
The Gangster's Men: The Lies Continue(BOOK 2)

This is Book 2 & Sequel of Book 1: The Gangster's Men! THIS STORY COMES WITH ALOT OF EXPLICIT CONTENT/MATURE/ADULT THEMES! SO THIS BOOK HAS ALOT OF WARNINGS! **WARNINGS** ONLY 18+ ,RATED R ,EROTICA! {EXPLICIT LANGUAGE, EXPLICIT VIOLENCE, EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT} STRONGLY SUGGEST 18 + & PARENTAL ADVISORY!THIS STORY WILL CONTAIN MAJOR ADULT THEMES, BISEXUAL COUPLES, LOVE, GANGS/MAFIAS, GRAPHIC CONTENT! BDSM,VIOLENCE; MURDER,ALCOHOL,DRUGS! MUCH MUCH MORE! ALOT OF SHOCKING THINGS This still about Avery,Jakob and their children! It will still show the story from ALL of their point of views! So it's got some new characters but the people are from the past!There is going to be More DRAMA & A LOT of PROBLEMS as their PAST comes to light! Then ALL HELL STARTS TO BREAK LOOSE! ALL of the SECRETS & LIES & BETRAYAL & DRAMA & SO much MORE happens. What happens when Avery's EX comes back? WHAT could MAKE Jakob freak out and loose his mind? Will Avery & Jakob & EVERYONE else that is involved can they survive? Will RELATIONSHIPS survive? Avery's still in The Wolves and Jakob's Gangs name is revealed and another GANG comes in. A couple Mafia Bosses are introduced! Will EVERYONE live? Will Nick and Aleck get into trouble or be in a relationship with anyone? Will Angelika 'Angel' start dating? Will Rose be interested in dating when she becomes of age? What's going to happen when Lies and Secrets are Exposed? Who is the new characteers?Are they going to be bad?Or good? Or helpful?Or A new Lover? Or an Enemy? Is Avery going to Be OKAY? What was so BAD that it had caused Jakob to loose it? What happens when relationships fall apart? What will happen when Avery starts loosing her mind?

videogameslover · Urban
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*WARNING*(18+)Chapter11Avery's Missing&Sam's In The Hospital(Parts1of2)


