
The Gaurdian

Thrown into a situation he would have never expected, Marcus must find his way in this New World. A world completely different to his own. Follow him as he blazes his own path, and discovers the reason behind his journey.

Mungknut · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Dinner and a Show

Sylvia was sitting at a very long table, food of all kinds was spread out before her. There was orc, beef, a roasted lamb, many gravies and vegetables as well. On the other side of the table were cakes and pastries. Even a chocolate fountain was erupting with molten chocolate. Servants were standing at the ready, prepared to serve whatever she desired. Marcus was standing off to the side, not too far from where Sylvia was sitting.

Lord Renar was sitting across from her, his two sons, Ronald and Riley, were flanking him. Ronald was the youngest at twelve, Riley just turned eighteen, making him the heir apparent. Lord Renar was a plain looking man, not too attractive, but not ugly either. His sons on the other hand, were very hard to look at. Ronald still had the cuteness that came with childhood, and he may still grow into a handsome man, but Riley had long past that mark. He boasted acne that scared his face along with a lazy eye.

Marcus tried his best not to stare, picking a point on Sylvia's back and not taking his gaze off of it. He was standing still as he silently listened to their conversation.

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence. I know it was short noticed, but when I had heard that Lord Bishore's daughter was in my town, I just had to show you the utmost hospitality." Lord Renar said, slightly bowing his head.

Silvia put on her fake smile. "It's my pleasure. I'm sorry that we did not give proper notice of our arrival, we are just passing through."

She was really hoping to avoid anything like this. Things like this made her not want to be a noble, all the brown nosing and platitudes, she had enough of it. That was one of the main reasons for her trip, so she could not worry about all of that and just enjoy nature and the outdoors. Alas, she had to keep her father's reputation unblemished, so she had to put up with it for now.

"Oh no, I understand, it's not a problem. You must be on a very important trip. Where is your destination if I may be so intrusive?"

"Rosevalley is our final stop, I'm going for a personal reason." Sylvia politely stated, not wanting to give too much information out.

"Have you ever visited before? It is a beautiful city, although it is very close to the Frontier, the views are just breathtaking." Lord Renar appraised.

"No, I haven't. This will be my first visit."

"Well, if you need a guide, I'm sure Riley would be more than pleased to escort you." Lord Renar said without missing a beat.

Sylvia nearly choked on her wine when she heard what he said. She tried to stifle a cough, but her face just turned red as her lungs tried to clear the wine. Marcus was taken aback as well. He silently chuckled to himself, he wondered how Sylvie would get herself out of this one. Finally, after a moment, Sylvia managed to gather herself. Wiping her mouth she replied to Lord Renar.

"Excuse me for my manners." She said while taking a deep breath.

"I do appreciate the offer, but I couldn't bear to trouble the young master with the lowly job of being my escort."

"It would be no trouble at all!" Riley blurted out, small pieces of food returning to this plate.

Sylvia was in between a rock and a hard place, she couldn't outright tell him no, nor did she want to be stuck with him. She wasn't stupid, she knew that Lord Renar was just trying to pair them off, hoping something would come from it. Sylvia had no such desire whatsoever. She didn't know what to do, she looked over to Marcus, hoping for some kind of support. Marcus looked back to her and just sighed, he didn't want to be involved in this.

"If you would forgive my imprudence, but as Lady Sylvia's personal guard, I cannot guarantee the young master's safety. I am bound to her, not the young master." Marcus said humbly, giving a low bow.

"That is not trouble at all, I will send a few of my own men with my son to protect him. I have some business in Rosevalley as it is, I can just send Riley in my stead. He can show you around while he takes care of my matters." Lord Renar said, almost a triumphant look on his face.

Riley perked up as well, he really hadn't taken his eyes off of Sylvia the whole night. He was more than a little excited about the prospects of spending time with such a beautiful woman. Ronald was ignoring the whole ordeal, more concerned about the small cake that was adorning his plate.

Syliva was starting to sweat a little, she was running out of excuses. "We suffered an attack from a forest bear earlier. We lost several of our horses, I'm afraid that we're already stretched for space as it is."

What she said wasn't a lie, the three guards that had their horses killed were taking turns riding on and in the carriage. Though they were planning on purchasing more horses while in Rockwell, they didn't need to know that.

"Once again, that is a non-issue. I will supply Riley with his own carriage. There's no need to worry about adequate space." Lord Renar waved his hand dismissively.

