's hospital room keeping an eye on him as he layed unconscious on the bed of this room, she silently stared at her brother with a frown on her face as she thinks back on everything that happened.

She had been terrified when Riser began to mockingly laugh at Rean for some unknown reason and she had every right to be afraid for her brother's life.

She had seen before hand some of the power Rean possess and how quick he can deal with his enemies, luckly for her brother Rean wasn't interested in him whatsoever, otherwise he would have been killed on the spot.

Still her brother didn't go unpunished for his insolence, Rean had single handedly and with one move crippled her brother while making sure he suffered a ridiculous amount of pain.

So much pain in fact, that her brother's mind shut down to protect itself from the pain resulting in Riser ending up in a coma of sorts.

The doctors have helped heal his wounds as best as they could and purged the holy light off of his body so his own regeneration was working on restoration his body as well.

But it might take an unknown amount of time for Riser's mind to recover, all things considered he got off easy compare to what Rean could have done with him.

Ravel however couldn't help but to think that her brother had brought this upon himself, she knows for a fact that Rean is not one to attack someone unprovoked and was more than happy to just live his life in peace.

Though it seems that this time he was forced to make a statement but Ravel can understand why he did it and even approved of the strategic value of doing something like taking on the stronger unit in an army to make a point.

In this case it was Sirzechs Lucifer who had become the perfect unit for Rean to show he's not one to mess with.

Even so that whole situation had brought about the attention of the Gremory, Sitri and Phenex lords, she herself had spoken to them and told them everything that she knew about Rean in a effort to push these three families to help protect him from the rest of the Devil Faction not for Rean's safety of course but because of he could do to the Devil Faction if pushed.

So she told them about the wonderful and powerful creatures under Rean's commands and the girls he lives with and how powerful and talented they are not only in battle but other areas as well.

All of this both shocked and awed the lords of the Gremory, Sitri and Phenex clan and these three families then decided to protect Rean from behind the scenes.

They understood where they stood with him and how easy it would be for him to wage war on a faction and come out victorious.

To make things even more real for them Ravel decided to show Rean's creatures with the help of her familiar, of course the ladies Gremory, Sitri and her mother were instantly enamored by the creatures while the lords were impressed by their sizes and power.

But then Rean summoned some real scary and powerful creatures next, that red and blue monsters just exuded a Primal force that made everyone watching them tremble in fear and yet the creatures seemed to respect and love Rean almost instantly.

All of them then watched as Rean smiled and petted them as if they were pets and not creatures of immense power, it was quickly evident that Rean cared and loved all of these creature with they way he plays with them and cares for their needs.

They watched him get up early in the morning and feed each and everyone one of them, he would even groom and play with them all the time, it truly was an amazing sight to see.

Afterwards the three families made alliance of sorts to protect Rean and keep him far away from any Devil Faction business as much as possible.

Of course this left her in a bit of of loop, she didn't know what to do next nor what she should expect, with her brother unconscious for the foreseeable she didn't know what to do with her self new and that left her feeling a little lost.

She knew she wanted to be stronger, after watching what Rean was capable of, she was inspired to do her best to grow in power but she was still lost on how to go about it.

Suddenly she heard the door to her brother's room open and she turned around to see who had come to see him only to smile what she saw her mother step inside.

Lady Phenex smiled at her daughter and walked up to her side "how are you doing sweetie? are you tired? maybe you should go home and sleep for a few hours".

Ravel shook her head "I'm alright mother just a little lost on what to do next...".

Lady Phenex turned her head and watched her daughter for a good long minute until she then smiled " well Venelana, Lady Sitri and I have been planning to talk to you about something important".

Ravel turned her head towards her mother and stared up at her "to me? what about?".

Lady Phenex smiled "well we wanted to send a devil, on that hasn't burned any bridges with Rean like Sona and Rias has, to make friendly contact with him, lady Sitri will be speaking with Serafall about this too so there won't be any misunderstandings".

Ravel tilted her head in confusion "okay? but what for? Mr Rean doesn't want anything to do with any devil besides Lady Serafall".

