
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs


I was livid, pained. One killed the viscountess, the other laughing about it. While I'm sick from… from that mess. This woman tormented me, beat me, but for all my life I knew her as mother.

She hated me, never cared for me. I may have no right to be be upset about her death, but… she was a real mother to Alex, a loving wife to my father. They had no right to kill her, or anyone. This was not something I would let go.

A maid began cleaning up my sick. Vlad looked over, done with his own amusement. He finally noticed me. My furious expression. I can see the thought process on his face, looking for a way to appease me. Quartz is the first to react, his emotionless cover gone.

"Master. Please understand she wanted you burned. She wished me to hunt you. She was a threat, I had no choice." He continues to speak nonsense about me being his master.

I feel my fury building, a rage I've never felt, or at least let to the surface before now. The two shiver, an unexpected boiling in their blood. Forcing them on their knees.

"If I am your master, you would not kill someone without my permission. Especially someone living in my home!" Im starting to scream, the walls begin to vibrate. "You are no better Vlad! Making fun at my dead family! She may not have loved me, she may never have loved me, but she was my brother's mother, my father's wife!" The glass windows begin to crack. "Get out! Sleep outside! Don't you dare come back in without an apology on your knees! One given to me, this house, and my remaining family!" The glass shatters, the hold on the two slams them into the ground.

Clarity returns to me. It wouldn't matter, brother, father would never forgive me now. My breathe hitches, uncontrollable tears flowing down my cheeks. What semblance of a family I managed to make, was ripped apart in a mere moment. A moment of weakness.

Vlad attempts to approach, needing to comfort me, his mate. Intense regret, lack of confidence, and fear of losing me, expressed in every inch of him.

I give a single look, he backs off. Quartz, silent, deep in his own mind, pulls Vlad by the arm. The two leave the destroyed library, leaving me alone.

Only I wasn't alone, fearful servants are attempting to clean the aftermath. My father is at mother's side. He shares my tears, a devastated look plastered on his face. If not for Vlad's compulsion , he may have shared the same fate.

I can't look at him, or speak. I was responsible for her death. I let Quartz stay. I ruined this household.

I dragged myself over to Davidson. His face no longer collected as always, now in disarray.

"Davidson." I choke out, wiping away my tears. "Get me a letter, I need to inform…" I stop, I can't bare to say brother anymore. "Alex. I need to send Alex a letter."

He says nothing for too long. He gives a nod to accept the order. I brace for the coming end of this brief time of acceptance.


POV: Vlad

I fucked up, not as big as knighty over here fucked up, but I really fucked up. My mage's power was not something I expected, a blood mage isn't supposed to be able to affect objects like that.

I suck in a huge breathe and let it out. Quartz and I are deep in the woods. I did not like being apart from my mate right now. He needs me. I narrow my eyes at the one responsible.

"I did it for master." He snaps at me.

"Oh, can you read my mind too now?" I hiss through my teeth.

He rolls his eyes at me, becoming increasingly agitated, tapping his foot. He says the words I most definitely did not want to hear.

"We may have to leave the manor."

I give an angry animalistic snarl his way.

"No shit sherlock!"

Blue would not stay if he wasn't welcome. I was still a bit happy that the bitch was killed, but I want my cutie happy above everything else. No matter what, this would not go well.

"Let's go." I grit my teeth. "We need to hope begging is enough to appease Blue." I swallow hard. "He might chase us away."

I never thought I could experience fear like this. I shudder at the idea of never being near my mate again. It was always a one sided bond with vampires. At any moment our partner could refuse us, shun us. That thought terrified me.

"Fuck it! If he asks me to rip my own heart out in apology, I'll do it!" I screech at the world.

"Vlad. What about after? If Blue leaves the manor we will need a place to stay."

Leave it to the captain to think ahead after he gets into deep shit. I share my observation to him. He frowns, visible shame shown. He adds as we head back, as an offering.

"Blue won't abandon us. He may get angry, even break a bone or two. He will never let us leave him." His voice is hollow sounding, a faint memory passes through his eyes.

I can feel the seriousness, the confidence in the voice. I get goosebumps. I can't help but ask.

"Has this happened before with him? The previous life?"

He laughs almost hysterically. He looks me dead in the eyes, a twisted grin on his lips.

"My master once wiped out an entire village in his fury. His life was hell compared to this one. He grew up vengeful, and vindictive." He sighs nostalgic. "It's the reason I chose him, protected him, even though he didn't need it. He was a true monster in his era, an unrivaled power, but he had nothing."

He walks ahead of me, not willing to continue this conversation. His aura brimming with a sense of loss, a need to be filled up. I knew that feeling all too well.

We reached the manor, following our noses to our keeper. He was waiting in his room, curled up under the covers. I could smell the salty tears. Hear the whimpering, the unsteady heartbeat.

"Blue, I'm here. I'm not asking to be forgiven, just please look at me, let me hold you in my arms." My voice soft, delicate.

I felt the fear of rejection, that my partner has felt so many times. Realizing just how big the error of my ways had been to his family. Had I made things worse each time? The punishments, the compulsion, all just giving the illusion of acceptance? I would have had my answers if I just tried it my mage's way, now I would never know.

"Vlad." A voice beyond sweet, honeyed as ever filled my ears. "Hold me."