
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs

The Gate

I take in a deep breath. Tugs from the maids at my sides. A pale blush pink dress with white lace at the front and the sleeves. I'm led to the mirror and set on an old stool. Blonde hair tucked and braided to my lower back. A maid tapping her pointer fingers at her cheeks, in a knowing manner.

"Remember to smile, my lady." She spoke brightly, her eyes dead.

I gaze into the mirror, a numb expression. It tilts upward into a subtle smile. My cold blue eyes, shifting into an alluring façade. I lift my puppeted body up, posture straight and proper for a lady of my station.

"Perfect." A nod from the maid. "Be careful at dinner tonight, young master Alex is worried about his proposal for the count's daughter."

My brow twitches.

"I'm sure elder brother will be accepted. No other man in his group is as perfect, nor handsome." A ever-honeyed voice spills out of me.

Another nod from the maid. She escorts me out of the dressing room, and into the over decorated halls. A few servants pass, ignoring me. A harsh punishment or beating in any other house, not in this one.

We approach the large doors of the dinning hall. Another deep breath in and out. A pair of guards open the doors for me.

"Lady Lily has arrived." A servant calls out.

Three sets of eyes trail over to me. From cold indifference, to disgruntled annoyance. Father at the head of the table, his bulging belly a reminder of his status, and gluttonous greed for more. Mother stares with an angered scowl, so nothing new. As brother, yes elder brother twists his fork into his salad, sighing.

"Lily you are late." Brother Laments. "Do you not have a single noble bone in you?" He says while hunched over the table.

"At least she can dress like a noble woman. All be it with last season's fashion." My smile stretches further, as mother begins critiquing the clothes; 'donated' to me by my elder cousin.

Father does not say anything, continuing his meal in silence. I take my place next to brother. A server drops a plate before me, causing a slight clank on the table. Pouring my glass, and spilling intently on the table cloth. My food in disorder and perhaps even partially eaten. The server retreats to his station by father.

Brother sighs again. His eyes off in the distance dreamily. Mother breaks his thoughts.

"Dear Alex, any news from Veronica yet?" Although I'm sure she knew.

The young master perks his head up. "Not yet, but I should receive a reply shortly." His grin is infectious, even father shows a small smile, giving a grunt of approval.

"A positive one, no doubt." Mother preens. "How could such a lady refuse my dear son?"

I half listen, half wander in thought, while consuming my table scraps. Dinner reaches its end and I prepare to slink off. Unfortunately father speaks up.

"Lily. Speak with Davidson. He has a list of husbands I selected for you." He stares with a hard warning. "Don't screw it up this time, or I'll have you moved to the attic again." He takes another hard bite of his food, waving me off before I could speak.

I bow to father, mother, and brother in turn. I don't dare look them in the eye. A small bit of rebellion perks me up before I vacate the dinning room.

"Father. Perhaps mother is right. What husband would want such a wife without proper attire?May I go out shopping tomorrow?" I add before any could protest. "I don't want to shame the family any further." A sad expression dawns my face for extra flare.

Father looks to mother, she bristles but nods in agreement.

"You may, ask the butler for some coin tomorrow. Now go, I want to spend time with my family." I flinch at his wording.

I back away, the doors held open for me again. The doors close, but I do not relax. I speak with Davidson, Father's right hand secretary, before returning to my room.

Alone at last, I let out a loud sigh. I hold back the tears threatening to flow. They can wait for the gate. I drag myself over to the mirror, disgusted. I pull my braid out, and struggle out of the dress.

My breathing starts to speed up dangerously. My anger and disappointment billowing to the surface. Breathe in and out, in and out, and again.

I quickly made my way to my hidden chest beneath my bed. It was a dark brownish wood, riddled with bends, and even a hole on one side. It held my most treasured and only possessions.

A few books I managed to steal from the library, a history book, and a romance novel. A set of commoner's clothing for men. Lastly a few shiny pebbles, and rocks I've found near the gate area.

I looked out the window. It was night, perfect to sneak out again. I changed into the men's clothing, and wrap my hair into a cap. Lastly removing the last of the day's makeup.

Glancing at the mirror before I climbed out the window. I felt much better. I could breathe again, but I wasn't relaxed yet. I opened my window, gave a quick look for servants, and snuck out.

I landed on the perfectly manicured grounds. A larger garden with various blues, purples, and reds for flowers. Ranging from roses to lilies. Mother was always picky on flowers. I always preferred the lilies, obviously.

I made my way over to the far back end of the manor. Hidden, nestled in a corner of one of the many old cobblestone walls, was my sanctuary.

The black iron forged gate. It was carved into twisted patterns with a heart at its center. The heart was surprisingly a red color, with black twisted metal digging into it.

Plopping right beneath it, I could finally relax. I give out a loud sigh, and wriggle in closer, so my back touches the gate. I tilt my head back against it and close my eyes for a moment. I soon get that warm feeling from the gate.

"They forgot my birthday again. I'm eighteen today, but you know that. I talk to you everyday. I'm starting to think they'll never accept me." I pause for a moment, breathing in a sweet scent. A nearby flower perhaps? I then whisper, almost fearful. "Do you think… do you think, I could escape? Maybe they wouldn't care enough to follow me. I could start new somewhere, where no one knows me." I finish talking, thoughts going deeper, clenching my fists.

I sit there for a while in silence. I give out a yawn. I get up, looking back once at the gate. Sighing again. I sniff the air, an increasingly sweet scent growing.

"Let me help you." A voice beyond tempting rang out behind me.