Lady Phenex nodded and then began to explain "well even though we stopped any information about him from getting out or spreading, there has been quite a few troublesome parties already digging for information so in order to better help support and protect Rean we need some kind of link so we can keep each other informed, we want you to be the one to do this, so we were hoping you would be willing to move to Kuoh in about a few days perhaps a week or so".

Ravel jumped a bit in shock and then pointed at herself "me? but why me? I'm not particularly good anything other than planning and strategies, I'm not strong either... not strong enough to stand by Rean's side..".

Lady Phenex softly smiled at her daughter "but you already know Rean well enough, I'm sure you will be able to befriend him and help him in anyway you can, plus take this as an opportunity to learn and grow strong Ravel".

Ravel looked down and grabbed hold of her skirt, she then began to grab it tightly "but what if he doesn't want anything to do with me? what if he hates me...".

Lady Phenex giggled a bit and then grabbed hold of her daughter's chin and pushed it up "Ravel, you yourself has said that Rean is a good person and we all have seen it, as long as you earnestly approach him I'm sure he'll accept you plus you can help him manage that wonderful sweet shop of his, you heard what he has planned with those creature of his right? a farm requires a lot of work and management, I'm sure you will be useful to him".

Ravel stared at her mother's eyes and tear up a bit knowing that her mother believes in her, Lady Phenex then grinned "plus if you play your cards right, you might land yourself a place on his harem, doesn't that sound enticing fufufu".

Ravel gaped at her mother while blushing brightly "mother!?".

Yuuto Kiba was in a bad mood today, the same as yesterday and the day before and the reason for this was the fact that Rean has possession of a holy sword an Excalibur if he heard that attack right.

This simple fact had made his loses against him sting even more than before and that had made Kiba very upset lately, after all if he can't even touch Rean then how is he supposed to destroy the rest Excalibur blades.

Rean has a holy blade but he had deemed him unworthy of using it against him which further increased his aggravation towards Rean.

Though now that he was forbidden to even approach Rean much less ask about his holy sword had made thing worse, now all he could do was glare at Rean from a distance unable to do anything about his anger, especially since he was aware of how easily Rean can kill him.

Sona was standing in front of a window and watched Rean spend his lunch with YunYun, Asia and her sister, as always there was always at least one of these Pokemon around them.

She seriously didn't like the fact that these creatures had taken over her school and the town but what hurt and frustrated her the most was the fact that she couldn't do anything about it.

The creatures were very popular in the school and town and pretty much everyone living in kuoh had accepted and adapted to their presence.

Though she herself thought some of them looked very cute but still, the way they interrupt and disturbed classes really pisses her off.

But the worst thing is that her sister herself loves and cares about these creatures a lot as shown in her last Magical Girl Levia movie where the silver dragon like creature made its debut becoming a fast favorite among even the devils.

Now these creatures make constant appearances in her sister shows making them untouchable, after all she had been warned by both her parents and sister to leave the creatures alone, not that she would ever do anything to provoke Rean after having wached his fight against Sirzechs.

Still it did hurt that she was evidently not trusted, her parents and sister had never so strongly warned her off about something before and deep down she misses the days in which Serafall would spoil her and grant her every request she made "... I guess what they say about missing something once its gone is true...".

Sona sighed and then turned away from the window, despite her personal problems she still has Student Council business to a tend too.

The rest of the day went without anything special or pressing going and so the girls went to the shop to help Wiz and Sakuya with the customer rush of students who were getting off school that was about to begin.

I went home to take care of the Pokemon and spend time with Kunou so Serafall can work in peace or rather, so she would stop playing with Kunou and do some work.

It didn't take me long to get home and a soon as I came in I was greeted by both Serafall and Kunou who ran up to me and gave me a big hug which I return, Yuki followed behind her silently as always.

I gave Serafall a hug and a kiss soon after, me and Kunou went to the back yard to feed, care and play with the Pokemon, I also so took advantage and taking care of Shuckle who was done processing more juice.

That's how the rest of my day passed by, in company of my Pokemon and my daughter until it was time for dinner.

