
The Gamer in Teen Wolf

A student at Beacon Hills High School is given the powers of The Gamer. What will happen to him? What will he do with his powers? What changes will he bring about?

Roaring_Phoenix · TV
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7 Chs


Scott is standing still and hunched over as everyone charges into the field from the bleachers. I run to him as fast as I can, which is pretty fast for the average person because of my training and the status increase crystals.

I reach out and grab his shoulder as I force my mana into his body and manually force his mana into a calm state. It's much easier than from a distance. After a couple seconds, his level turns back to 7 and he turns to look at me. His face has a mixture of surprise, confusion, and, most importantly, fear. I hug him and put on my best excited face.

"Your change is connected to your emotions. Stay calm. We'll talk another time." I whisper as I stop hugging him. Then Allison, Chris, and Jane walk towards us. Both of them looking a bit surprised.

"Since when were you two that close?" Allison says.

"I got really excited. It's not every day that one of my friends almost single handedly turns the game around and we win." I say trying my best to look a bit embarrassed. "Scott, this is Jane, my little sister. She'll be a freshman next year. Jane, this is Scott. If you ever make a move on her, I'll break you." I say with a big smile, which elicits an eye roll from Jane.

"Will, I thought you said you weren't a sporty person. You ran pretty fast there." Allison says with her arms crossed.

"Well, it's a bit expected when all he does is workout anymore and doesn't spend as much time with his amazing little sister." Jane says as she approaches me with a mischievous grin plastered on her face.

When she reached my side, she suddenly grabbed my shirt and lifted it up. Exposing my newly acquired six pack and v-line to everyone. It took all my focus to quickly hide my wire armor in my pants.

Luckily, it was dark and I don't think anyone managers to see it.

"Jane!" I yell as I pull my shirt down, ripping it out of her hands. I can feel the blood rushing from my face and a deep blush quickly took hold. I look around at everyone's expressions. Allison looks surprised. Chris' face doesn't change. Scott is pretty surprised, but mainly watches Allison's reaction. Meanwhile, Jane is almost on the ground from laughing too hard.

Soon after, Allison and Chris leave, while I introduce Jane to Stiles as he makes his way over to Scott. He makes a comment about how crazy genetics are and makes his way to Scott.

Then I find Danny and introduce him to Jane. He asked if I was sure we were related. I'm honestly feeling a bit hurt. Why does everyone ask the same thing? I mean, I get it. We don't look a lot alike, but the resemblance is still there. At least, I thought it was.

As the team heads to the locker room, Jane and I head home. I work out then go to bed. My stats look like this:

[Name: William Steel

Occupation: The Gamer

Level: 24

HP: 480/480

MP: 382/382

Strength: 26

Dexterity: 22

Vitality: 24

Intelligence: 28

Wisdom: 30

Luck: 22

Point: 90

Cash: $9372]

I go to sleep and start my training.

I use my newly acquired bo staff along with my wires and start smashing skulls. The zombies fall quickly and easily. I manage to only get some money and one status increase crystal. When I wake up, I finish my homework up quickly, then I decided to get some books on mythologies. I start working out in my room while I'm reading. The day flies by pretty fast like this, but then I realized something. My room smells like a locker room. I shower up and open my windows to air it out. Then I throw myself into reading and learn about all of the supernatural creatures. It's actually really interesting and as I read more into it, a lot of stuff that's happened in town start making more and more sense. I ask my dad about the girl they found in the woods. Apparently she was killed by a wolf and that her name was Laura Hale. One of the surviving Hale family members. Also, I found out that Derek Hale has buried HALF of his sister's body instead of calling the police. I was really confused about why he would do something that was that traumatizing.

I do some more research and found out that there were only 3 Hales left who survived the Hale fire which killed nearly a dozen people as well as the rest of their family. Laura, Derek, and Peter Hale. Peter is in a vegetative state, making Derek the last of his family.

I feel really bad for the guy. He's not much older than me, but now he's all alone. His entire family had been taken away from him.

I also found out that wolves hunt by crippling their prey before going for the throat, but from what my dad had described, that isn't what happened to Laura. I'm positive that it was a werewolf that killed her. I just need to find out why. It seems like I need to talk to Scott sooner than when I had planned.

I eat dinner, study both supernatural and school subjects, then I go to bed.

When I wake up the next morning, I decided to head to Scott's house. I've chosen to say that I'm a wizard. It makes sense as to why I'm the only one in my family that's supernatural as well as my ability to manipulate mana.

I get to Scott's house and knock on the door. A few moments later Scott opens the door and lets me in. We go to his room and sit there for a few long moments of awkward silence.

"So, what are you?" Scott asked.

"That's a bit rude, don't you think?" I reply, "But I'm what you would call a wizard, like Merlin from King Arthur's court. Also, I know that you're a werewolf."

Scott looks a bit surprised, "Does your family know and do they have powers too?"

"Nope. Just me. When did you get your powers?" I asked.

