
Real mother??

"You really are pathetic Cecilia! How can you so ruthlessly kill our parents?" Ellis spat saliva on Cecilia's face. How can she kill her own parents? It was enough that she tried burning her. At least she survived but her parents; she'd never see them again.

"Ha! Parents. Whose parents. They were more of your parents than mine. "Cecilia wiped her face with the back of her hand. 

"You fail to understand anything because of your prejudice. You'll never be satisfied because all you want to do is take what doesn't belong to you" nothing but anger shown in Ellis's eyes. She hated herself for being so powerless to fight for everything she ever loved. But, now she was back to protect the ones she loved.

"Oh! Dear sis, you'll never understand the concept of life. I don't care about happiness. I just do whatever I can to survive. Well, after I'm done with you my target is… do you want to know?" Cecilia tapped her long sharp nails on the armrest.