Me a Kunou rushed to the house and went to clean up so we could join everyone in the dinner table, as soon as we got there we noticed that everyone was already waiting for us.

I smiled at my girlfriend and gave them all a hello kiss Serafall, YunYun, Wiz, Sakuya, Asia and Yasaka smiled at my show of affection while Kunou went to sit on her spot at the table.

After saying hello to everyone we all then began to eat dinner and talk about our day amongst each other starting with Wiz who was very happy with how the shop was doing "we been getting more customers now and the sweets and pastries sell very well! plus your Pokemon Plushies have been very popular Rean but I think we have Serafall to thank for that!".

Serafall blushed and smiled, YunYun spoke up next "Yes! your movie with Lugia was a hit Sera! and that has made the Plushies a hot item, in school everyone has at least one".

I smiled at the excitement in which the girls spoke about that shop, while Sakuya spoke next "I think if we made small Pokemon Plushies Keychains and Phone Straps we could sell even more".

The girls nodded liking the idea, meanwhile I hummed as I thought of a way to accomplish this, Yasaka the spoke up "the Pokemon have become very Popular in Kyoto as well and lately some of the Pokemon have been seen roaming around Kyoto too".

I turn my head towards Yasaka and rose an eyebrow "I didn't know that but it's not surprising Kyoto looks very similar to a town in their homeworld so some of them must be drawn to it, I hope they're not causing any trouble".

Yasaka smiled and shook her head "not at all, most have been seen just walking around or interacting with the Yokai, the Yokai themselves also like having them around too, they do remember that the Pokemon fought to save them after all, though Ho-oh and Lugia have been roosting on top of some of the shrines, luckly they're very careful".

I nodded and then chuckle "ah, I think both Lugia and Ho-oh really like Kyoto, back in their world they used to have these very tall towers where they could roost in a town in the region known as Johto, the people of that region built those towers for them and in return both Lugia and Ho-oh granted that town their blessings".

Yasaka looked up lost in thought while humming while Asia spoke up "by the way the Moomoo Milk and Berry Juice are selling very well as well and many like buying them before going to work or school, though since it's a limited produce some don't get to buy any".

Wiz frowned "there's nothing we can do about that though, Shuckle and Miltank can only produce so much a day and Rean told us that Pokemon Tokens are rare so he can't just summoned as many as he wants".

I smiled at Wiz and then spoke up "I actually have an idea about that girls but I wanted to speak about it with all of you first".

All the girls turned their head towards me and gave me all of their attention "Astraea told me that Pokemon Tokens become more common in other worlds as shown when I was in YunYun's and Wiz's world so what I was thinking is that we should all go to a vacation to another world, what do you girls say? are you guys up for some adventure?".

All the girls stood up from their seat and seemed very excited, YunYun ran up to me and sat on my lap "yes! it's been a while since we done some adventuring! school is fun and I love all the friends I made but I will always be an adventurer in my heart".

I chuckled and hugged YunYun while turning my head towards the girls "alright since everyone seems to be on board, this is what we're going to do, first we're going to grind for money and items, we always have to be prepared plus we also have to level up the new Pokemon so they can catch up to the rest".

Everyone nodded and Asia spoke up next "we should stock up on magical medicine and Synthesis materials as well, just in case".

I nodded at our family medic, Yasaka then spoke up "oh~ it's been so long since I went on vacation! or on an adventure! I can't wait, are you excited Kunou?".

Kunou Excitedly nodded and cheered "yes! I can't wait to go to another world! with my moms and dad!".

I smiled at my daughter "this is the perfect opportunity to also train you Kunou so I hope your looking forward to that".

Kunou fist pumped letting me know that yes she was ready to train she then tightly hugged Yuki in celebration surprising the poor Alolan Ninetails into sputtering out some snow which made everyone laughed a little at her dismay.

Serafall then turned to me and smile "when are you planning on leaving?".

I smiled back at Serafall "in a couple of days, so I'll be very busy preparing".

Serafall nodded and then excitedly grinned "I can't wait! I didn't get to go with you the first time you world jumped but this time I'll be there for you".