Marcus could see Sylvia tremble a little, he didn't know if from rage or frustration, probably both. Riley had a grin on his face so wide it looked like it would hurt. Syliva plastered on a smile, her face a little pale.

"It looks like I will be in your care then." Sylvia said, her voice cracking towards the end.

"You will have nothing to fear with me around!" Riley declared, hitting his thin chest with his fist.

Syliva squeaked out a chuckle, then started to pick at her food. Her appetite seemed to have disappeared, she didn't even want to taste the cakes that Ronald seemed so engrossed in. They continued to make small talk until evening time, then Lord Renar supplied a carriage to take Sylvia and Marcus back to their inn.


"You could have just said no." Marcus said to Sylvia, hunched over in the small carriage.

"I could have, but reputation is everything to my father. I don't know how influential Lord Renar is, it's better to just humor him." Sylvia said, letting out a defeated sigh.

Their carriage arrived at the inn, Marcus got out first, looked around then helped Sylvia down. They thanked the driver, then went inside ready to call it a night. Marcus saw her to her room, then went to his own that he was sharing with four other guards. They would spend one more day in Rockwell, then would meet up with Riley and his guards the next morning. There was nothing really planned for the next day, other than stocking up on supplies and buying more horses.

Marcus laid down on the too small, cheap bed. His feet were sticking out, hanging in the air. He finally had some time to think, he was worried about Clair and Sif, but there was no way for him to communicate with them to find out if anything happened. The only consolation was that Sif hadn't returned, he took that as Clair was still alive, that was the only reason Sif would stay would be to stay at her side. Thinking this, Marcus drifted off to sleep.


"Sir Gibson says it may take several weeks of treatment to completely heal her lungs." A thin man had his head lowered, explaining the situation to Sir Allister.

"That long? She very nearly died, didn't she?" Sir Allester said, with hardly any emotion in his voice. He really didn't care about Clair at all, he just wanted her skill as an apothecary. As long as she could make him money, that's all he really cared about.

The thin man, who's name was Len, didn't say anything to Sir Allister's comment. He just continued with his report.

"Sir Gibson is charging one gold coin per treatment, two treatments per day will come out to an estimated forty-eight gold coins."

Sir Allister started to rub his temples, this whole debacle was costing him more and more money. Any more and it wouldn't be worth all the trouble. As long as Clair would heal up, then start working for him to repay the debt, he would make a sizable sum. He really could make up any number he pleased that she would have to repay. Thinking this made him feel slightly better, he nodded at Len for him to continue.

"The final thing is the beast that came with Miss Clairissa, what shall we do with it?" Len asked, finally looking up at Sir Allister.

"Just leave it be. It hasn't caused any trouble so there's no reason to cause any, especially with Clair being ill. When she starts recovering is when we'll get rid of it."

"Should we feed it?"

"No, just ignore it, as long as it causes no trouble, but if it does don't hesitate to kill it."

"Yes sir." Len said, bowing deeper then leaving the room.


It was another beautiful day in the city of Rockwell, the birds were chirping and the children were running in the streets, playing tag. Marcus was currently following Sylvia, along with two other guards and Kelly. Torbin was wearing a thick leather collar with a blue gemstone embedded in the front. The gemstone cost extra, but it was worth the price, according to Sylvia. She said it made Torbin look extra cute, it did contrast nicely with his green fur Marcus thought.

Sylvia had a hold of Torbin's leash as they walked, he quickly learned not to pull on the leash as it was made to choke him if he did. Torbin gathered many stares as they walked, some children even asked if they could pet him, of course Sylvia let them. Torbin seemed to enjoy the attention, letting out contented grunts every time a child would pet him.

They didn't have a destination in mind, just freely exploring the city. They had been walking for about an hour when they came upon a small park, nestled right by a small creek running through the city. There were a few trees, all about thirty feet high, the leaves still thick and green, giving plenty of shade. The grass was well maintained, and flowers were planted in a way that was pleasing to the eye.

Sylvia was the first to speak, suggesting they have a picnic. She quickly gave orders for Kelly and the two guards to go and get some food for everyone, then they would enjoy their meal in the enjoyable atmosphere of the park. There weren't many people around, only a single couple sitting in the grass watching squirrels run about. Sylvia picked a spot underneath a tree and sat down to play with Torbin as she waited.

