
A mistake?

"Turn that off, it's noisy" Austin mumbled  in a husky voice. It was early in the morning when Blessing turned on the TV in their bedroom.

"I'll turn it off after viewing the weather forecast…go back to sleep" she turned the volume down.

"You have your phone to do that, why would you choose a tv? '' he turned sideways. She ignored him and started browsing through the channels when she saw something…

"Austin, wake up and see" she patted him slightly.

"Blessing, I'm tired. Let me be." He said irritatingly. She pulled the sheets off him.

"Isn't that Leon?" She pointed towards the screen. Sitting abruptly, Austin looked where she was pointing with heavy eyes.

Immediately, sleep had now cleared as he stepped out of the bed and picked his phone. Blessing was stunned, wondering what had happened.

"What the hell happened?" He ruffled his hair and waited for Leon to answer.

"Bloody hell!" He growled out as he threw the phone away with anger.