
The Garett sisters

We are not bounty hunters we are bounty of justice, we teach law, and train law

Rashidacarter230 · LGBT+
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273 Chs

chapter xxxvi

the plan in action

The poker house is filled with winos, drunks, gangs, cowboys, bounty hunters, and even the * Amegios* the game is going on and well, The leader is talking with Cameron and Preston, Cameron, and Preston. telling him why they are here and about their women's troubles, "[ they doing good mom and Aunt Jessie, they tell him about their heart pain,] said, Tiffany, "[ relax son and nephew you boys doing good, ] she got their glasses and walked over in hand it to them, Cameron grip her butt, " okay good to see you, boys too, said. Jessir, "[sis you look uncomfortable] said, Jordan, " when you going to sit on my lap baby doll, you make my pain go away, said, Preston. " [come on Jes play the role have a set,]-["you play the role, nothing like getting my ^$$ slap by child and nephew,] she sat on his lap, she whispered in their ears," do not slap me on the^$$ ever again, I working the role just relax and play the game. said, Jessie into their ears. in the inn, their sons and daughters and granddaughter are waking up. " mommy, mommy. they called for, "[ morning our littles did you sleep good,] asked. Jordan and Jessie, " there she is, I hate sleeping alone in a cold bed Mrs. Garrett,]-["same here, will our family join us for breakfast?] asked. Thomas, " [ we since the kids at the dinner order breakfast for us boys,] said. Jessie, "[children go get breakfast, they will bring you something back Preston and Cameron,] said. Jordan they nod and smile, the outfit walked ahead to the dinner, " go eat Jordan I got them until you get back, tell my husband one of us has to keep an eye on them, she pet her sister on the back, and walked out, it was a ten-hour break, for them to refill their glasses, use the stalls, and stretch their legs, Cameron and Preston got and walked around, "[he stop talking to us mom,] said. Cameron, "[ it that bad or good Aunt Jessie?] asked, Preston, "[good now he focusing on his hand, tell from his impression he got affair hand, how you boys making out?] asked, Jessie. "[good little advice be good,] said. Cameron, "[ yes please should we fold to let him win or win,] asked, Preston. "[either you fold he going to be on to you, you win he going to be p^$$ play him, up the stalks, play the game, he too busy checking out the *Wild cards table, they must have an ancient history outlaw gangs always do,] said. Jessie, "[sis I saw them when they came in, he signals his gang to ease over to their table, they're going to be a standoff, ] said. Jordan, "[gals break it before it gets bad when you going to make your move?] asked, Marco. "[time uncle Marco you don't want to rush the progress, ] said. Jessie, " [ when their game is over dad, your grandsons will signal once they left the table, right boys?] asked. Jordan, "[ yes mom, ] said, Preston. the break is over and they went to sit down and start to play the second roll after they got done eating they took the youngest back to the inn, and they walked into the poker house and walked around, "[ bro how you doing?] Cameron nod and smile, Jordan hands her plate, and set Preston and Cameron down, she starts to eat, " they did good, they have proved themselves to us, said. Jordan, "[ the wild card leader looking at him,] said. Jayden, "[ they are eying each other Jayden, the Amegios lost their first leader to the *black bandits, * this a new leader like the rivals of the south, outlaws gangs has hate for each other,] said, Jessie. "[ they see each other they fire at one other, I'm surprised the *Mounties not here*]said, Jordan it was time to reveal their cards, "[ mom he has a *full house,*] said. Dain, "[ what do Cameron and Preston has Dain? boys you did good, ] said.Jordan, they nod and smiled, "[ boys you starting to sweat, relax, you did good you play the game, he knows the house is his, now he has to play the drunk, and the wino, get up slowly walked out, head down to were uncle Marco is, Teeno and Frankie will bring you your breakfast, ] " congrats what a heck off a game, said. Preston, he got up slowly, " you really gave us a run for our money, they left the poker house, Teeno and Frankie walked up, " when we going to make the move? asked, Teeno, ' after the game is over, we might kill two birds with one stone, said. Jordan, " break the standoff before it starts and arrest the *Amegios* said, Jessie. " sounds good to me, they take their food and walked out the powerhouse, the new game has started, as the dealer pass out new cards, "[how's it going with him,] asked. Cameron, " [ he got * duce of wild* Cameron and Preston, and the house is double,] said.Jesse, "[ you got to let us re-enter,] said. Preston, "[should we be worried now?] asked. Jordan, "[you know the answer Pres,] said. Jessie, " [ one what about our money, two he trying to get over to his table, he had been planning this the moment they walked in,] said. Cameron, " when you lose it came out the pot, we can't give you vest badge back because he going to see you, just walked over to us talk, as two lonely old pole cats, said. Jessie, "[ after you finished your breakfast,] said, Jordan. it is nine clocks and the sun went down, high noon, as the poker games is still going on, it was almost time for their break, they finished eating walked up to their mothers, and started to talk to them, after they took their break, they start to move on them, " drop it, let's be reasonable here, just turn yourself in, said. Jessie, " you don't want to break your pour mothers, heart boys, think as we sparing your life so you won't have to die by them, Jordan and Jessie said with the voice of reason, they arrested them, and take them over to the law office and put them into the cell, " they all yours, we send a judge and jury down, said, Jordan, he closed the celled door and locked it,