
The Garett sisters

We are not bounty hunters we are bounty of justice, we teach law, and train law

Rashidacarter230 · LGBT+
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273 Chs

chapter xxxiii

Autumn wolf spiders

" what the h^ck you doing in my county, you lucky I don't toss you and your entire family out of Houston! raged Marco. " stop, Marco, we should bring both families together, be a family, cred, Marco. " dad!! called Jordan and Jessie, "yes gals why you left those two!?" really that was the only way she gets her tail up on my horse if we bring them. calm down, you want to tell us why you giving power over you? Asked, Jordan. " again we are the only ones should have that, this like with our Aunt all over again, said. Jessie, " excuse me, you know you do, what do you mean by that Jessie Martina Garrett? asked, Marco. " mom told us that she let her family decreed you, said. Jordan, " yeah that she has broken your heart and ruined your name dad, said. Jessie, " Alexis Owens who told you to tell them my affairs? yes that part is right Jordan, you half right Jes, she never ruin my name but she thorns out my heart, he kiss them on the head, " it better than having our ear pulled, said. Jordan, " or twisted, could you find another way to get our attention please dad? asked, Jessie. " that hurts, " not made to feel good gals, and nope that way let you know uncle/dad is behind you, said. Marco, " her father didn't approve of me marrying his daughter, " why, Marco is not your choice to make she picked him, just like Jessie is my choice, just like Hank my son-law is Heather's choice, said. Hank, " yes, Heather did I tell you I didn't like him or you can't be with him?" no, all mom said with you with them change your way to the bounty of law, " which I did and love doing, we help a lot of people and towns, top it off they both welcome me into their family like you should've done, stay out their marriage, said. Hank, " yes, our parents are there when we need them, they don't run our lives like you both doing, you can't even be away from her, let her live her life in peace, said. Warren, " that is the difference, w live with them because we work together as an outfit of queens and kings, the bounty of law, if we chose to leave mom and dad be okay right?" yeah, we know one day you all want to go back your own ways, that why we open up a family vault where you can take your share when you want to leave, said. Jessie, " all you have to do is live in another town and butt out you can't do that right, said. Teeno, " Jessie!" guys lower, easy up. we going to be here with them awhile, said, Jessie, she walked over to the bed putting her gun away, *gah, gag, gah, gah* they called, " what you two little monkies doing up, asked. Jessie, " says waiting for you mommy, don't leave me again. said, Hank, he hands her a bottle they start to feed them, " can you even be without your parents being in the same county with you, I get it I was in a town, going down the hill still fifteen miles I felt my mothers love, warmth, protection, I was in Morgan town, said. Frankie, " you need the mother stream, how they know where we are, what we doing, and when we need them, mom and Aunt Jessie was always near us, even when we try to pull away, " like we let you all do it, we knew you will come back to us, said. Jordan, " how does dad know where we are, too but his is the father stream, " wait so that's how he knew you both were fighting!?" yep I felt it, I knew it was time to grab those ears to get their attention again, you see what they saying, they can still be in your lives but with a parent, stream to tie you in, they don't need to be were we are at, " Jordan! that fine for you, not for me, can we just bring yours and mines families together, please. asked, Josie, " guys easy off her, she not like us that want the stream on us, said. Jordan, walked up to the bed, *gah, gah, gah, gah* said, Rayne and Randolph, " hi, my little ones, did you do good in court today? asked. Jordan, " yes mommy I was iron fist like daddy, said, Thomas. they picked them up, smelling the Fire ant's fires the Wolf spiders came out of their dens and start hunting them, Marco raised his eyebrow at her, Marco walked up to his family, "I start to think this marriage has run its course, you can't act as you find without your family around for a few days, they want to combine families, I leaving Dollar county, and decreed her, said. Marco, the inn door flies open after the wolf spider got the ant, " we expo now, the inn door is open, only a matter of time before they come in, sure what do you want, asked. Jessie, "I agree Mrs. Garrett we got to get back home, said. Hank, " yes, I do not like her side, whatever we decide we need to move now, said. Marco, " no, you got too many dogs in your family, I do not want my daughters or granddaughters around, I leaving Dollar without you, I sorry but like my first, we are over, go be with your family. you three can come with us but after Autumn is over you need to go back to Dollar, you two win, you want her back you can have her, said. Marco, they put them in the bassinets and pick them up, they took the innkeeper with them, and they ran down the back way and out the inn, they got on their horses and left ut the barn heading West to the house, Josie was hurt, she didn't want their marriage to end at

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