
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs


"Why?" An annoyed Jewel spat. "Why are you awake? Did you not enjoy the paradise I gave you?" Her eyes glazed over for a moment, then snapped at the dream eater.

He flinches under her gaze, a mouse before a lion. His words jumble into an incoherent mess.

"I'm not here, never was here…" the magic in the air vibrates, his presence weakening. I feel the pull in my mind. Jewel felt it too.

"Out." A snapping snarl is let out. Jewel's voice the epitome of royal authority. As ordered, the parasite vanishes from this reality.

I feel it, an inadmissible pressure, crushing me. Flattened, I clamp my hands into fists, teeth clenching. View forced in her visage, her anger. Jewel's gaze that of a disappointed mother, cold, unattached. She lets out a frustrated sigh.

"Let's try this again." She looks over to Cain, unimpressed. "I can't just let you go back either. Enjoy paradise, try not to interrupt me again." I have no time to protest, the world sways into another once more.


My body twitches uncomfortably, sensing a cold being. I open my eyes to a sleeping darling. Flawless skin, a thin frame, messy bed head. Naked. Curled into me, head nestled in my chest. A contented sigh escapes me as I play with his curly hair. I lean in to breathe him in, I chuckle, he somehow smells like a sugary cookie dough.

"Hmm…?" His eyes sluggishly open. "Blue?" His pale skin turns an embarrassed blush, eyes registering my full naked glory. He jolts back, nearly falling off the edge of the bed. I catch him in time, pulling him to my lap.

"Easy darling. You almost got hurt." I chuckle down at a stunned beauty. "You've seen me before. Why the rush?" I nuzzle my forehead against his, eyes locked on my lover.

"This isn't right. What happened? What did Jewel do to us?" He panicked, leaving a jumping mess of sped up speech. He made no sense, but he's still so adorable.

"Calm down. You must have had a nightmare." I pull him in closer, trying to soothe him with my scent. "It's all good. I'm here, darling."

He flinched at the contact, and shoved me back. The rejection stuns me, his response even worse. He shakes, visibly frightened. His eyes telling of a worse nightmare than any of mine. I feel his repulsion, disgust. His harsh tone, a fervent warning.

"DON'T TOUCH ME." The world chilling by his long buried emotions. My hands twist and lock together in a confused state of fear. Rejected.

"Do you… Do you hate me?" My voice a faint plea. "I won't do it again. Please don't leave me." He pulled the blankets around him, looking for any clothes. He responded coldly.

"No. You're my savior. I can't hate you." He finds his clothes scattered about the floor. Dressing quickly, regaining his sense of self once more.

"You won't leave me, right?" I ask again. We lock eyes once more, both damaged, shaken. He starts to pick my clothes, offering them to me, warily.

"I'll stay." He next words break my forming smile. "Till we find a way back." I'm hit by the emotional recoil, and further confusion. I start to dig my nails into my hands, the scent of blood filling the air.

"Stop that!" Cain smacks my hands apart, while forcing my clothing to me. "Get dressed. We need to find out how to wake up." I obey my angry little beauty. His words still confusing, but I'll listen only to convince him to stay.

"Is this a dream then? It seems real to me." I ponder my life, if it is a dream; I don't want to wake up.

"Yes, Jewel is keeping us here, captive." A low growl with flashing fangs a clear showing of his distaste for this 'Jewel'. He stares at me thinking, he furrows his brows. "Why do I remember, but not you? I even entered your mind somehow." His thinking face, a scrunched up frown, cute.

"It must be your magic, like your ice." I feel proud at my little darling, he shuts down my idea.

"No, I'm a runt. It's a miracle I can imitate my brother's magic at all." He visibly tenses up at his brother. I have the urge to hold him, I resist. His lack of confidence hurts me in another manner, a feeling of regret hits me.

"I wouldn't have a weak mate, Cain. You have always been strong." He again refuted me, he lets out an exasperated sigh, clenching his hair.

"I'm not your mate." I flinch. "We don't have time for a proper explanation. We need to escape." He bites his lip. He snaps his gaze at me. "We need to make a mess of this world. That might be enough to jolt us awake."

"I don't want to hurt anyone. I really think it might be your power. Let's try that first, please?" The idea of causing harm to my family, even if it's really a dream, is not an option for me. They have been nothing but kind to me, an illegitimate child.

My brain pauses, a tug at buried memories. Kind? Have they been kind to me? I look around me. A clean, well cared for bedroom. The scent of home, but missing something. Chocolate? A pained expression unknowingly crosses my face.

"Okay, I'll try." Cain gives in, not liking my emotional response. "How though?"

"Try meditating. Focus on your goal, your need." I don't think about how I know this, nor does Cain question it. He plops himself on the bed, focused.

I keep my distance, so I don't distract him. I dig deeper into my memories, it's full of happy family moments. My brother's recent engagement. Father teaching me to succeed him one day. Mother…

My fists clench. Mother is…

My brain can't finish that thought. Who is my mother? Did I ever meet her? The magic kicks in, filling the void.

Yes my mother died from Illness when I was young. Father remarried. My stepmother is the sweetest lady, always smiling at me.

I'm snapped out my thoughts by Cain. he snatched my hand, pulling me toward him.

"I did it!" The world swayed, the the dream faded, the truth filled my brain. An unbridled rage filled my entire being. The gate shuddered, loud banging sounds from the other side. A singular voice, louder than all the others. The one with the most connection. Called forth. My blood boiling for another awakening.

"Channel me. Crush her into submission."

The voice I recognized as Argenti ordered, furious.