
The Gaunt Legacy

Undead_Raptor · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Yami's Concerns

Over the course of the next few days, it became increasingly clear to Yami just how close Vanessa and Gwendolyn were becoming. The two seemed almost inseparable, always seen together either training, chatting, or simply enjoying each other's company. It was heartwarming in many ways, but Yami couldn't shake a growing concern. The bond seemed to have formed almost overnight, and he worried about the implications.

One morning, as the Black Bulls were starting their day, Yami decided it was time to address his concerns. He spotted Vanessa in the common room, sipping her morning coffee and chatting with Charmy. Gwendolyn was nowhere in sight, likely off preparing for the day's training.

Yami approached Vanessa, his usual nonchalant demeanor masking the seriousness of his thoughts. "Vanessa, can I have a word with you?" he asked, his voice gruff but calm.

Vanessa looked up, slightly surprised, but nodded. "Sure, Yami. What's up?"

Yami motioned for her to follow him, and they stepped outside to the quieter courtyard. He leaned against the wall, crossing his arms, his expression thoughtful. Vanessa waited patiently, sensing that this was more than just a casual chat.

"Look, Vanessa," Yami began, choosing his words carefully, "I've noticed you and Gwendolyn have been spending a lot of time together lately. And don't get me wrong, it's good to see you both getting along. But it all seems... pretty sudden."

Vanessa nodded slowly, understanding his concern. "Yeah, I get what you're saying. It did happen quickly. But Gwen's been through a lot, and I just... I felt this need to be there for her. She's like a little sister to me now."

Yami sighed, his gaze steady. "I know you mean well. And I'm not doubting your intentions. But you know how things can get complicated in this line of work. Emotional bonds can be both a strength and a weakness."

Vanessa looked down at her coffee, swirling the liquid thoughtfully. "I know, Yami. But Gwen's different. She's got this strength, but she's also carrying a lot of pain. I think she needs someone to be close to her right now, someone she can trust. And I want to be that person for her."

Yami studied Vanessa's face, seeing the determination and care in her eyes. He knew Vanessa had a big heart and a nurturing nature, but he also understood the dangers of becoming too attached. "Just make sure you're both looking out for each other. We've all got our demons, and sometimes they can sneak up on you when you least expect it."

Vanessa smiled softly, appreciating Yami's concern. "Thanks, Yami. I promise, I'll be careful. But I really believe that this bond we're forming is helping Gwen heal. And honestly, it's helping me too."

Yami nodded, satisfied for the moment. "Alright, just keep an eye on things. And if anything feels off, you come to me. We're a family here, and we take care of our own."

Vanessa's smile widened, and she nodded. "I will, Yami. Thanks for looking out for us."

Yami grunted, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "That's what I'm here for."

As they walked back inside, Yami felt a bit more at ease. Vanessa's reassurance and sincerity had eased some of his worries, but he knew he would continue to keep an eye on the situation. The Black Bulls were his family, and he would do whatever it took to protect them.

Back in the common room, Gwendolyn had returned, and Vanessa immediately went to join her. Yami watched them for a moment, seeing the genuine connection and support they offered each other. He took a deep breath, hoping that this bond would indeed be a source of strength for them both.

For now, he would trust in Vanessa's judgment and continue to guide and protect his squad as best he could. The challenges ahead were unpredictable, but Yami knew that together, the Black Bulls could face anything.

Gwendolyn sat in the common room, the dim light of the late hour casting long shadows across the walls. The room was quiet, most of the Black Bulls having retired for the night. Yami, who had been planning to get some much-needed rest after a long day, felt a sudden shift that jolted him awake. His senses, honed from years of battle and leadership, immediately focused on Gwendolyn.

There was something different about her. Even from a distance, Yami could feel the change. It was as if her entire presence had undergone a qualitative transformation. He watched as she sat there, a serene smile slowly spreading across her face, her eyes closed as if she were in deep communion with her inner self.

Yami's curiosity and concern grew. He got up and made his way to the common room, his steps silent and deliberate. As he approached, the air around Gwendolyn seemed to hum with a new kind of energy, one that was both powerful and unsettling.

