
The Gaunt Legacy

Undead_Raptor · Fantasy
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93 Chs

First Day

Gwendolyn awoke before dawn, the castle still shrouded in darkness. The quiet was almost tangible, broken only by the soft rustling of her bed curtains as she pushed them aside. She quickly dressed, eager to begin her first full day at Hogwarts. The other students were still asleep, their breaths even and quiet in the dimly lit dormitory.

She began her morning stretches, a routine that had become second nature to her. The familiar motions helped to calm her mind and prepare her body for the day ahead. She felt the satisfying pull of her muscles and the steady rhythm of her breathing, grounding her in the present moment.

After finishing her stretches, Gwendolyn decided to explore the castle. The excitement of the previous night had left her eager to see more of her new home. She moved quietly through the Slytherin common room, careful not to wake anyone, and slipped out into the dungeon corridors.

The castle was a labyrinth of stone walls, winding staircases, and hidden passageways. Gwendolyn walked slowly at first, her footsteps echoing softly in the empty halls. She marveled at the ancient architecture, the suits of armor standing sentinel, and the portraits that whispered amongst themselves as she passed.

Lost in thought, she turned a corner and collided with something solid. She stumbled back, looking up to see a tall, dark figure glaring down at her. It was Professor Snape, his black robes billowing around him like shadows.

"Watch where you're going," he snapped, his voice sharp and cold.

Gwendolyn's heart raced, but she quickly regained her composure. "I'm sorry, Professor," she said, her voice steady despite her nerves. "I was just exploring the castle."

Snape's eyes narrowed as he studied her. "You're one of the new first years," he said, more a statement than a question.

"Yes, sir. Gwendolyn Grimshaw," she replied, meeting his gaze.

Snape's expression remained unreadable. "Out exploring so early, are we? It's not wise to wander the castle alone, especially when you don't know your way around."

Gwendolyn nodded. "I understand, Professor. I just wanted to see more of Hogwarts."

There was a brief silence as Snape continued to scrutinize her. Then, with a curt nod, he stepped aside. "Be mindful of where you go. There are places in this castle that are not safe, especially for someone so new."

"Thank you, Professor," Gwendolyn said, her voice respectful.

Snape turned and began to walk away, but then he paused and looked back at her. "Grimshaw, you say? Raised by Ollivander?"

"Yes, sir," she confirmed.

Snape's eyes narrowed further, a flicker of curiosity and suspicion in his gaze. "Interesting. Very well, Miss Grimshaw. Off you go, and remember what I said."

Gwendolyn nodded and continued her exploration, feeling a mixture of relief and curiosity about the enigmatic potions master. She wandered through the halls, her mind racing with thoughts of her encounter. Snape's reaction had been less severe than she had expected, but his words left her with a sense of caution.

As she roamed the castle, she found herself in the Great Hall. It was empty and silent, the long tables awaiting the arrival of students for breakfast. She took a moment to admire the enchanted ceiling, still dark with the remnants of the night sky.

Gwendolyn continued her walk, discovering more of the castle's secrets. She found hidden alcoves, ancient tapestries, and winding staircases that led to unexpected places. Each discovery filled her with a sense of wonder and excitement.

By the time she returned to the Slytherin common room, the castle was beginning to wake. The other students were stirring, and the air was filled with the sounds of morning routines. Gwendolyn felt a sense of accomplishment and anticipation for the day ahead. She had already experienced a glimpse of the magic and mystery that Hogwarts had to offer, and she was eager to learn and explore even more.

After her early morning exploration, Gwendolyn returned to her room, quickly freshened up, and headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. The hall was now bustling with activity, students chatting excitedly as they filled the long tables. The enchanted ceiling had transformed to reflect the bright morning sky, dotted with fluffy clouds.

Gwendolyn took a seat at the Slytherin table, feeling a mixture of excitement and curiosity. She reached for a plate and began helping herself to the array of breakfast foods: eggs, bacon, toast, and fresh fruit. As she ate, she glanced around at her new housemates, observing their interactions and conversations. She preferred to remain slightly apart, analyzing and thinking about what made each person tick.

"Good morning, Gwendolyn," a voice said, drawing her attention. She looked up to see a boy with pale blond hair and a confident demeanor standing beside her. "I'm Draco Malfoy."

"Good morning," Gwendolyn replied, her tone polite but distant. "Nice to meet you."

Draco took a seat across from her, his gray eyes studying her with interest. "I heard you were raised by Ollivander. That's quite unusual."

Gwendolyn nodded, taking a sip of pumpkin juice. "Yes, it is. He found me as a baby and took me in. I've been living with him in Diagon Alley ever since."

Draco's eyes widened slightly. "Diagon Alley, you say? That must have been interesting. Did you get to see a lot of wand-making?"

"Yes, I did," Gwendolyn replied with a small, enigmatic smile. "Ollivander taught me a lot about wands and magic."

Draco leaned in, clearly intrigued. "You must have some fascinating stories. We'll have to talk more about it later."

At that moment, a stack of parchment appeared in front of each student, signaling the arrival of their schedules. Gwendolyn picked up hers, eager to see what her first week at Hogwarts would entail. She scanned the list of classes, noting the familiar subjects: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Herbology, Defense Against the Dark Arts, and History of Magic.

"Looks like we have the weekend to ourselves," Draco said, glancing at his schedule. "No classes today."

Gwendolyn felt a sense of relief. The extra time would allow her to settle in and explore more of the castle without the immediate pressure of classes. "That's good to know. There's so much to see and learn here."

"Indeed," Draco agreed, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Would you like to join me and my friends later? We're planning to explore a bit."

Gwendolyn hesitated for a moment, her mind racing with possibilities. She was naturally cautious, preferring to observe before engaging. But the idea of exploring with Draco and his friends intrigued her. "Sure, that sounds like fun."

"Great," Draco said, standing up. "I'll introduce you to Crabbe and Goyle. They're a bit dense, but they're loyal. And Pansy Parkinson, too. She's always around."

Gwendolyn finished her breakfast and followed Draco out of the Great Hall. As they walked through the corridors, Draco pointed out various landmarks and secret passages. She appreciated his knowledge but remained quiet, absorbing the information and storing it away for later use.

They soon met up with Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy in one of the courtyards. Crabbe and Goyle were exactly as Draco had described: large, imposing, and not particularly talkative. Pansy, on the other hand, was lively and seemed eager to befriend Gwendolyn.

"So, you're the girl who grew up with Ollivander?" Pansy asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "That must have been incredible."

"It was," Gwendolyn replied, her voice calm and measured. "I learned a lot about wands and magic."

"How fascinating," Pansy said, linking her arm with Gwendolyn's. "We'll have to stick together. The boys can be a bit much sometimes."

Gwendolyn nodded, feeling a sense of acceptance but also maintaining her distance. She enjoyed Pansy's company but preferred to keep her thoughts to herself, always analyzing and thinking ahead.

As they spent the morning exploring the castle, Gwendolyn found herself both enjoying the company and keeping an eye on her surroundings. They visited the Astronomy Tower, the library, and even ventured near the Forbidden Forest, though they didn't go inside. She noticed Draco's confident leadership, Crabbe and Goyle's unwavering loyalty, and Pansy's enthusiastic curiosity.

By the time they returned to the common room, Gwendolyn felt a deep sense of contentment. She had found companions who shared her curiosity and ambition, and she was eager to see what the future held. The day had been a perfect start to her new life at Hogwarts, and she knew that many more adventures awaited her.

As evening fell, Gwendolyn sat by the window in her room, looking out at the darkening lake. She thought about the path that lay ahead, filled with challenges, mysteries, and the promise of magic.