A/n: Hey bookworms ( it isn't an insult, it's a good thing actually, I'm one too)... Its the author. This is my first work and I'm here because I want to overcome my nervousness and anxiety. I'm not very good at it, so I want you guys to correct me whenever I'm wrong... Please bear with it... Even though writing is not my passion, I consider it as my major hobby.... thankyou for choosing this book.... I'll get on with the story now...
Amelia's POV
"Boss, we got 2 more of the Blood Vipers, they were trying to set us up...." my second-in command, and best friend, Damien said worriedly. We have been friends since we were both toddlers and he is the most understanding person ever. He always knows when I'm stressed and fortunately also knows how to make me smile. But this time, I sensed stress in his voice.
" You and I both know that there's more to it, Drake..." I said knowingly, using his alias. The expression on his face was making me uncomfortable. He was trying very hard to keep the worry in his eyes from me, but trained enough, I could see it completely. I know my best friend too, period.
He sighed, cleared his throat, and just as he was about to speak, a knock interrupted us. I shouted a come in and my third-in command, Michael(alias Micky) strolled in. He looked over at my confused stare and turned to Damien, as if silently asking him if he told me anything yet. Damien shakes his head in a 'no' and looks over to me. Michael goes to him and whispers something in his ears, which makes all the worry vanish from his eyes and relaxation taking its place. All the while, I'm sitting here dumbfounded, questioning myself, if I'm the gangleader or they are.. I quickly look over to them with the same dumbfounded expression and they both start struggling to keep their faces straight.
They want to laugh? This isn't funny!
I growled slightly, before asking them if they were gonna tell me or they needed some threatening. They shook their heads frantically at that and came upto my desk.
Damien cleared his throat again and started the story," As I said, we had managed to get the 2 vipers, but they had somehow managed to escape. That is what I had been meaning to tell you. But now, Micky came in and told me that some of our members had been following them and they caught them again, thankfully." He completed the story with a sigh and looked at me, to possibly get a good reaction. He was careful enough to use Michael's alias, I give that to him. I sighed this time, and said," Okay, but I need you'll to make the training a little bit harder. I don't know how those 2 had succeeded in slipping from your hold, but this shouldn't happen again. Dismissed." Both of them nodded their head and looked back at me before going out. I could tell they were sending the stress I was in, and wanted to say something, but had to remain quiet because we were in the gang parameters. It's okay, because nobody knows who I really am, here everyone calls me 'Boss', at school everyone calls me 'Lia' or 'Nerdy Lia', and at the ring everyone calls me the 'Thorned Rose', or mainly 'Rose'. Yes, I am a girl, yes, I'm a fighter, and yes, I go to school, that is I'm a high school senior.
I give them a nod, indicating I would tell them at school, and they went away silently. I get up from my chair tiredly, inspect the surroundings of my gang parameters, and drove back home. I take off my blonde wig and open my long, brown hair from its tight bun. I take off my training clothes and put on my pjs. I also take off my brown lenses, and look closely in the mirror at my blue eye which had purple-ish swirls in them. I wonder what kind of eyes my dead parents would have had. Yes, I'm an orphan, no big deal...
I walk up to my bedroom and sigh..
What a hectic life I have.....
And saying this out loud, I fall asleep...
coming soon