
The Garett sisters

We are not bounty hunters we are bounty of justice, we teach law, and train law

Rashidacarter230 · LGBT+
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273 Chs

chapter XL

Ltime alone

After they got back from the East, they walked inside the house, they hang up their gun belts, as their families went to rest before breakfast, they walked inside their youngest room, " you know Jordan I wouldn't give up being a mother for anything, this is the best birthday present ever, having the kids with their families back home, having ore with our husbands, said. Jessie, they shut the doors, Jordan hugged her sister, " happy birthday sis, I got something special plan for you, I know Hank wants this morning alone with you, said. Jordan. " you always do Jordan, I love what you plan, think you can handle my bunch this morning, said? Jessie, " like always, I contain the twins and half while you celebrate with him, said. Jordan, they walked into their rooms and closed the door, Jessie takes her vest and shirt, and shoes off and got in the bed, Hank smiled, " happy birthday Mrs. Garrett, said. Hank, " thank you, Mr. Garrett, so you remember the day of my birthday huh? he turns over and looked into her grey eyes, " yes, we Garret man who got a trophy wives like I've remembered everything that you told me, I got you something while I was in town Jes, said. Hank, " hank, he got out of the bed. " carrying, raising our kids is a great gift to me, would be wonderful if she came on my birthday? asked. Jessie, " they are a blessing to us, said. Hank, " I saw this, I knew it was my wife's name on it, so I figure, he gave the package to her. she looked at him and open it, it was a silver handle gun with her initials engraved on the outside JMG Jessie Martina Garrett, " oh hank I love them, said. Jessie, "now it is time for Mrs. Garrett birthday breakfast in bed, I remembered what your favorite breakfast is, by the way extra, in case the other ones get ruin or stop working, they kissed each other, he got dressed and walked out the room into the kitchen, Marco knocked on the door, " morning, is the birthday gal up? asked. Marco, " Jes Marco here, " I come to you, stay where you are Jessie, bout time you both get off your feet, he knock on the door, Jessie open the door. he kissed her on her head, " happy birthday baby, he gave her a package, " I feel spoiled by you dad, she opens it up, it was a new outfit, " Jordan comes out please I got everyone new outfits, you are still the bounty of law by hiring, but the governor of Houston brand you all the bounty of law king and queens of hearts of Houston Tx, so what you think? asked, Marco, Jordan walked out, " the Governor is hiring us, asked? Jordan, " we are your law team dad, like always, " I know you going to be running into bounty hunters all over U.s. Marshals, gangs, more outlaws, Mexico, and Red devils, for your purpose I had you and your husband's offices built in my house when I get telegrams or you get a telegram we read and go over them sound good, asked. Marco, " we go over the family plan this evening for the big birthday cookout, " you know, how is the alone time so far? asked, Jordan. " good he gave me new guns, what going to do with him, " mommy mommy, Kendall and joseph ran up and grab her by the legs, " is mommy the only one you see? asked. Marco, as he pick them up, " granddaddy!! " morning my babies, why we up so early? said, Jessie. " say because I missed you, mommy, they walked up, and gave their mother hugged wish her happy birthday, " these are for you all, and thank your grandfather for your new gear, when tony gets here give his, and thank you, everyone, said. Jessie, Hank walked with a tray of breakfast chili that has tomatoes sauce, eggs, sausages, ha, and chunks of cheese, with sweet squares with powdered sugar, and fresh coffee, " you spoil me is that what I think it is? asked. Jessie, " please tell me there is more Hank, said. Jordan, " what is it? asked. Frankie, " breakfast chili, they only make it on our breakfast, wait until you try it, said. Jordan, " a course a big pot full enjoy, in the room Mrs. Garrett I still want you to myself this morning, " thank you for the outfit dad, this is for you too, new court robe, give me, he closed the door. they walked into the kitchen, after they ate breakfast and cleaned, Jordan and the gals got started to cook, and Thomas the boys plunk and clean the fattiest ducks and put them on the fire to cook, " mm, I love this chili. I wish you make this every morning, said. Jessie, " only on your birthday Mrs. Garrett, said. Hank, Jessie, and Hank, kissed each other, and after they got the sides cooking on the stove, they went to set up outside. " when are they coming out? asked, Savannah, " in while Savannah they want to have the morning alone, said, Tony finally ride up to the fence, Cameron let him in, " I hope not let to Mrs. Garrett birthday, I looking for a gift that didn't know what she likes, said. Tony, " mom is a pure cow gal, anything you get her, she'll likes, this for you uncle Marco gave us new outfits, welcome to the family outfit, he rides inside of the fence and he closed it landlocked, " thanks, nice, he put them on, they have the tables set, " Heather bring Thomas the holiday sauce time to dripped the ducks, I glade you made it Tony, said. Jordan, " anyone knows what she likes would be Aunt Jordan, said. West, " Les not picking whatever you gave her she loves because it came from the heart, Don't worry guys I got her something from all f us, said. Jordan, they bring out the sauce and Thomas dripped the sauce over the ducks, the sides were done, they bring out the sides and dishes, they cut the ducks off the bones, they fall on the plates, and it was now the evening, Jessie and Hank walked out, what a great day to spend a birthday with your husband, and breakfast chili said. Jessie, Hank pulled her to him, and they kissed each other. " any day with you is a good day, sorry they want the birthday gal blindfolded, Hank put a blindfold on her, and guide her outside where they sing happy birthday to her, she open their gifts, they sat down eat, and had a great time, especially Jessie,