
The Gaunt Legacy

Undead_Raptor · Fantasy
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8 Chs

An Eleventh Birthday

Gwendolyn's birthdays had always been quiet, intimate affairs. Just her and Ollivander, enjoying a slightly nicer dinner and perhaps a small gift or two. She never liked big celebrations; the noise and attention made her uncomfortable. However, her eleventh birthday was special. It marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life: the age at which she would be old enough to attend a magical school.

The day began like any other. Gwendolyn woke early, stretched in her usual corner, and went about her morning routine. But there was an air of anticipation that she couldn't ignore. She could feel it in the way Ollivander smiled at her, a twinkle of excitement in his wise eyes.

As the evening approached, the shop closed earlier than usual. Ollivander had prepared a modest but delicious meal, a warm stew with fresh bread and a small cake for dessert. They sat at the wooden table, the shop's usual silence broken only by the soft crackling of the fire and the occasional clinking of utensils.

"Happy birthday, Gwendolyn," Ollivander said, raising his glass in a toast. "May this year bring you new adventures and discoveries."

"Thank you," Gwendolyn replied, smiling softly. "I'm excited for what's to come."

After dinner, Ollivander cleared the table and brought out a small, wrapped package. He handed it to Gwendolyn with a gentle smile. "I have something special for you."

Gwendolyn's eyes widened in surprise. She carefully unwrapped the package, revealing a beautifully crafted wooden box. Inside, nestled on a bed of velvet, was a wand—a wand she had never seen before.

"I made this for you," Ollivander said softly. "It's time you had your own."

Gwendolyn picked up the wand, feeling a warm surge of magic as it connected with her. The wood was a rich, dark ebony, smooth and polished to perfection. She could sense the power within it, a core of dragon heartstring pulsing with latent energy.

"It's beautiful," she whispered, her voice filled with awe. "Thank you, Ollivander."

Ollivander smiled, pleased with her reaction. "You've worked hard and shown great dedication. You deserve it."

Gwendolyn turned the wand in her hand, feeling its balance and weight. It was perfect, a testament to her years of learning and the bond she had formed with Ollivander.

"There's something else," Ollivander continued, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a parchment envelope. "Your letter from Hogwarts."

Gwendolyn's heart skipped a beat as she took the envelope. She had been waiting for this moment, knowing it would change her life forever. She carefully broke the seal and unfolded the letter, her eyes scanning the familiar words.

"Dear Miss Grimshaw, We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry..."

As she read the letter, a sense of excitement and trepidation washed over her. She had longed to learn more about magic, to understand her place in the world, and now that opportunity was within her grasp.

Ollivander watched her, his expression a mix of pride and affection. "You'll do great things, Gwendolyn. Hogwarts will be a new adventure, and I'm confident you'll thrive there."

Gwendolyn looked up from the letter, her dark eyes shining with determination. "I'll make you proud, Ollivander. Thank you for everything."

"You already have, my dear," Ollivander replied, his voice warm. "And you will continue to. Remember, this is just the beginning."

The next morning, with her new wand safely tucked away, Gwendolyn and Ollivander set out into Diagon Alley to gather her school supplies. Living in the heart of the magical shopping district made it easy to get everything they needed.

First, they visited Flourish and Blotts for her textbooks. Gwendolyn wandered the aisles, her fingers trailing over the spines of books filled with magical knowledge. Ollivander helped her select the required texts, along with a few extra volumes that piqued her interest.

Next, they stopped by Madam Malkin's for her school robes. As she stood on the stool, being fitted for her new clothes, Gwendolyn felt a surge of excitement. Each item she acquired brought her one step closer to Hogwarts, and she could hardly contain her anticipation.

They also visited the Apothecary for potion ingredients, and Eeylops Owl Emporium, where Gwendolyn chose a sleek, black owl with piercing yellow eyes. She named him Onyx, and he quickly perched on her shoulder, nuzzling her cheek.

Throughout their shopping trip, Ollivander shared stories and advice, preparing her for the adventures ahead. "Remember, Gwendolyn," he said as they walked back to the shop, "Hogwarts is a place of learning, but also a place to discover who you are. Embrace every moment."