I chuckled at her and hugged YunYun tightly who was still on my lap "it's going to be fun, now here's how I plan to do this, I'll World Jump by myself first to make sure I land somewhere safe then once I find I place to stay or a base I'll summon you guys to the world, this way there will be no risk for you guys, especially for Asia and Kunou, sound good?".

The girls nodded and then began to excitedly speak amongst themselves about what they might just encounter in another world while I happily listen to them glad that they're happy.

A two days layer Issei was back in school and the first thing he did is thank me for helping Rias, I just raised an eyebrow at him and told him that I never planned to help Rias, that I went to the Underworld with the sole purpose of beating the shit out Sirzechs.

Issei just shrugged and said that even if I didn't intend to help Rias in the first place my actions still ended up setting her free, Ddraig did congratulated me on showing dominance against a powerful adversary.

Apparently he was very proud of me though Issei had no clue as to why and Ddraig refused to explain but I was thankful for the praise from a fellow Heavenly Dragon.

After that the next few days went by without anything new happening, the only thing me and the girls were doing is grinding for money, experience points and items to prepare for the trip.

Plus I also began to grind some of my skill since my fight with Sirzechs showed me that I still have to be careful with them, I don't want to accidentally destroy something or hurt someone.

Speaking of skills, Excalibur also informed me that her Noble Phantasm was still evolving, the fact that it was already so powerful while being incomplete made me even more excited about it, honestly I can't wait to see it once it evolves into its highest form.

Though she did tell me that she didn't know what the requirements of evolving it are, in any case both of us were excited about it.

I continued to train my Pokemon as well especially the low level ones so they could catch up to the rest, Groudon, Kyogre and Xerneas seemed to have a lot of fun causing untold of amounts of destruction in the Instant Dungeons though but that was fine, that's what the Dungeons are for anyways.

They certainly seemed to have a lot of fun training, I also bought a bunch of new TMs and healing items for my Pokemon just in case, always be prepared I always say.

The girls also decided to grind and master a few new skills I have given them recently, Kunou as well began to train since she wanted to be able to defend herself.

I gave her all the Skills and Perks I have given the rest of the girls and she immediately went with Yuki and the rest of the Pokemon to learn everything she could from them.

Now all the Pokemon were busy training the little Kitsune how to do Pokemon moves and surprisingly enough Kunou was learning and managing to adapt to them quite well.

Of course Yasaka and I also taught her a few new things, this was also how I picked up Senjutsu, the DxD version that is, since Yasaka began to teach Kunou how to use it.

This version of Senjutsu increase the power and control of Ki and Aura it also allows me to do internal damage with my physical attacks allowing me to cause damage to the soul and life force of my targets.

This version also has incredible healing capabilities allowing me to even heal damage to the spirit and life force which is incredible useful, it can also get rid of curses and poison quite easily, this combined with some of my other Ki and Aura type skills would increase their power by a wide margin.

Obtaining Senjutsu also unlocked the Perk Touki, this perk passively enhances Strength, Speed and Endurance as long as Senjutsu is activated, this is another skill that I will give to the girls in the future, it's very useful not to.

I also plan to give it to the girls once I master it but for now I'm going to grind it for a while in order to better make use of it.

We spent a total of four days preparing for the World Jump making sure we had everything we might need and soon the day where it was time to go to our next adventure came.

It was Thursday night and almost everyone had gathered in the living room and sat around while we waited for Yasaka and Serafall to be done with their work day.

Kunou was sitting besides Yuki using her as a pillow as she was playing with a bit of Fairy Type Energy and making all kinds of shapes while Yuki was supervising her.

YunYun and Asia were talking about their school day while Sakuya and Wiz listened to them with soft smiles on their faces glad that their fellow harem sisters were having a lot of fun in school.

It didn't take long for Serafall and Yasaka to arrive after a hard day of work, Sakuya immediately got up and went to the kitchen to make some tea and bring some pastries for them.

Both Serafall and Yasaka greeted us with smiles as they also took a seat around the living. Sakuya came out of the kitchen and served them tea while handing them some of the pastries she brought.

