
The Gamer in the Marvel universe (dropped)

Clark D. Faust a massive fan of Webtoons and comics enters the marvel multiverse with the powers of the gamer. In a world full of powerhouses, how far can he go?

AnimeAura · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5: Nicholas Fury, Jr.

"Sir, how can a normal person beat a level 4 agent in hand-to-hand combat?" The agent next to Coulson shouted.

"They can't agent. They can't." Coulson smiled knowing he had finally found a reason to keep me here.

"Handcuff him and put him in a ce-" Coulson was then interrupted by the big man himself Nick Fury.

"I heard you've got a gift for me Coulson"

"That's right sir, a person who claims to be 'normal' after teleporting onto the helicarrier and then defeating a level 4 agent in an all-out brawl."

"Send him into the cells on level 2, Any abilities?"

"Not gonna lie sir we haven't seen him use any however he wasn't very skilled in the fight that can only mean he has some sort of ability."

"Alright, I'll head down to meet him now."

"Yes sir!"

after being cuffed again I was moved to a real cell. Trying to look at if there was anyone here that I would know, maybe a Creel or Ghost hiding around somewhere.

"Guess that means no prison break," I said as they pushed me into the one-bedroom cell with a thick glass door/window.

After about another hour I was finally met by the director himself. I stood up the said,

"I may not know how or why I'm here but does that really give you the right to lock me up"

"Ooh, well look at it from my point of view a person appears out of nowhere, onto a higher than military graded secret base, defeats a level 4 agent in hand-to-hand combat, and then lies and says he's a normal person, with no background. or history" Fury looked at me up and down waiting for my big reveal.

"Ok, you caught me." I smiled as I put the cuffs on my into my inventory.

Fury was shocked for a second then said,

"Now that's more like it, all I'm waiting for now is the big evil speech"

"No big evil speech I just wanna be free!" I laughed while talking.

"Just tell me what I have to do?" I said still smiling.

"Huh, why are you still sticking to this sketch story?" Fury began to look enraged

"Whoa. whoa, chill out, listen if I had the power to escape I would've already done it and also I'm willing to share my powers with you Smirking I entice Fury.

"Reveal your abilities now and I'll consider letting down security by one level, basically you'll be under constant surveillance like you've been this whole time but you would also be living on the carrier, How's that?" Fury looked at me with a tired but also hawk-ish stare.

"If you're not lying we have a deal." I brought the handcuffs back into reality and said,

"This is my spatial pocket I can keep mostly anything in this pocket as long as it's not alive." I tried to finish it there but Fury was smarter than I thought.

"What's the power you used to defeat the level 4 agent sparring?"

"Oh that I just let him wail on me till he got tired, I could see that I could bea-." Fury cut me off.

"Cut the bullshit, not one bruise is on you, regeneration?" Fury looked at me dead in the eye.

Realizing that was an easier way to explain my gamer body and physical durability, I nodded and said that was all.

Fury looked at me one more time before then heading out and turning off all the lights.

Guess I'm gonna be with Shield for a while.

Nothing really exciting this chapter, I wanna slow down the protag, so that he grows in all areas, not just in magic like in the webtoon.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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