
Make their lives miserable

"What do you mean son? I told you that your father is dead" Anastasia regained her wits. What kind of a question was this? Why was her son asking such a question when he knew that his father died.

"Mom, tell me the truth now! I demand an answer now. Tell me where's my father?" His tone was dark and dangerous. His hands were shoved deep in his trouser pockets as he advanced towards his mother.

"Austin calm down bro!"Kamala said. But Austin glared at him.

"How many times do I have to tell you that your father is dead? " Anastasia didn't budge.

"Then what about my twin?" Her eyes widened and she looked at her daughter in law. Blessing muffled her mouth and shook her head.

"He died, I didn't even have the chance to meet him" Anastasia weeped. She didn't want to relive that moment when she was giving birth. Giving birth to one living baby and a dead one.