
The Gargoyle's Sin

'As the creature was bowed forward, only being held up by the strength of the ropes, the ministers quickly opened up the book. The light of the torches caught the name on the cover, 'Accalia'. No one knew what the name meant, but all that matter to them was what the inside of the book could do to the creature of the night. The ministers were filled with excitement and adrenaline, ready to make an example of him and once and for all put themselves on a level that they never should have strived for. In a booming voice, the minister holding the book began to speak. "As punishment for your crimes against God and His people, you will be sentenced to an eternity of anguish. Each morning, as the sun begins to rise, you will turn to stone, a slow painful process that will remind you of what you are and what you have done. Each night, as the sun sets, you will return to your natural form, to be hunted by man and God. You will be bound to the square slab in the center of the cemetery, to watch over the dead, but remember. If you do not return each morning before sunrise, you will turn to dust." ************************************************************************ Alexis Viotto is an only child who is sweet, innocent and flying to Albany, New York to help her aunt after a car accident. She had never been this far from home before, much less without her parents. Her mom intrigued her with a story about a gargoyle that guards the old cemetery. Her arrival seems to have caused a stir and a string of strange events begin to take place. She finds herself tangled in a mystery and now relies on the help of the gargoyle guarding the cemetery to protect her. With her life in danger and her fate being intertwined with Grimald, will she be able to handle the truth? Will she be able to handle who she really is? Is she the key to freeing the gargoyle from his curse, or is another source of his suffering?

Holiday47 · Fantasy
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66 Chs

The Rings

"Grimald, we need to send this poor girl home. She has somehow ended up in the middle of all of this and if we don't do something soon, she could end up dead."

Sybil was trying extremely hard to convince me to send Alexis home, but some reason I couldn't. According to Sybil her parents were traveling which means she would have no form of protection. I was also feeling selfish towards her, I know that I could only have a few hours with her at night, but something about her just kept pulling me back. I wasn't willing to give her up just yet.

"Quiet down Sybil, I don't want you waking her."

I kept as calm as I possibly could. Everything in me was ready to hunt down this priest and question him, find out what he wanted with Alexis. Right now though, Alexis needed me here and that's where I was going to stay.

"Her parents aren't home at the moment, so that means she is alone and vulnerable. Do you really think that is best for her?"

Sybil slowly shook her head and looked ready to try and counter my point.

"Sybil, what makes you think that her being far from here makes her any safer? They know her face, they know her aunt, it won't be hard for them to find her wherever she is. The fact of the matter is, we need to keep her close to us. I don't want her at her aunts house anymore, but I don't want her far from me either."

Sybil sat quietly listening to everything I said. The look of complete disagreement covered her face, but right now that was my final word.

"If she is to stay here Grimald, there is no way we can keep her out of her aunts place without raising suspicion. We also need to figure out who this priest is, what he wants, and what role her aunt plays in all of this."

"I agree," I responded while nodding my head. "I can take a wild guess as to what he wants, but the rest of it doesn't add up."

I sat and looked down at Alexis sleeping face. She was so tiny next to me, her small figure fitting perfectly into my chest. She had a connection to all of this, I knew that much, the only problem is I didn't know what that connection is.

"Grimald," Sybil began, "Why are you so set on Alexis staying her? I would think after what happened wit-"

I growled lowly not liking her bringing up the past. I was there, I know what happened and if I could change it all I would.

"My point is, I would have thought that you would be the first one to suggest that she get on the first flight home."

I sat quietly contemplating her words before answering.

"I don't know Sybil, but there is something about this girl that I am not willing to let go of."

We sat on the porch discussing a plan until I felt Alexis stir in my arms. I knew she was terrified and the thought of asking her to get involved anymore than she already was made me sick to my stomach. Unfortunately, I felt like I didn't have much of a choice and felt that if we were to stop whatever was coming our way we needed all hands on deck.

"Hi love, enjoy your nap?" I whispered. I didn't want to scare her while she was stretching and still clearing the sleep from her head.

"Hi Grimald," she yawned, "What are you two talking about?"

"Well love, we have decided that we need to do some digging. I need to figure out who this man is that was at your aunts house and I need you to find out what your aunt is trying to achieve."

"B-but Grimald, I-I don't th-think I can do th-this." Her voice trembled and I could feel her breathing increase.

"Calm down love, listen to me closely. Remember those rings that I told you to keep on you at all times?"

Alexis nodded while watching me intently, but before I could continue Sybil jumped in.

"Grimald, you shouldn't tell her about that. It isn't safe for you if she knows. What if that priest were to find out or her aunt? We can't-"

I gave Sybil a sharp look stopping her mid-speech. I understood where she was coming from, but I needed Alexis safe and right now our options were low.

"Those rings are a way for you to use me if you are in any serious danger."

"Wh-what do you m-mean?"

I smiled softly at her before continuing. "Those rings were made so I could always know where Alvina was, it was my way of protecting her when the others started finding out about us. But once I was captured and cursed, the priests decided they wanted to do more than that. They decided that they had unlimited power and control at their disposal if they could find a way to control me and use me. After they killed....well they showed up with her ring and used 'Accalia' to bind a piece of my soul to not just hers but my ring as well. After which they could order me to their bidding at anytime, and I was unable to refuse."

Alexis looked horrified and confused.

"So are y-you saying that I c-could use these t-to bring you t-to me even d-during the day?"

I nodded my head at her.

"I c-can't do th-that. I d-don't want to h-have any kind of c-control over you."

"I'm not giving you a choice love. I need you to keep those and use them when you feel you are in any danger whatsoever."