After I woke up and didn't feel Avery next to me I got dressed and went down stairs bit in my way down I found bags and a box by our front door.My heart drops and I'm scared now so I search for her as in freaking out and then I relax as she said she isn't leaving me. I made love to her on our kitchen table and think so Zane's not been pleasing her lately as he isn't dominant and fuck her like I do but does please her in other ways like I can please her in this way only. I go to the hospital after I an errand but when I get into Zane's room he isn't there anymore. "Um excuse me my friends Zane Zane Batman where is he?"(Room 214 he was moved down the hall handsome.) "Thank you!" Just as I teach his room I see Aleck's on his phone and Sam's on his bed next to him. What the fuck is this shit? I think as I knock onto his door and i walk in to his room. "Hey Zane!" I said as i walk closer toward him and I see Sam stand up and Aleck stands up and walks to me."Hey dad" he said as he hugged me tightly."Hey son! Ate you bothering them?" (No dad not at all but how's mom?)"What do you mean?"(Nothing just wondering) I look around and see Sam's nose is broke and I grinned as I look at him."So you pissed her off huh?"(Uh yeah.She didn't like the fact that she'd fucked my man!)"Uh..Huh..So..Just wow.Well anyways Zane I paid on your bill I'm headed to see someone else now who Avwry put in here as well." I walk out as I'm fucking fuming but in not sure why I'm mad at Sam and Zane? I guess now we've got two people with wolves members together in my gang. At least now I know Sam will be busy and leave Avwry alone but I know Zane and her have a odd relationship but they will figure it out. Now Sam will not be around My Queen anymore just Zane I think as I smile and head to Minnie's room. When u get to her room its empty so I go to the nurses station."Hey excuse me where what happened to the woman in that room?" I asked as I point to the room." Oh I'm so sorry sir but your friend passed away an hour ago. She had stopped breathing while on life support.' I turn around and leave and now I have to make sure that nobody knows my wife killed her! I will cover my wife's tracks now! When I walk into my house I see my wife and I'm caught off guard by how fucking sexy she is with her black and green Queen dress on and my cock gets hard as fucking hell. I let her know about Minnie and tell her that Minnie's the one who burned her Clubhouse down and I see she's a little upset as she goes upstairs to our bedroom. I stand up and go to see her and ask her if she knew about Zane and Sam and while we talk I go over to her l want her so fucking bad now. She pulls me down onto our bed where we made love and went to sleep. After we got up I had ordered our food and she left to get it so I checked the tracking device and didn't see anything out of the ordinary,as she went to her normal places, which is work,her new club that shes building,home,Sam's place and her parents house along with the store. When I go back into the den I realized that she hasn't gotten back yet and has been gone two hours and all of a sudden my heart hurts and I know somethings wrong so I pull my phone out and cant reach her. I wait a couple minutes and call our son "Aleck ! Have you spoken to your mom? Is she with you right now?" (No dad we're headed home now but hold on let me ask dad now'Dad have you talked to mom? Or heard from mom?'(No) No dad we've not heard from her since earlier. Why what's wrong?)"Okay son. Well I love you son."(Okay then dad love you too. What is going on?) I hang up on him and call Zane. "Hey Boss"(Hey is Avery with you?)"No boss is something wrong?"(She left 2 hours to get us dinner.)"Okay I'll try to call her then boss." (I've tried her but it just goes straight to voicemail.)"Well maybe shes on it?"(Well let me know if you do hear from her.) " Yes boss I will!" I walk out of our front door and went down our front steps and got into my car and I walked into the restaurant where she went o get our food."Mr. Frederickson was there something wrong with your meal?"(No I dont believe so.When my wife was here did she say where she was going?)"No sir as she was happy about y'alls date night!"(Was anyone with her?)"No sir"(Was she on her phone?)"No sir. Is there any thing wrong?"(Yeah she never came back home.) I ran out of the Chinese restaurant and out to my car so I can retrace her steps as I start my car up I see a cop car fly bye with their lights on. I start my car and follow it and when I pull up my heart drops as I see Avery's car Oh My God shes been in a car accident. She was headed to the store so I jump out of my car and run towards it but I get stopped by an office as I go under the police tape."Sir you can't be here you need to back up!" (That's my wife's car! Shes been missing for 2 hours now!)"Sor you cannot be on this side of the police tape. You need to get back!"(To hell I do ! Do you not know who I am!) I growled at him as I stared at him."Mr.Frederickson. Sir she isn't in the car or around it.Let him through Now. Jakob she's not here at all and we was called here due to an abandoned car that had been in a car accident. I've already looked inside and there's some blood she may be at the hospital!" (Let me look please? I won't touch anything I promise!)"Take a look but don't touch anything sir!" I looked inside and I see blood on her steering wheel,a black rose and I look at the rear fender and I see it's been hit hard as it was smashed in. I see that our dinner is still in the car along with her phone in her purse so she was headed to the store for something and then was in a car accident and was taken. Oh my god this not happening and I know she's not in the hospital as I've already called Kalamazoo's hospital. No. No she was taken I can feel it and I got to find her I think to myself and then I tell them thanks and floor it towards Sam's place."Call Zane"(Boss did you find her? Is she home now?)"Zane I need you to leave the hospital and I need you to meet me at Sam's house now! Avery's been taken by someone!"(Oh Fuck. Jakob I'm on my way now!)I hang up with him "Call Sam"(Hey dad) "Put Sam on the phone now!"(Dad.Dad is on the phone and it sounds very important!)"Jakob ?What's wrong? We just got here and bringing groceries in."(Avery's missing and I'm headed to tour place now!)"Oh my god! Who would have the fucking balls to do it?"(I'll explain everything that I know when I get there.Also I've got Zane headed over there as well!) I hang up as I switch gears and speed even faster there. All I know is that they've fucked up and if they've hurt her then they're in huge fucking trouble they stole the Wolves Leader's daughter, soldier's ex- wife, assassin,My wife who's My Queen and my soldier's girlfriend their fucking dead! As I'm flying down the road I get a text message "I left a gift for Sam" Oh fuck!! I got to hurry so I speed a little more.