
The Gargoyle's Sin

'As the creature was bowed forward, only being held up by the strength of the ropes, the ministers quickly opened up the book. The light of the torches caught the name on the cover, 'Accalia'. No one knew what the name meant, but all that matter to them was what the inside of the book could do to the creature of the night. The ministers were filled with excitement and adrenaline, ready to make an example of him and once and for all put themselves on a level that they never should have strived for. In a booming voice, the minister holding the book began to speak. "As punishment for your crimes against God and His people, you will be sentenced to an eternity of anguish. Each morning, as the sun begins to rise, you will turn to stone, a slow painful process that will remind you of what you are and what you have done. Each night, as the sun sets, you will return to your natural form, to be hunted by man and God. You will be bound to the square slab in the center of the cemetery, to watch over the dead, but remember. If you do not return each morning before sunrise, you will turn to dust." ************************************************************************ Alexis Viotto is an only child who is sweet, innocent and flying to Albany, New York to help her aunt after a car accident. She had never been this far from home before, much less without her parents. Her mom intrigued her with a story about a gargoyle that guards the old cemetery. Her arrival seems to have caused a stir and a string of strange events begin to take place. She finds herself tangled in a mystery and now relies on the help of the gargoyle guarding the cemetery to protect her. With her life in danger and her fate being intertwined with Grimald, will she be able to handle the truth? Will she be able to handle who she really is? Is she the key to freeing the gargoyle from his curse, or is another source of his suffering?

Holiday47 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
65 Chs


"Attention passenger this is your captain speaking. We will be beginning our descent into Albany, New York. The weather today is a beautiful seventy degrees with sunshine and a light breeze. Please fasten your seat belts, and thank you for choosing Delta." 

The captain's voice over the speaker pulled me out of my sound sleep. Stretching and letting out a small yawn I made sure my seat belt was fastened before sitting back and looking out the window. I could see all the buildings and the beautiful scenery as the captain circled the runway. The sudden drop in my stomach let me know that we were beginning to descend onto the runway and with a lurch forward the plane began to slow down. Before I knew it we were slowly making our way to the gate while the passengers began to gather their carry-ons, pack up their headphones and cellphones, and some even had to pack up their laptops. The sound of the door opening at the front of the plane was the signal everyone needed to unbuckle their seat belts, and grab their bags from the overhead compartment. 

I sat quietly and waited for everyone ahead of me to get off before grabbing my bag and walking as quickly as possible to the exit. 

"Thank you for flying with us," the flight attendant said as I made my way by her.

Nodding in acknowledgment I kept my head down as I continued on my way. Couples were holding hands and chatting about their plans, business men were on their phones, and children were laughing loudly excited for their awaiting adventures. Once I stepped foot into the airport I was sure to follow after the other passengers. They seemed to know where they were going so I stuck with them to avoid getting lost. A thought suddenly hit me, who was going to pick me up? I don't usually drive and I don't have a vehicle here. My aunt can't come to get me because she isn't allowed to do any kind of moving.

Shakily I pulled my phone from my bag and dialed my mom's number. After three rings her voice came on the line.

"Hi honey! How was your flight?"

I had to swallow the lump in my throat before I could answer.

"It was good mom, no issues. I was just calling because I have no idea who is picking me up."

Mom's sharp intake of breath caused my heart rate to spike.

"I am so sorry honey! I totally forgot to give you that information! Her name is Sybil. She is your aunts neighbor and has been for a long time. She offered to come pick you up and your aunt had no problem with it."

"What does she look like?" I was nervous. That's all well and good but if I don't what she looks like then how am I suppose to find her.

"Ummm. I believe she has long grey hair that she lets hang loose, its a wavy texture. She kind of dresses like a gypsy, the long bright colored dresses with lots of beaded necklaces. Possibly wearing sandals. I know that doesn't help much but what I do know is that she will be holding a sign with your name on it so that way you can find her. I made sure to give her your flight information so she should be waiting for you by baggage."

I felt slightly relieved knowing that finding her should be easy, but she was still a complete stranger. I just hope that she is as trustworthy as my aunt and mom seem to believe.

"Thanks mom. I just got to baggage claim so I will call you later. I love you."

"I love you too."

With that she hung up and I was left to watch for my bags as the belt moved around in a circle. One by one passengers began to walk away with their luggage while I was left to wait. Finally, after being almost the last person left, my bags made their way over to me. 

After collecting my bags I turned around to be met with an older lady who was slightly taller than me. She matched my mom's description of Sybil, but this woman didn't have a sign in her hands. I quickly tried to walk around her without being rude but she wouldn't move. 

"Are you Lexi, Elly's niece?"

My head lifted itself up to look at this woman before I nodded. She gave me a large smile and stuck her hand out to me.

"I am Sybil, your aunt's neighbor, I'm here to pick you up!"

I shook her hand with a soft smile and the grabbed my bags again, waiting for her to lead the way to her car. 

"Oh dear, let me help you with your bags."

Before I could argue, she was already walking away with my bag in tow. Deciding that I didn't want to be left behind I quickly jogged behind her so I could keep up. I noticed that she was still talking as if I hadn't almost been left behind.

"I am so excited to finally meet you. I have heard a lot about you from your Elly. You are much prettier in person, your pictures don't do you justice. We need to go sightseeing together sometime. There are so many cool places to see here, especially the mysterious gargoyle in Albany Diocesan Cemetery. I mean it's a cemetery yet it's the largest tourist attraction in the city, how crazy is that?"

At the mention of the mysterious gargoyle I felt an odd tug at my heart. I just chalked it up to my nerves, but the mystery behind this sculpture definitely had me intrigued. 

Gathering what little nerve I had I quietly asked, "Does the gargoyle have a name?"

My front collided with Sybil's back since I hadn't seen her stop so abruptly. Confused I looked up to see her looking back at me with a small smirk on her lips. The look in her eyes were mysterious, like she knew something but didn't want to give it away.

"The legend says his name was Grimald."