
The Gargoyle's Sin

'As the creature was bowed forward, only being held up by the strength of the ropes, the ministers quickly opened up the book. The light of the torches caught the name on the cover, 'Accalia'. No one knew what the name meant, but all that matter to them was what the inside of the book could do to the creature of the night. The ministers were filled with excitement and adrenaline, ready to make an example of him and once and for all put themselves on a level that they never should have strived for. In a booming voice, the minister holding the book began to speak. "As punishment for your crimes against God and His people, you will be sentenced to an eternity of anguish. Each morning, as the sun begins to rise, you will turn to stone, a slow painful process that will remind you of what you are and what you have done. Each night, as the sun sets, you will return to your natural form, to be hunted by man and God. You will be bound to the square slab in the center of the cemetery, to watch over the dead, but remember. If you do not return each morning before sunrise, you will turn to dust." ************************************************************************ Alexis Viotto is an only child who is sweet, innocent and flying to Albany, New York to help her aunt after a car accident. She had never been this far from home before, much less without her parents. Her mom intrigued her with a story about a gargoyle that guards the old cemetery. Her arrival seems to have caused a stir and a string of strange events begin to take place. She finds herself tangled in a mystery and now relies on the help of the gargoyle guarding the cemetery to protect her. With her life in danger and her fate being intertwined with Grimald, will she be able to handle the truth? Will she be able to handle who she really is? Is she the key to freeing the gargoyle from his curse, or is another source of his suffering?

Holiday47 · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Offer of Protection

I started to fiddle with the rings that rested around my neck while chewing on my lower lip. I wanted my questions answered but I know he was probably just as confused as I was as to why I was in the middle of it. 

"Shelta gave them to me," I whispered. "She owns a little shop in town and to-told me to keep them on me and no-not to allow anyone else to see th-them."

He slowly nodded his head while keeping his eyes locked on the objects, taking a couple deep breaths before closing his eyes and turning his head away from me.

"Do you know the story behind those?"

The hoarseness in his voice made me realize how painful this was for him. He probably felt like he was reliving the past all over again. That thought caused a waive of guilt to wash over me causing my head to hang. 

"She told me a little bit about it, but I don't really know much more than that."

He reached out and slowly touched them before speaking. 

"I made specifically for the two of us," he began. "They were made with....well magic I guess is what you would call it. I made them, I inscribed them, and they became the very thing that eventually ruined me. You see sweetheart, those rings....cannot fall into the wrong hands. They are powerful and damaging to me, I need you to keep them safe please. They are tethered to me...my soul. I thought they were lost with the book and yet here you are...full of surprises and holding every piece to the puzzle."

I gulped and asked, "Grimald? Is this the object that your soul is tied to?"

I already knew the answer by the way he was talking, I could see his fear in his eyes when he looked at the rings. He was terrified of being used again, terrified of suffering more than he already was and these rings were just one small piece in his long suffering.

"Yes, and since Sybil trusts you so much I am asking you to please keep them on you at all times. These are the only things that can allow me out in the daylight, when I am being used by a master, I am no longer tied to that stone slab. I only want you to use them if you are in immediate danger do you understand? I am in hiding from someone and being used or called on in broad daylight will only confirm what they already know, that I am still alive. Do you remember those men in black that were chasing you the night you saw me for the first time?"

I nodded my head while swallowing around the lump in my throat, fear creeping up my spine at the panicked look in his eyes. 

"Those were priests, well not like the priests that you know. They have been trained in magic, torture, the old church ways so to speak. They were sent to take you thinking that you know something, trying to find a new way to control me or possibly even kill me. The reason I am allowing you to keep these rings, is so you always have my protection anytime you need it. Just simply call my name, as long as these are in your possession any time day or night, I will be there. Do you understand?"

I quickly nodded my head while grabbing his paw in a death grip trying not to have a panic attack.

"I promise that I will do everything not to use them Grimald. I couldn't use you or do something like that to you."

He shook his head in denial and gave my hand a gentle squeeze while he spoke.

"I want you to use them if you are in danger, I am here to protect you and I will do everything within my power to protect you."

I sat down beside him after he said that and laid my head down on his shoulder, feeling drained, exhausted, terrified and yet, oddly enough, at peace. Despite all the dangers and all this new information I was still enjoying this time with Grimald. 

"Grimald?" My voice came out in a whisper, afraid to destroy the calm atmosphere that settled over us.

"Yes little one?"

"Why are you so willing to give me something as powerful as these rings? How do you know I won't use you and hurt you? Why are you so willing to put yourself in danger to protect me?"

My questions sat in the air for a few minutes, making me think that he was just going to ignore me. He was just sitting there quietly looking out into the night. 

"I don't know little one, I really don't know. But...something tells me I am making the right decision."

I sat there for a few minutes just allowing his answer to sink in. After everything he had been through I had no idea how he had any trust left in him, especially for a human. 

"That's enough questions for tonight little one. Go put this....book back where you got it from and get yourself to bed. You have had a long day and meeting me has added on some stress. Remember what I said, put this book back and don't touch it again."

The warning in his voice was clear and I knew he was just trying to protect me from what was in it. I just nodded my head before bidding him goodnight and slowly making  my way to my room, feeling ready to collapse.