"Gwen," Yami called out softly, his voice breaking the stillness. "What did you do?"

Gwendolyn opened her eyes slowly, turning to face Yami. Her molten gold eyes seemed to glow with an inner light, and her entire demeanor radiated a newfound strength and tranquility. "Captain Yami," she greeted, her voice calm and steady. "I think I've finally reawakened my mana body."

Yami's eyes widened slightly. The mana body was a state of being that allowed a mage to draw sustenance directly from their mana, significantly reducing their need for food, water, and rest. It was a powerful and rare ability, one that required immense control and mastery over one's magic.

"You managed to do that?" Yami asked, a mix of admiration and concern in his tone. "In such a short time?"

Gwendolyn nodded, her smile growing. "Yes. I've been pushing myself hard, trying to reconnect with the mana that flows through me. Tonight, something just... clicked. I can feel it, Captain. The mana is a part of me now, sustaining me in ways it never did before."

Yami approached her, his keen eyes assessing her condition. He could see the changes—her posture was more relaxed, her breathing steady, and there was a subtle aura of energy around her. "That's impressive, Gwen. But you need to be careful. Pushing yourself too hard can have consequences."

Gwendolyn's expression grew serious, and she nodded. "I understand. I've been having nightmares, and I know I've been overexerting myself. But this... this feels different. Like a new beginning."

Yami studied her for a moment longer before nodding. "Alright. Just make sure to listen to your body. Don't push it too far, even if you feel stronger."

Gwendolyn's smile returned, and she looked up at Yami with gratitude. "Thank you, Captain. Your concern means a lot."

Yami grunted, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Just looking out for my squad. Get some rest, Gwen. Even with a mana body, you need to take it easy sometimes."

Gwendolyn nodded, the glow in her eyes dimming slightly as she relaxed. "I will. Goodnight, Captain."

As Yami left the common room, he felt a mixture of relief and pride. Gwendolyn's progress was remarkable, but he knew the journey ahead would still be challenging. The nightmares she mentioned were troubling, and he resolved to keep a closer watch on her to ensure she didn't push herself too far.

Back in his quarters, Yami lay down, his mind still buzzing with thoughts of Gwendolyn's transformation. The Black Bulls were a unique group, each member bringing their own strengths and struggles. And Gwendolyn, with her newfound power and determination, was proving to be an invaluable addition to their family.

As sleep finally claimed him, Yami felt a sense of calm. Whatever the future held, he knew the Black Bulls would face it together, their bonds growing stronger with each passing day.


Gwendolyn flashed a contented smile as she rose from her seat in the common room. The conversation with Yami had filled her with a renewed sense of purpose and reassurance. Her mana body was reawakened, and she felt a strength within her that was both comforting and exhilarating.

As she made her way to her own room, she couldn't help but reflect on the past few days. The nightmares that had haunted her sleep, the late-night conversations with Vanessa, and the moments of vulnerability and comfort they had shared. Vanessa had become like a sister to her, a bond forged through shared pain and mutual support.

Climbing into her bed, Gwendolyn found it strange to be alone. The warmth and security of Vanessa's presence were absent, and the bed felt colder and more vast. She hugged her pillow, trying to find some semblance of the comfort she had felt in Vanessa's embrace.

She knew she couldn't continue to impose on Vanessa. The older witch had her own life and her own space, and Gwendolyn needed to stand on her own, especially now that she had conquered the fear of her nightmares. She had to prove to herself that she could be strong, that she could face the darkness alone when necessary.

As she lay there, staring at the ceiling, Gwendolyn allowed her thoughts to wander. She was grateful for the relationship she had built with Vanessa, for the sisterly bond that had given her so much strength. But she also wondered how things would evolve with the other members of the Black Bulls.

There was Asta, with his boundless energy and determination. Magna, with his fierce loyalty and fiery spirit. Charmy, who always managed to bring a smile to everyone's face. Finral, with his quiet strength and support. And of course, Yami, whose gruff exterior hid a deep care for his squad.

