
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs


A gate. The same black iron gate I called my safe haven. Only this one reached the sky and an endless wall stretched into the nothingness. A solid, twisting, beating, black heart at its center. One corrupted and fractured by time.

A old crumbling lock held the gate closed. The shiver inducing voices on the other side begging to be released. I felt their presence tearing at my insides, fighting over the scraps of my body. Desperate. Hungry.

All my will power was used to remain lucid, to remain myself. The forgotten mission my source of strength. My vow to my own. In a defiant spirit, a raspy voice.

"Release me." I snarl.

My consciousness attempted to drag itself back to reality, away from the madness. A gaggle of pompous snickers fill the void. Their inexsistant shells looking down on me. They took their turns peeling away at me.

It wasn't painful, rather peaceful. In a twisting drowning sense of building dread. The urge to allow myself to be replaced, fixed, strong. Sweet lies were fed to me by the tempters.

'I will make you strong.'

'I will make you wise.'

'I will make you a conqueror.'

'I will make you a god.'

As I fought the mass of voices, they all begged for one thing.



Time went on and on. I would not wake from the dream. It could have been hours, days, or months. I craved the sight, the touch of my mate, my knight. The cold air, life, weather, a fucking stubbed toe, anything. Still, the gradual numbness of being, made the void more tolerable.

That gate kept taunting with an end to it. A possible end to me, but an end to this sick version of hell. So I stared at it. For too long. I was dreaming, so I didn't need to blink. I laughed, maddened. The voices responded to it, amused.

'You're losing it.'

'Just cross it.'

'It'll be painless.'

I curled into myself, grinning, laughing, rocking away, digging my nails into my palms. I felt nothing, no pain, no pleasure, my senses numb. Temptation building away. For a split second there's silence, then my own honeyed voice, ever so sweetly directed at me.

'I can open it for you.' A sense of love spills into my being. 'Just relax, let me in. I will wake you.'

Unable to place the voice, leaves me on edge. The feeling, the first sense of anything for a while, leaves me weak, vulnerable. I indulge in its offer. I drift into sweet relaxation, into a blissful rest.


I snuggle into a citrus smelling warmth. Breathing it in, filling myself with bliss. A soft hand nudges me awake. I begrudgingly open my eyes to a set of deep swampy greens. A natural sweetly smile spreads on my face. Familiar setting, familiar comfort, and his name.


'Good morning, my Jewel.'

He snuggles our faces together in a shared sense of love. His black hair adorably messy, and reaching just below his ears. A black and gold trimmed kimono draped over him. A set of black iron, lizard ear cuffs, marks him as mine.

I lift myself up from the bed to gaze into the desk mirror. My silky long white hair is combed throughly by my darling. He humms away. My pink eyes shining away in the dim bedroom light. Relaxed.

"Jewel." Scale smiles down at me. "Don't forget your uniform today. Your brother is officiating the newest batch of knights."

I give out a huff of complaint. I much preferred lazing about with my darlings all day, and the uniforms are far from comfortable. Still I comply, for my brother, of course.

Scale guides me throughout my morning routine, dressing me, feeding me, giving me all the attention I love. Leading me to my throne, standing beside me. A few of my trophies chained to my chair.

My latest treasures from a guardian tribe. A set of golden beauties, twins. The pretty little things we're still young, so I planned to spoil them till they were all grown up. Then they could join my darlings in the harem.

"My Ladyship Jewel." A knight spoke out. "The ceremony will take place this evening, seven cadets shall rise to service."

His bow was a smidge too high for my liking. He felt my hostility, a quick glance my way, and he lowered himself further. Perfect.

"Send someone later to pick me up. I'll be spending my day here." I waved him off.

My word the truth as always. I spent the day away enjoying my collection. Scale at my side as always, taking his share in our pleasure. On my way between rooms, I felt an odd sense. A need for something, something missing.

"Is something wrong, my Jewel?" My darling worried.

I shook my head, it's nothing. A passing oddity, everything was perfect, as always.

I attended to the cermony, brightening the place with my presence. My brother welcoming our newest subjects. As always I returned to spend the evening with my Scale. Snuggled in his arms, content, at peace.

Only a bizarre feeling returned again in my sleep, odd.

It's nothing, everything is perfect. Another day with my Scale, my collection, my brother. Again.




I'm at peace, I'm happy, I'm content. I have everything I need. I am not alone.

"What is wrong, my Jewel?" My Scale purrs at me, brushing my hair.

I smile up at him.

"Nothing at all, my darling."


POV: Quartz

I pull my blade on the imposter. Anger seething in my bones. Vlad is confused but just as enraged. Our master, our lover, sits up in bed, an unsettling smile. Not our master, not out lover.

"Put the sword down. Do you want to hurt me?" My favorite honeyed voice sweeps out, it sends chills down my spine.

"Who the fuck are you?! What have you done to Blue?!" My master's mate screams out in a settling terror. His face contorted with the worst case scenario playing out.

A familiar, smile, posture, and air. Words that stun, confuse, and fill me with mixed emotions. They look me straight in the eyes.

"Brother." Giving a tearful face. "I'm back."