We waited for them to eat and relax as we told them about our day and they themselves told us some of the things that had happened during their day as well, this was how we usually spend our time together after a hard day of either work or school before we have dinner.

After a while everyone was ready and I stood up, the girls and Kunou immediately looked up at me and gave me their full attention "okay, so we're now as ready as we can be so I'll be World Jumping in a bit, for you guys it will be instantaneous when I summon you but it might be a few weeks for me, I have to make sure that the world I arrive in, is a safe one and I get a place for us to stay".

The girls nodded but I could see that they were excited about the trip, Kunou got up from where she was sitting and walked up to me to give me a hug "hurry and bring us over papa, that way you won't be lonely okay?".

I smiled at my daughter and hugged her "of course. I'll try to bring you guys over as fast as I can".

I then turned over to the girls and gave them a smile as I let go of Kunou who ran over to Yasaka and sat on her lap, YunYun then spoke up "be careful Rean and make sure you have some fun".

Asia nodded in agreement to YunYun's words, Wiz then spoke up "make sure to make some friends as well Rean".

I smiled at them and then turned towards Serafall who brightly smiled and said "have some adventures! but make sure to leave some for us okay?".

I chuckle while Yasaka giggled and then said "I can wait for you to show me around this new world Rean, do take care okay?".

I nodded at Yasaka and then opened the system's main menu to select the World Jump function "alright then I'll get going, I love you guys and I'll see you all in a while".

The girls blushed and Kunou cheered making me chuckled *Astraea! begin the World Jump!*.

[Right! let go and have some fun Rean!.

Initiating World jump!.

Randomly selecting world!...

World chosen!...

Preparing for World jump in 1... 2... 3!..]

Reality cracked like glass before me and the last thing I saw before I left my world was everyone smiling and waving at me.

The first thing I saw when reality fixed itself was a cavern like wall, I looked around and confirmed that I was in fact inside of a cave like structure, I took a few steps and suddenly the walls around me began to spawn a few Goblins who drop to the ground and began to get up.

I raised an eyebrow because all of this seemed very familiar for some reason but I couldn't quite remember "hmm... let's walk around and see what we find".

I began to walk while the Goblins pounce on me trying to slash at me with their claws, I just caught them with Psychic and crushed them as I continued to walk.

This continued to go on for some time, during my walk I found I few stairs going down so I took them since I grew curious about this place, something about all of this was just too familiar and it was starting to bother me a bit since I couldn't remember.

After sometime and going down for a few more floors I suddenly heard a scream and a roar of some kind of monster, I immediately used my Aura Sense to map out the the floor with the Mini Map.

The mini Map instantly registered all the monsters and the Ally Unit that was running away from a big Enemy Unit, so I took off running towards them.

That's when I saw the big ass Minotaur chasing a very familiar white haired and red eye teen who was running at full speed *that's... Bell! holy shit I'm in Danmachi! hahaha this will be fun!".

I followed closely to make sure Bell was safe since I don't know if this world would deviate from canon or not but then I caught glimpse of a yellow blur letting me know that Ais Wallenstein was already on the way.

So I stayed behind and watched as Ais saved Bell from getting murdered by the Minotaur, then Bell stared at Ais for a while while being covered in blood until she tried to approach him to see if he was okay only for Bell to then take off running screaming.

I chuckled because it looked funny watching him get flustered to the point to running away like that, I then shrugged and turned to leave but then the Dungeon began trembled and the walls began to ominously glow.

I looked around in a bit of concern until a whole bunch of roars began to resound all over the place *what in the world?*.

[Rean! this place is reacting to your presence! I'm hiding your energy signature but it was still able to sense something from you! look at the Mini Map!.]

I immediately did so and then raised and eyebrow when I saw a bunch of big Enemy Units come out of from the stairs leading to a lower floor *what the? that's a lot of monsters... I take it that the Dungeon doesn't like me in here right?*.

[It's afraid Rean! it thinks your here to destroy it and well its not wrong, your certainly powerful enough to blast it off the face of this world, right now it empowered some monsters from the lower floors and all of them are heading your way!.]

