
chapter ii

the strikes of crimes

With the bounty of law on temporary retired to raise their kids, outlaw crimes are high, the marshals are needed in the cities towns, and counties. * The Santinos crossed into Houston borderline, a Mexican outlaw gang, that robbed, raped, and killed. Bad news, now they are done in Mexico, now they are in Houston Texas. heading for Lake-town appears they getting silver in the town a huge load and a grant payload, back at the homestead inside the house, it was getting late in the hour, they were washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen Marco was playing with his new grandkids, he didn't care how late it was. " you want to stay dad we can make a room for you, said. Jordan, "And you can leave in the morning, said, Jessie. " we all can leave in the morning, that was I planning anyway, said. Marco, "How mommy and Aunt Jessie know that huh? " the sun went down and night set in, said, Jordan, " And it to late for you to head back to Morgan town now, she closed and locked the door, and Jordan cu the lights off one by one they take them up to the nursing and pit the bassinets on the stands, and kissed them goodnight, they closed the door, behind them, the went int the extra room, it not much a bed and window, they make up his bed for him, " sleep tight gals dad will see you at breakfast, they kissed him good night and walked into their rooms, everything is quiet, as they are sound to sleep, in Lake-town* The Santinos hit the down and made off with the silver leaving the marshal and deputy shot on the ground, and Morgan town Josie waited and waited for him, finally she couldn't wait anymore, she borrows her parent's carriage and head to the west, finally she arrived at the house, " who be crazy to live out her? she got out the carriages and walked up to the door and banging on the door yelling and screaming, when she did that she woke up their infants. All fifty-five hollering, crying, they got out the bed, and opened the doors and to all of them, "What in the world! said. Marco, "Shhh, gals go back to sleep, we don't know anyone Dad, said. Jordan put his shirt on walked down the steps and opened the door, " what the h#ll you doing here? You just woke me and my freaking family up women! They finally doot them back to sleep, and walked down the steps." they finally back to sleep dad, said. Jessie, " As for us not so easy how about some coffee, asked, Jordan. "your wives when were you going to tell me that you are married with kids!? asked. Josie, " She calls me dad, stupid! I am their father, they are my grandchildren, and we are not courting, sitting and talking, or married get me, you're just alonely #ss horny women looking for an easy way to be taken care of because you don't want to support your self, take your gold digging tail home leave me alone for the last time, " dad be nice, said. Jordan, " gals don't, they walked up, " my daughters lived here, so they can raise their kids, Jordan Jessie back in the kitchen, never follow or bother me again get your wealthy daddy to support you, he closed the door in her face, " coffee makes my stronger, said. Marco, " You going to leave her out in the cold Dad what mom would do? asked, Jessie. " Alexa would tell her to stop throwing herself on me, said. Marco " we are her daughters, said. Jordan. " and you did say we take after her, said. Jessie put the pot on the burner and lid, Jordan put some coffee grinds in their cups, then they walked out the door, " what you doing at our house, using we point a gun at a trespasser, said. Jordan, " you thought he was courting us gross women he our father, he raised us since little, he took us in as his daughters, why you throwing your tail on him, " down Jes, she right he doesn't want anything to do with you, leave our father alone, stay away from our house, next time you won't be so lucky, they walked inside, and with wounded words she left, she finds out the truth After they finished their coffee they went back to bed, the next day which is high morning with a bit of cloudy, asthey put their sons and daughters in the wagons, and they hea into town, they were fast asleep andenjoying the ride, the windis slight blowing, as they rode into town, Josie and her family walked out of the house, Mayor Darnel walked out of hisoffice, " say they back at work say they not fully retired, said. Mayor Darnel, " they are back, what is the first hire Mr. Darnel? asked. Jordan, "There has been a bank robbery at Lake-town, * The Santinos just made off with a wagon full of gold, said. Mayor Darnel, " we get it back sir, they turned around and left out the down, they walked into the office, he closed the door." great for the little ones, the gals looking great, said, Mayor, Darnel. they are in the valley, Jessie jumps off the wagon, and by the bounty, she uses her sense, not hearing but touching sensing them heading way, she touches the ground, by that she finds horses and wagon tracks, " they heading North, they come from The west Mexico borders, said. Jessie, " we got a cross over, let's get the money and transfer them backcrossed said. Jordan, and Jessie, got back on the wagon and followed the tracks, Back in the office, " With the holiday is near I want to do something breathtaking, said the mayor. Darnel, "What do you have in mind Darnel, asked. Marco, * The Santinos were coming to a cliff, so they took the change and went down the cliff, they rode up to the cliff.

will they find there parents?

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