
I don't want you to stop

Before anything could happen, Nevena went inside their room and went straight to the balcony…

Shs sat down . Her mind was blank. The cool air was doing nothing to ease her paining heart. She found it difficult to breathe.  She didn't know how long she sat like that…but, she heard the door to the balcony being pushed.

"What are you doing here?" Kamala asked. He thought he'd find her sleeping when came into the room. But no.

"Just enjoying the breeze" she replied, and heard him exhale.

"Ms Tobias…" 

"Someone might hear you," she warned him in a low tone. It was better when they were outside, at least where they sat was far from the house.

"Nevena" , her name like always, sounded intimate from his tongue. He sat down next to her…playing with the pebbles that were around the artificial flower.

"I'm sorry," he started.

"What for?" Why was he sorry when he didn't know how to apologise?

"For what happened earlier" Nevena was greatly bothered didn't he just say it was a mistake.