The trembling stopped and I then saw Ais frowned and took off in running in high-speed towards where the stairs to the lower floors is *hmm might as well see whats going I wouldn't want anyone to die because I scared the Dungeon*.

I then disappeared in a blur as I headed over the big monster party that was gathering, to my surprise I received a Quest notification making me grin.

[New Quest received!.

Welcome to the world of Danmachi!.

Your presence in this world is already causing a wave and as such the Dungeon is feeling threatened and for a good reason! you are a Heavenly Dragon a being never seen before in this world.

So the Dungeon empowered and evolved a herd of Minotaurs that were in the lower floors fighting a certain group of people and now they're heading your way while this group of people are trying to stop them from escaping from the Dungeon!.

Go help them and kill all the Minotaurs.

Objective 1: Kill as Many Minotaurs as you can!.

Objective 2: Make sure none of the people fighting the Minotaurs die.

Reward 1: For every three Minotaurs you get a Pokemon Token!.

Reward 2: Perk Harem (Disgaea series).]

I suddenly stopped and stared at the Quest Notification in silence, until I suddenly snapped my fingers and stopped time, then I clicked on that perk to get its info.

[Perk: Harem (Disgaea Series).

This Perk increases stats by five percent per girl in your harem.]

*... Astraea? explain...*.

[... I-I don't know what to tell you Rean... all Rewards are random, I swear I have nothing to do with this!.]

I stared at the Perk information in silence for a whole until I then close it and tiredly sighed *we're never telling anyone about this Perk!*.


I could feel Excalibur giggle withing my soul making me sweatdrop, I don't know if I'm lucky or something because that was both a very useful and embarrassing perk.

With that done I restarted the time flow and continued onwards towards where the Minotaurs have gathered and are more than likely fighting against the Loki Familia who I think are the people the Quest notification is referring too.

Ais Wallenstein arrived back to where she had left her Familia and watched as they were trying to fight off a big number of black colored Minotaurs making her eyes go wide in surprise and worry.

Her friends Lefiya, Tione and Tiona were facing off against a big group and she immediately ran towards them to try and help them however her path was blocked by one of the black Minotaurs and she was forced to try and block its punch with her sword.

She was sent flying a bit by the punch but she then twirled in the air and landed on her feet, suddenly one her oldest friends and the person who practically raised her landed besides her and spoke up to her "Ais? are you okay? did you get the one that got away?".

Ais nodded at Riveria while looking around making sure they Minotaurs wouldn't take them by surprise while they spoke "... yes I got it before it could hurt a new adventurer... but what happened?".

Riveria frowned and then spoke "we don't know... the Dungeon suddenly trembled and the Minotaurs transformed into black monsters tch! we should have killed them right away instead of letting them run away...".

Ais frowned once again and looked around watching all of her Familia struggle against the big number Minotaurs, these monsters were acting strange too "... they seem desperate... almost as if they're just trying to get past us...".

Riveria nodded "so you noticed too... I don't know why but the Minotaurs don't seem to care about us, rather they seem to be trying to get us out of the way".

And It was true, the Minotaurs were desperately trying to get past the Loki Familia who were struggling to keep them back but their sheer number was causing the Loki Familia to have a hard time keeping them away from the stairs leading to the upper floors.

Suddenly the Minotaurs stopped moving and all of them turned to look towards the stairs causing everyone in the Loki Familia to turn to look as well.

Suddenly a blur came down the stairs at such a high-speed that it caught everyone by surprise, then a young man stopped right in front of a Minotaur and yell out "Beast!".

The young man punched the Minotaur so hard that it actually released a shocked wave that made everyone cover the faces, his punch then suddenly ignited with some kind of purple energy that took the form of a roaring lion's head which made the Minotaur explode splattering blood everywhere.

Every member of the Loki Familia and the Minotaurs themselves stared at Rean with wide eyes full of shock, while Rean himself just grinned towards the rest of the Minotaurs causing them to actually take a step back in fear.

Rean has arrived in the world of Danmachi and he has already started to make waves, what else awaits the Heavenly Dragon next?.