Marcus had his warhammer out in front of him, its head was on the ground and he had his hands resting on the handle. His head was on a swivel, he didn't expect anything to happen, but it was always a good idea never to let your guard down. Marcus noticed a group of men, three of them, making their way into the park. They were well dressed, sporting bright colors, a stark contrast to the common people walking down the street.

They seemed to be enjoying the wonderful weather, laughing amongst themselves at a joke Marcus didn't hear. Marcus kept an eye on them as they walked into the park and then stopped, they looked like they were debating something. Marcus had a feeling that he would have to deal with them soon.

"Miss Sylvia, we may have a little trouble soon. Let me know if you want me to get rid of them." Marcus told her.

"Mister Marcus, I said you can just call me Sylvie." Sylvia said with a huff.

"And there shouldn't be a problem." She added, still playing with Torbin.

As Marcus expected, the three men soon made their way over to where he and Sylvia were at. Marcus slung the warhammer over his shoulder, keeping himself between Sylvia and them. The three men seemed to be a little intimidated by Marcus's size, stopping a good ten feet from where he stood. The man who seemed to be the group's leader put on a plastic smile, stepped forward a step and spoke.

"Good day miss, I'm Lenard Musk, the son of Holster Musk. We couldn't help but notice the little bear cub that you are playing with. Is that perhaps a forest bear?" Lenard asked, starting off with small talk.

Sylvia let out a sigh, without even looking up she replied. "Yes it is, his name is Torbin. I'm sorry, but I'm waiting for my companions to return. So if you would be so kind as to leave us be, I would greatly appreciate it."

She could tell that Lenard and his crew were not as high up the social ladder as herself, so she didn't have to be overly polite with them. She was used to the advances of men, most of the time once you showed no desire to speak with them they would get the hint and leave, but there were always exceptions.

Lenard's eye twitched slightly, he could tell that this girl was upper class, but he was the son of the city's wealthiest merchant. No woman would refuse him, and he was used to getting what he wanted. If it wasn't for the monster of a man standing in front of him, he would have already dragged this woman off to some remote corner of the park. He'd done it before, his father always covered for him, so he had no reason not to do it again.

Marcus could read Lenard's body language, he gripped his warhammer tightly, bringing it off his shoulders and getting ready to use it. Lenard noticed his actions, taking a step back, his face contorted to a grimace. The two behind him were nothing but his lackeys, they were not worth much in a fight. Lenard didn't think it would come to that if he pressed his luck, most people were afraid of his father's influence, they wouldn't really want to earn his ire.

"There's no need to be so prude. Why don't you come with us, we can show you a very good time." Lenard said, a lecherous grin on his face. He then turned to Marcus. "I'll pay you double what you are making right now to just look the other way, surely some merchant's daughter isn't worth that much, right?"

Marcus was actually taken aback, he had never seen such a large piece of shit in his life. To have the audacity to behave this way was just mind blowing to him. He must have never been told no once in his life. This is what happens when you fail to discipline your child. Marcus shook his head, then looked Lenard right in his greasy eyes.

"Leave now, before you can't."

Sylvia was as shocked as Marcus was, she had never been spoken to in such a manner. She was a proper lady, she was always shown her due respect. She was sick to her stomach at the thought that the men in front of her were thinking of her in such a way. She was at a loss for words, her mind just blanked as she tried to process everything.

"Is that a threat?! Do you even know who my father is? Or are you just some dumb muscle hired to protect that precious flower?" Lenard was enraged to have someone threaten him that way.

He was sheltered in his own way, always getting what he wanted. Ever since he was little his father bought him whatever he desired. Once he hit puberty, his desires took a wicked turn, soon he was raping his way across the town. His father was always there to pay out bribes and silence anyone who wouldn't take the money. Everyone in town knew about it, but was just too afraid or just complicit.

Lenard took a step forward, red in the face and with a sharp look in his eyes, he was testing what Marcus would do. Marcus didn't move a muscle, just calmly watching Lenard with his warhammer in his hands. He was pissed as well, whenever anyone would insult his intelligence would instantly send him over the edge. But he couldn't just kill them outright, they still hadn't done anything to justify it. Just talking vulgar words wasn't enough.

Lenard waited a moment, thinking of what to do next. He looked over to the woman still sitting on the ground. Her blonde hair glistened in the sunlight that made it through the leaves. Her skin was pale and flawless, he was very curious if it was that way on the rest of her body. Her bust was modest, but with her size, made them appear much bigger. His urges took over the thinking part of his mind.

