
Drastic measures

"My love, I'm sorry. I… I really didn't just believe me. My body… was out of control. I don't know what was happening to me. Austin, you can't divorce me. I'll die if you leave." She kneeled down and touched his shoes. Her tears dripped down like a waterfall. She couldn't even breathe properly. Austin was her life, her anchor. She can't afford to lose him.

"Look how pathetic you're, I bet you were this pathetic when you begged him to f*ck you. You're a disgusting wh*re I want nothing to do with you. Don't you dare show your face in front of me again. Sign the damn papers. And leave me alone." He said through gritted teeth. He didn't believe that she was still denying everything. He would be a fool to get back with her.

"You say I'm a wh*re, I'd never cheat you…I wish I could explain but you don't want to hear me. And you think I'd give birth to another man's children. I thought you were the man I loved. You can't even understand me."