
Not her mother

"Blessing Pitt Martin, I respect you and want to do everything for you, but killing my sister in law's mother is something I can't do" he thought he was going mad unfortunately, his wife was serious.

"What if I told you the price was you and me getting back together and you having to see Jean and Janice?"

"You can't do that to me!"

"That's a sweet deal only valid for five seconds" she started counting.

"Fine I'll do. No questions asked. You know you're very wicked." He smirked.

"I learned from the best. They say, once you marry a gangster, you'll start to act like one" she gave a wink and stood up.

"Mr Martin, you'll get your payment once the job is done. Now if you'd excuse me, I have things to attend"

"You mean a date with your boyfriend?"

"You sure fell for it didn't you?"

"What?" He was confused about what she was talking about.

"Nevena is the boyfriend. She's the one who has been sending those texts. I can't believe you really fell for it. What a fool!" She scoffed.