
All part of the plan

Austin was not in a good mood seeing his wife struggle with something that he didn't know.  He should be mad that she refused to tell him what's bothering him; but he decided to give her space by not persisting. Instead, he decided to take her out on a date just like old times. 

He didn't even hire a make up artist or whatsoever. So they went casually. Having arrived at the restaurant, they chose a table at the far end of the corner. All kinds of lights adorned the beautiful restaurant, it wasn't so classy or old but was accommodating. It was towards the outskirts of the city, surrounded by greenery. There was a waterfall and a lake.

"Welcome sir and madam what can I get you both?" The waiter came to them, with a note in his hands.

"I'll let my wife decide for me. Bless?" Austin gave a small smile to the waiter. Blessing who was gazing into space came back to reality when her name was mentioned.

"Hmm what?" She asked, confused of what was asked of her.