
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
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38 Chs

Burn The Witch

Vlad doesn't leave my side, watching out for Quartz like a hawk. To keep myself busy, distracted, I spend my day with father.

He's not friendly, but he was rarely warm with the rest of the family. He gives short answers, and explanations for his job. Handing me documents to look over, to get a feel for the task. I take a seat on the second desk chair, reserved for guests. Vlad is spread out on the couch by the bookshelves.

It's quiet for the rest of the day. Lunch is brought by trays to my father and I. We eat, one hand for the food, the other for paperwork. Eventually my cat, bored, starts to complain.

"Babe." He wraps his arms around my neck, hanging on me from behind the chair. "Let's go. I bet we can find something more 'fun' to do."

I blush, my father twitches his brow. Intent on ignoring our inappropriate behavior, by shoving a very interesting paper in his face. He sips his tea.

"No, I'm working." I push his face back with my hand, he struggles to maintain his position. "If you're bored read something."

"But cutie…" he whines at me. "that's boring too." He starts sniffing my neck, clearly wanting to mark his territory.

I gulp. This is so not the best time. Also, just how thirsty is this kitty! We did it this morning. I'm no better, I remember our bath, my crouch starts to heat up. Still, I can't give into Vlad every time. I need to establish some control.

"Vlad either read quietly on the couch or get out." Snapping at him.

He flinched. He's still very worried about a certain knight making an appearance. He mumbles under his breathe, 'fine'. Grabs a random book off a shelf, and settles in for the long haul.

Only he lasts for about two seconds, regretting his decision. Gets up, puts the book back, and this time chooses one carefully. Satisfied with his choice. He reads, his body facing me, ever on guard.

I'm slowly getting the hand of the paperwork. Father even gives an approving nod my way. I smile faintly, excited. I could soon take over the office work, and be a proper head of household. I'm all giddy, getting such minor praise from my father. Vlad chuckles, clearing amused by my small happiness.

A light knock sounds from the door.

"Come in." My father calls out.

Davidson enters the room, as poised as always. Directing his words at me, his new normal.

"My lord. Your brother has sent a letter back from Count Clover's manor." He hands it over promptly.

'Dear brother,

I am informing you things are going swimmingly with my future in-laws. Veronica has accepted my proposal! Her father, count Clover has requested I stay for the night. Don't expect me back till late tomorrow.


Alex Anore'

A grin sprouts out. I look over to a curious audience.

"Alex won't be back till tomorrow." I pause for dramatic affect. "My big brother has himself a fiancé."

Father smiles brightly at the news. Vlad gives a 'hmm' and resumes reading, definitely not interested in my brother's love life.

Davidson bows before he starts to depart. He is blocked by Lacy, breathing heavily, clearly from running. She grips the doorway to catch her breathe.

"Lady Margo, she is in danger." She breathes between words. "Sir knight is threatening her."

"What happened?!" I jump up from my seat, worried for my mother.

"I'm not sure. I overheard them speaking, not the details. They are in the library my lord." She starts heading out the office immediately, leading us there.

Father and Vlad trail behind me, all speed walking.


POV: Quartz

I bury my emerging emotions once more. Unfortunately, I cannot remove that parasite from my master's side. Doing so would possible ruin any chance of protecting him. Still, my jealousy is testing my little patience.

I select a room next to master. Getting a strong whiff of Vlad from the room. They share a room, the thought causes my face to twitch. Unpacking my few belongings, I move on to my next objective.

I investigate the outside first, sniffing for any disturbance, any possible threat. It seems the old king has done a good job. Next, every room of the house, listening for any sense of betrayal, or spy. All clear. Good.

I avoid the nearby office. Not ready to make a report yet. I enter the last room, in the dead center of the manor, the library. A woman is reading on one of the many chairs. She notices my approach.

Her eyes widen, her heart speeding with excitement.

"Sir knight, thank goodness." She stands up, curtsies in respect. "There is a witch in the house! I saw it with my own eyes, a shapeshifter! That woman even brought a vampire in the manor!" Her eyes plead with me. "Please save my family, I worry for their safety. My poor husband has already been assaulted by the vampire."

She finishes. She waits in vein, I do not reply. I let out a long sigh. Vlad is not as thorough as I thought. He let this woman dare speak ill of master.

"Sir knight? What is wrong? Are you going to call for reinforcements? The which must be burned." A hint of delight fills her eyes.

I unsheathe my sword. I slash her cheek, to get my message across.

"You will show proper respect to my master, even in your final moments. Master Blue is not a witch, but a budding magician. Your price for such disrespect will be your tongue."

I don't mention I'll be killing her as well. That can be a lovely surprise for her.

She staggers back, screaming for help. She rubs away the blood from her cheek in a panic.

"Help, this knight is a traitor! He serves the witch!"

An uncharacteristic hiss flows out of me. Forget it, I don't need her tongue, I'll just behead her.

I lift my sword above, about to punish her.

"What are you doing?!" My master's fearful voice fills my ears.

Does he care about this foolish woman? I lower my sword briefly, listening for his thoughts. He does not. I quickly slice the woman's head off. It rolls across the floor.

My master, in shock at such a bloody scene. Retches all over the floor. I quickly explain myself, noting a grinning Vlad.

"This woman asked me to burn you. She called you a witch."

A rush of thoughts travel through master's mind. I scowl, killing her was assuredly the right course of action. Vlad comments rather crudely.

"Ironic right." I look at him. "The witch is dead." A satisfied grin on his face.