
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs

Second Awakening

The day I played with Alex and he knocked over a vase. He put the blame on me. Mother beat me till I was bloody and bruised. The first day at the gate.

The time I almost got kidnapped. We were at a ball for my brother's tenth birthday. Alone in the outside gardens. A man tried to snatch me away. I tried to escape while biting and kicking at him. A guard saved me.

My thirteenth year. One of most painful. Father had lost a large sum of money in a scam. Mother had her spending budget cut. She took her anger out on me. One day I corrected brother at a party. She whipped me that night till I couldn't walk.

My fifteenth Christmas. My parents arranged a marriage meeting with some old noble. He thought I looked pretty, tried to touch me. I broke his wrist. I was sent to the attic without food for a week, beaten at every visit from mother.

At every turn I found my way to the gate. Strengthened by it. Drawing in its strange comfort.

On my eighteenth birthday, my darling kitty came to me. My man, my mate, my savior. He freed me, gave me the body I could only dream for in heaven. He loved me. Watched over me. Got angry for me.

Quartz found us. He waited for me for so long. He never wavered. He killed the witch I couldn't end myself. He accepted me, no matter who I became. As Jewel, as Argenti, as Blue.

The emotions flowed into me, I embraced them all. The fear, anger, sadness, and love. I clenched my hands. My heart thrumming like a drum. The thought of war, my men, the need to protect them. To grow stronger. To protect what is mine.

I could feel it. My instincts screaming, howling to life. The moonlight burned my skin. I opened my eyes.

I know what I am. I am a protector, a guardian. A wolf. One starved of the things that made a wolf what it is meant to be. Love, territory, a pack. I looked at my men, pride filled me.

I felt the power, then everything went black.


POV: Quartz

An enormous honey colored wolf. Eyes the color of blue moonlight. It growled at the fire below it. It thrashed its paws, it ignored the pain from the flames, extinguishing it.

It took a look at the both of us. It's eyes dripping with affection. It's ears flicked, it's focus on a nearby sound. Another growl, this time an excited one. He charged off at its potential prey.

We followed behind. I couldn't control my expression, a wide grin on my face. The powerful beast was fast, faster than me.

I heard a laugh from Vlad. He accepted the challenge. Rushing ahead of the wolf. It whined at him, a worried look on his face. Vlad teased him.

"You're faster now but barely! Try to keep up puppy!" He raced along.

The poor wolf tried to keep up, but no one could keep up with Vlad. He barked frustrated. The pest finally slowed down to run beside him. A deer was running up ahead.

"Go get your prey wolf." I encouraged.

He howled. His speed increased, panting. He leaped, catching it. The deer was small in comparison, lifting it off the ground in his jaws. He shook his head , crushing down. Blood scattered into the wind.

Blue brought the prey back, ears up, strutting, presenting it to his pack. He dropped it at our feet. Vlad walked over, petting and rubbing the wolf all over his face.

"What a good dog." He praised, he received a lick, and a fierce wagging of tail.

Vlad grimaced, wiping off the saliva. I laughed. I started cleaning the deer up, so we could store the meat for later. I head a whimper, my wolf was drooling.

"Be patient you'll get your share." I smiled at him.

After dressing the deer, and portioning it. I tossed several large chunks to the gold wolf. He caught them in the air, swallowing them whole.

It wasn't long before the wolf feel asleep at my feet. Vlad cuddling up against its side. I rubbed its head, impatient for our Blue to awaken tomorrow.


I awoke shivering, the cold breeze against my side. A stark contrast to my other side which was quite warm. Vlad was against me, eyeing me, grinning.

"There's a good way to warm up, especially with your butt out." He squeezed my bare buns. Bare..?

I jumped back, standing up. I looked down, very cold, very naked. My blush spreading to my entire face. I immediately covered my dick.

"Why are you so shy? I've seen everything already cutie." His voice getting low, dangerous.

Only he was blocked by my knight in shining armor. His knight's cloak covering me. He glared at Vlad.

"Bring out one of his suits, now." He was not amused.

Vlad rolled his eyes. He begrudgingly gave out a 'fine', before taking out a new suit. I snatched it, quickly putting it on. I was surprised by it, an exact copy of my brothers old suit. A grey color, with matching silver swirled tie and gloves. I look back at Vlad.

"I remembered you liked it." He gave out that arrogant grin I loved. It was infectious.

"Thank you."

I notice my senses. The world around more vibrant, more alive than ever. The sounds of distant birds, the moving branches, the movements of my men. Their scents hit me like a boulder.

Vlad was now a drool inducing taste of toxic sweets. The chocolate flavor was still there, but surrounded by another. An indescribable feeling of home. His scent alone drove me mad, he was mine.

Instinct took over. My new fangs dug deep into his neck, claws drawing blood from his back. I felt the electric shock fill my being. Vlad cursed. Struggling to pull away from me.

"Master! Let him go!" Quartz screams at me.

Vlad's blood enter my mouth, I shudder. My wolf growling with need. Then, my cat goes limp. I release him.

His wounds aren't healing like they always do. Bloods flows out of his wounds.

"I'm sorry! Kitten, are you okay?!" I start panicking, noticing the blood on my hands, dripping from my chin.

Quartz pulls out a small pouch from his bag. He's focused, feeding a bluish herb to Vlad from the pouch. It smells awful, I can't help but growl at it.

Vlad's wounds start healing, I breathe out in relief. My cat looks over at me, clutching his healing neck. My body shivers, acknowledging my mate.

"Fuck babe. We'll have to give you obedience training." He jokes, but looks paler than usual.

"I.." Stuttering, "I just lost it, you smelled so good."

"Your wolf marked him as your female. Normally it's not a problem, but wolf bites can be poisonous to vampires." Vlad visibly twitches his face, scrunching it. "You're not a typical wolf guardian, so it managed to hurt even a vampire king."

"What the fuck! I'm not some female, knight!" He hissed at him, giving his scariest face. He just looked cute to me.

"Tell that to the wolf. It's an alpha male's scent mark, meant to keep males away." He smirks.