Gwendolyn nodded, her heart swelling with gratitude and excitement. She was ready to embark on this new journey, knowing that her foundation in wandmaking and the wisdom Ollivander had imparted would guide her.

The morning of September 1st dawned crisp and clear, a perfect day for the beginning of a new adventure. Gwendolyn awoke with a flutter of excitement in her chest, the anticipation of finally setting off for Hogwarts making her heart race. She dressed quickly, her hands trembling slightly as she buttoned her shirt and fastened her cloak.

Ollivander was already waiting downstairs, a warm smile on his face as she descended. "Ready, Gwendolyn?" he asked, his voice filled with gentle encouragement.

"Ready," she replied, her eyes shining with determination.

Together, they left the shop, Gwendolyn's trunk and owl cage levitating behind them as they made their way through the bustling streets of Diagon Alley. The magical world was alive with activity, witches and wizards going about their daily business, but Gwendolyn's focus was solely on the journey ahead.

They arrived at King's Cross Station, weaving through the crowd of Muggles with ease. Ollivander led her to the barrier between platforms 9 and 10, the entrance to Platform 9 3/4. Gwendolyn hesitated for a moment, her nerves getting the better of her.

"Just walk straight at it," Ollivander reassured her. "Don't stop, and don't be afraid."

Taking a deep breath, Gwendolyn squared her shoulders and pushed her trolley forward. The solid barrier seemed to waver as she approached, and then, with a rush of magic, she found herself on the other side.

Platform 9 3/4 was a world apart from the mundane station she had just left. The air was filled with the sounds of chattering families, the hissing of steam, and the occasional hoot of an owl. The platform was bustling with students in their Hogwarts robes, their trunks piled high on trolleys, and parents saying their goodbyes.

The Hogwarts Express stood proudly on the tracks, a gleaming scarlet engine with billows of smoke curling from its stack. The train seemed almost alive, an embodiment of the magic that awaited her at Hogwarts. Its carriages stretched along the platform, each door opening to reveal a glimpse of the cozy compartments inside.

Gwendolyn took in every detail, her eyes wide with wonder. The platform was adorned with signs bearing the Hogwarts crest, and a few vendors were selling last-minute supplies and treats for the journey. The atmosphere was electric with excitement and a hint of nervous energy.

Ollivander placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, bringing her back to the present. "It's quite something, isn't it?" he said, a note of nostalgia in his voice.

"It is," Gwendolyn agreed, her gaze still fixed on the train. "It's more wonderful than I imagined."

They moved through the throng of people, finding a spot near one of the train's entrances. Gwendolyn watched as other students said their farewells, some with tears and others with laughter. The air was thick with emotion, a mix of anticipation and the bittersweetness of parting.

As the departure time drew closer, the platform grew even busier. The hustle and bustle around her felt like a living thing, a current of energy that swept everyone along. Gwendolyn felt a twinge of nervousness but also a surge of excitement. This was the beginning of her journey, the first step toward discovering who she truly was.

Ollivander helped her load her trunk onto the train, making sure Onyx's cage was secure. "You'll do great things, Gwendolyn," he said, his voice steady and reassuring. "Remember everything you've learned, and trust in your abilities."

Gwendolyn nodded, feeling a rush of gratitude for the man who had been her mentor and guardian. "Thank you, Ollivander. For everything."

He smiled, a warm, proud smile that filled her with confidence. "This is just the beginning, my dear. Now, off you go. Enjoy every moment."

With one last look around the bustling platform, Gwendolyn stepped onto the train, her heart pounding with excitement and a hint of apprehension. She found an empty compartment and settled in, her new wand tucked safely in her pocket and her mind buzzing with anticipation.

As the whistle blew and the train began to move, Gwendolyn looked out the window, watching the platform slowly recede. She waved to Ollivander, who stood watching her with a proud smile. This was it—the start of her magical journey. The world of Hogwarts awaited, filled with wonders and challenges she couldn't yet imagine.