Thinking that Marcus's lack of movement meant that he was hesitant to do anything to him, Lenard took the chance to just grab the woman by the arm and drag her off somewhere. He looked back at his lackeys and nodded, conveying what he was thinking with his eyes. He turned back, then started taking quick steps towards Sylvia.

Marcus reacted rapidly, he didn't swing his warhammer, he just grabbed Lenard by the neck then lifted him up off the ground. Lenard's feet were kicking air as his face turned purple. He had his hands trying to pry Marcus's fingers off his neck, but found that he couldn't budge them. They were on him like a bear trap, digging into the soft flesh. Lenard's lackeys stopped in their tracks, not knowing what to do.

Marcus was waiting for Sylvia to snap out of her stupor. He had no problem killing all three of them, now that they dared to make a move, but didn't want to cause too much trouble for her. If she didn't say something soon though, he would make the decision for her and kill them.

The two other men finally decided to try and help their leader. They were afraid of Marcus, never seeing anyone capable of lifting a fully grown man up in the air like that, but more afraid of Lenard's father. They knew for sure that he wouldn't hesitate to kill them if they decided to leave his son behind in such a precarious situation. The both lunged towards Marcus, one was aiming right below his waist, trying to cripple him with a kick to his groin.

Their movements were slow, like they were moving in molasses. Now that Marcus's body was improved so much by absorbing magical power, his senses were heightened as well. He could clearly see everything that was going on, every move of the two men's muscles was telegraphed to Marcus. It was almost like he could tell which direction they would move before they actually had. Of course it wasn't too difficult a task anyway, being that they were just rich kids with no actual battle experience.

While still holding Lenard in the air, Marcus swung his body into his two friends. Using Lenard as a club, Marcus could feel something snap in his hand. Apparently Lenard's neck couldn't withstand the strain, it snapped as his body was pummeled into his two friends. Lenard was dead on impact, his neck bent at a weird angle, his lifeless body fell to the ground. His two friends were knocked to the ground along with him

They only received minor injuries, the first to get hit got a broken arm from using it to guard himself from Lenard's body. The second just a few sprains from the weight of the body hitting him and his subsequent fall. They stumbled over each other, trying to get up, as they realized that Lenard had been killed. Their eyes widened in horror when they saw the way his neck was bent, and his eyes were rolled into the back of his head.

Marcus took a few steps forward and was about to finish off the other two when he heard Sylvia speak from behind him.

"Mister Marcus! That's enough!" She shouted out.

Marcus stopped what he was doing, took a step back and took up a defensive posture in front of Sylvia. He didn't even look back at her, always keeping his eyes trained on the two miscreants in front of him. The two men finally made it to their feet, one clutching his broken arm, and took off running out of the park. They were surely going to get the city guards, Marcus was about to have a headache, he could feel it.

Once they were out of eyeshot, Marcus turned to look at Sylvia. She was standing with a gaunt look on her face, even her lips were pale. She almost had a green tint to her face, she looked to be almost sick to her stomach. Marcus went over to her, blocking her view of Lenard's corpse.

"I'm sorry Miss Sylvia, I had to act quickly. I can't let anything happen to you." He said, concern clear in his voice.

"I..It's…..alright. I...understand."

Sylvia felt very lightheaded, and for some reason cold, even though it was still very warm out. Her head started to spin and her chest tightened up. All of a sudden it was very hard for her to catch her breath. She started to hyperventilate, her hands shaking as she turned away and squatted on the ground.

Marcus walked up behind her and started rubbing her back. She was having a panic attack, he just had to be there for her until she got out of it. Some people just couldn't handle things like that. Being accosted by a group of men, then seeing someone die in front of her was Sylvia's limit. Torbin was worriedly nudging Sylvia with his snout, trying to get in her lap. She slowly started to pet him, her breathing starting to slow down.

Sounds of running came from behind Marcus, he turned to see the two guards along with Kelly, hurrying towards them. The two guards had their swords drawn, looking around, while coming to a stop over the dead body. Kelly went to Sylvia right away, taking over Marcus's job of rubbing her back.

"There's no threat left, I took care of everything." Marcus told the two guards.

"Me and Kelly will take Miss Sylvia back to the inn, I'm sure the city guards will be here shortly. Tell them if they want to speak to me or Miss Sylvia, they will have to seek us out."

"Yes sir." The two guards said in unison. Since Marcus was second in charge, he could order the other guards.

Marcus and Kelly then helped Sylvia up, then slowly made their way back to the inn.