
Burned to the grounds

"Yes, you heard right. And it gave me joy seeing her burn" Kamala spat through the phone.

"You're lying. You wouldn't do that" she shook her head several times.

"I know you don't believe me, but Blessing killed her and I just did what I do best" he hung up the call.

Cecilia facepalmed her face, she didn't know what she'd do now that her pawns are out of the picture. She just hoped they both did their last job perfectly. It was her only leverage.

She went to her closet to look for something she had long kept. She searched but found nothing. She was frantic about everything.

"Are you looking for this?" She heard Thomas's voice. She found him with a gun, waving it in the air. But soon stopped because he pointed it at her… 

She turned to look at him, with fear lingering in her eyes. Thomas was a cruel man, but he had that love in him.

"Thomas, what are you doing?" She asked, her lips quivering.