
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs


My nights traveling continued with more memories. Various past lives with a similar story, all conquerors, of war, of hearts. All resulting in the same fate, early death. I shared these lives with my men.

Their increasingly worried expressions made me nervous. In the cooling mountain air, I played with the collar given to me earlier from Ripper. I refused to wear it, but kept it close, feeling a sense of safety from it. I sighed out a breathe of visible air.

The forest had transformed as we approached our new home. The trees had been coated by an icy exterior of frost. The ground a white covering of crunchy snow. Animals were few and far, silent. The distance howling of werewolves filled our ears, my own wolf shivering with excitement.

Our target was just below the mountain top. The castle was surrounded by a forested valley, and a deep cutting river was to its east. A set of waterfalls fed the river by the mountainside. It was beautiful, definitely not the aging castle, but for sure the wild nature of its front and backyard.

The castle itself was a multicolored grey stone marvel. Tall towers, cannons lining the walls, and broken stain glass windows. A typical sight if not for its obvious claw marks on the walls, or blade marks near the entrance. Clear signs of the battle of its previous tenants and the knights.

"Just like I remembered it." Vlad walked calmly to its front. "A shitty, homely fortress." His eyes were bright with nostalgia.

"It needs major work.." Quartz sighed, rubbing his temples. "I apologize master. It may take some time before it's worthy of you."

Vlad snorts.

"I've been sleeping on the ground for two weeks." I speak out.

Quartz frowns, clearly displeased with the truth.

"Not anymore. Vlad scout out the surrounding area, try to get in contact with the local guardians. I'll start preparing a room for our master to rest." He didn't bother to look if his instructions were followed. My knight set off to start cleaning up.

Vlad took advantage of his absence. He leaned against my side, wrapping our arms together. His naughty grin set a clear warning of his intentions. I narrowed my eyes at him. In a huff, and a roll of his eyes, he set off too.

"You're no fun babe."

"If you hurry, we can have all the fun we want."

I smirked down at my grinning little kitten. He disappeared in a blink, in a rush for the 'fun'. Alone for the moment I explored the outside, following my home's walls. Fingers tracing the rough surface, counting the bricks. An uncontrollable sigh escaped my lips.

Lately I had began to question myself. Hands twisting together, I leaned against the wall. Weak. I couldn't protect my men. I awakened my wolf, but I was still weak. They tried to encourage me, saying Ripper was not the norm, but shaking the feeling of helplessness was not easy.

My thoughts were interrupted by the smell of blood. A puppyish whine came from the distance. Instinct took hold, one I've become familiar with, I shift. My poor suit rips, scattering with the northern winds. A vicious snarl escapes me, wolf rushing my leaps.

In a few moments, I reach a gathering of pine trees, encircling a bloodied wolf. It was small, reaching my upper legs, thin, ribs showing. White fur blended in with the snowy floor, bloody claw marks and bites, covered the sad pup's neck and back. Hearing my approach, iced blues stare back at me.

No amount of prior wisdom or knowledge prepared for the pain I felt. Harsh whimpers filled the forest. I saw nothing, but his agony, fear, sense of betrayal, filling my soul to the brim. He curled back into the tree cluster, his attempt to hide from me. Stumbling, heavy breathing, I didn't touch him.

Landing in front of him, collapsing to the ground, tears fell from the emotion. I didn't need to understand. Instinct was enough to replace it. I let out the gentlest thoughts I could muster out to the wounded wolf.

'Let me help you.' An ever honeyed whisper called out.

A white bloodied body froze in shock. His breathe slowed, his defensive posture lessened. His own tears joined mine, a look of crazed desperation. He pulled himself forward, his face on my paws, looking up at me.

'Please.. take me away from here.' His hushed whimpers were a calling to me, my protective instincts.

I got up, shaking the emotions and wet face away. Nudging the pup, I led him home. Quartz was at the front door, waiting. The little wolf cowered, pressing against my side, his blood staining my side. I straitened my posture, trying to share my trust in my knight.

"Master, there are plenty of rooms." His cold voice, sent a shiver down the pup's spine.

'He is my knight. You can trust him.' My voice again caused him to relax a bit.

Cain. That was the little pup's name. He refused to share anything else. The mere questions caused him into fearful silence. We decided to have him rest in a guest room after Quartz tended to his wounds. My wolf refused to be far from Cain, and remained on a defensive alertness.

As I guarded his door, my knight expressed his concerns.

"Blue." He rarely used my name outside of the bedroom. "Those wounds are not typical. Wolves aim for the front and throat. Those wounds.." He paused unsure how to speak out. "They seem to be from forced, contact."

A forced exhale, past memories, and a sense of shared pain. It made sense, and that infuriated me. My claws dug into the stone beneath my weight. Ears back, fangs bared, several harsh growls. My knight uncharacteristically backed a step. He held out his hands defensively.

"Calm down. Your magic is acting up." As he spoke the room around me vibrated. The voice of my mate entered my mind.

'Cutie?' His concern brings reason back to me. 'I'm on my way back, don't move.'

I lowered my head, a sigh relaxes my furry shoulders. It doesn't take long for Vlad to appear, wrapping his arms around my neck. My tail slowly wags from the gesture.

Vlad shares his news with us. The local wolf pack is on the move, on edge, searching for something. It's clear, they are searching for their missing pack mate.

"Well fuck."He didn't ask, my thoughts enough. He pulls my head to look me in the eyes. "It's up to you babe. How do you want to handle this? The wolves owe me, but I don't know if they'll listen to me in this situation."

I was unaware of who hurt Cain, but he hid from his pack. The betrayal in his eyes were enough evidence for me.

'I'm willing to talk to them, but I don't trust them. My wolf is already chomping at the bit to tear them a new one.' I look back at Cain's door. 'He's one of us.' The thought causes silence from my men.

"Is he one of your husbands?" Quartz is the one to ask.

I mentally shrug. I can't deny my desire to protect the pup, but there was no way to be sure of anything. Still, I would not deny the second strongest instinct I've had so far since my awakening.

As we consider our options, the sound of angry howls approaches the castle.