
Birthday(Part one)

"What do you mean?" He had difficulty to come to terms with what Kamala just told him.

"How sure are you?" He asked again. 

"I'm not sure. But, from what Halsey, her mother just told me about her past, I think the two know each other somehow." He remembered the day he went to see Nevena he met Halsey on her way out. They stood outside as he waited for Nevena.

Halsey, like always ranted about him not hurting her child and all those lectures. He got so curious to know why she was afraid of Nevena getting hurt. And she told her a little about her past. And how every psychologist who recorded their conversation or sessions died. It came as a shock to him.

And from what he had gathered when they went on the trip to Thailand. He wanted to know more about her.

"I guess if that's the case then, we'll have to always be on guard." Austin said after listening to what Kamala had to say.