Gwendolyn felt a warmth spread through her as she thought of each of them. The Black Bulls were more than just a team; they were a family. And she was part of that family now, accepted and valued for who she was.

Sleep finally began to claim her, and she let out a soft sigh, closing her eyes. Her mind drifted to the future, to the challenges and adventures that lay ahead. With her newfound strength and the support of her friends, she felt ready to face anything.

In the quiet of her room, Gwendolyn whispered a silent thank you to the universe for bringing her to this place, to these people. She knew there would still be difficult days, but she also knew she was no longer alone.

As she drifted off to sleep, a peaceful smile remained on her lips. The journey was far from over, but with the Black Bulls by her side, Gwendolyn was confident that she could overcome any obstacle and find joy and fulfillment in the bonds she had formed.

For tonight, she was not just Gwendolyn Grimshaw Gaunt, the mage with a haunted past. She was Gwen, a member of the Black Bulls, a sister, and a friend. And that was more than enough.


The next morning, Gwendolyn was the earliest riser, the first rays of dawn just beginning to filter through the windows of the Black Bulls' headquarters. She sat in the common room, her grimoire open on her lap. The pages, which had become so familiar to her, now held a new and intriguing mystery.

A strange new rune had appeared on the last page of her grimoire. It was labeled "Vale of the World II." The designation as the second iteration puzzled her, implying that there was a first part, and possibly more iterations to follow. It was clear that this new rune was only a piece of a larger spell, rather than a complete one.

Gwendolyn stared at the rune, tracing its intricate lines with her finger. The magic it exuded felt ancient and powerful, different from anything she had encountered before. As she studied it, she felt a faint pulse of recognition. This rune seemed to be related to her ability to apparate, something she had always struggled with due to the chaotic nature of the void she traveled through.

"Vale of the World II," she whispered to herself, trying to understand its purpose. The rune seemed to suggest protection, a barrier against the void's unpredictable currents. If she could figure out how to use it, this piece of the spell might safeguard her during her apparating, making her journeys through space safer and more controlled.

Her mind raced with possibilities. Could there be more parts of this spell hidden within her grimoire, waiting to be discovered? And if so, what kind of power would they unlock when combined? The idea filled her with a mix of excitement and determination. She knew she had to delve deeper into her grimoire, to explore and understand the magic it held.

As she sat there, lost in thought, the house began to stir. She heard the familiar sounds of her comrades waking up, their voices gradually filling the space with the comfortable noise of morning routines. Yet, she remained focused on the rune, contemplating its implications.

Gwendolyn was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't notice Vanessa approaching until she was right beside her. "Good morning, Gwen," Vanessa said softly, a cup of coffee in her hand. "You're up early."

Gwendolyn looked up, smiling at her friend. "Morning, Vanessa. Yeah, I couldn't sleep much. I found something interesting in my grimoire."

Vanessa took a seat next to her, curious. "Really? What is it?"

Gwendolyn showed her the rune. "It's called 'Vale of the World II.' It seems to be a part of a spell, maybe one that can protect me from the void while apparating. But I think there might be more parts to it."

Vanessa studied the rune, her eyes widening slightly. "That's fascinating. If you can piece it together, it could be incredibly useful. Have you tried using it yet?"

Gwendolyn shook her head. "Not yet. I need to understand it better first. But I'm hopeful. This could be a breakthrough."

Vanessa smiled, her admiration for Gwendolyn's determination clear. "You've got this, Gwen. Just take your time and be careful."

Gwendolyn nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude for Vanessa's support. "Thanks, Vanessa. I will."

The two sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the weight of the discovery settling in. Gwendolyn felt a renewed sense of purpose. The journey to unlock the secrets of her grimoire was just beginning, and she was ready to face whatever challenges it brought.

As the rest of the Black Bulls joined them in the common room, Gwendolyn closed her grimoire, her mind already planning the next steps. She knew that with her friends by her side, she could unravel the mysteries of the runes and harness their power.