He hesitates for a second before answering, "The day before winter break ended. Stiles and I were looking for the other half of Laura Hale's body when I was bitten."

Good. Scott's not the killer then. I breathe a sigh of relief. Wait a second. That's about when my powers suddenly appeared.

"Do you know who bit you and why they killed Laura?" I asked.

"I think Derek Hale bit me and Laura was a werewolf too, but she was different. I think she could fully turn into a wolf."

If both Derek and Laura are/were werewolves, then maybe the Hale family was a family of werewolves. The fire might not have been an accident like it was described. My mind flashed to the Argents. No way they aren't cold blooded killers. Plus they just moved here. The fire happened years ago, it couldn't have been them.

"How do you know it was Derek who bit you?"

"He's the only werewolf I've met, he's basically threatened me to not play in the game, and he buried only half of his sister's body instead of going to the police. If it wasn't him, I don't know who else it could be." Scott said. It seems like he's though about this a lot.

"I think the Hale family was a family of werewolves, and that the Hale fire wasn't an accident, but the police ruled it as an accident, so him burying his sister doesn't seem too strange to me. Plus, I agree with him about you not playing in games. If I weren't there, you might've turned in front of everyone. That would've been bad considering the Argent's are werewolf hunters." I said. He looked really surprised.

Then he asked, "Is Allison?"

"I don't think so. Just her parents." I reply

"Both of them!" He basically screamed.

"Marriage is built on trust, if they had secrets between themselves, they wouldn't have been married for so long." I calmly stated.

"You don't know if Derek was the one to bite you, so I say that you should go talk to him and ask him about everything. I'm not saying to blindly trust him, but just to learn from him since he's been a werewolf much longer than you." I say.

He takes a second to think about it before nodding, "Okay. I'll go talk to him today."

"Alright. I should get going. If you have any questions or need my help then call me." I say as I write down my phone number on his desk.

"See you at school tomorrow and please let me know how it goes." I say as I'm leaving. I stop before leaving his room and turn around, "Also, don't tell anyone about me. Maybe Stiles because I can't ask you to lie to him, but absolutely no one else. Be careful."

I leave and head home. I spend the rest of the day with my family.

I get the last few crystals I needed and cap my stats at 30. Now I'm just grinding levels and hoping I get some useful stuff as drops. The only thing I got was a few health potions and manage to reach level 30.

When I went to school the next day I saw police cars. I went inside when I felt the same chaotic mana Scott released when he was changing on the lacrosse field.

I quickly make my way towards it and find Scott. I suppress his change, which has gotten easier and I can now do it at short distance. He turns to look at me.

"You really need to learn how to stay calm. What happened?" I asked.

"I had a dream last night that I killed Allison on a bus, then when I came to school today, the bus was ripped apart and there was a lot of blood." He seems really distressed.

That was when Allison walked up to us.

"You're okay." Scott said

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Allison asked, obviously confused.

"He heard a rumor that you were in the hospital. Goes to show that you shouldn't believe everything you hear." I say.

Allison looks a bit shocked that a rumor like that would be going around. "Well, I'm okay."

We all head to first period. I start reading one of my books on supernatural beings. Class goes by pretty fast and I kept feeling someone staring at me. I found out pretty quickly that it was Stiles.

I smirk then send a mana wire along the lines of the floor tiles so that it can't be seen. Then I make it stealthily untie his shoes and tie them together.

I bring my wire back and wait for class to end. When it does, I wait a second while everyone else gets up and I pull my phone out and record Stiles. He gets up and almost immediately falls. A chorus of laughter rings out and I go help him up.

"Staring is rude." I whisper to him as I help him. Then I grab my stuff and leave the room.

I go look at the bus, then I realize something. The bloody handprints are too big for a girl. They were made by a man. I text my findings to Scott. Then head to my next class. Halfway through, the cops found someone in the woods. They put him in an ambulance and left.

At lunch, I'm talking to Scott and Stiles. Scott is sure that he did that to the man, while Stiles and I aren't. After all, he's a werewolf, not an animal. Then Lydia places her tray next to Scott and in front of me.

"What's going on?" She says as she sits down.

"Nothing really. Just talking about that guy they found. Someone as naturally curious as you has got to be interested in it too." I say with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

She looks away and says, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Stiles looks at me a bit shocked.

"What? I pay attention. It's obvious she's a genius. If you can't figure it out after going to the same school as her for your entire life, you're an idiot." I say.

Lydia gives me an odd look, then everyone else sits down around us. Scott and Stiles are stunned, but I'm used to it. They always follow their queen.

"Get up." Jackson told Brian who sat down next to Lydia and Danny. He did take the seat next to his girlfriend and his best friend so I see why he's acting like this, but it still annoys me.

"You know there is such a thing as asking." I say.

Brian moves and Jackson sits down.

"Why would I ask him when I can tell him?" He replies.

"You know they're saying it's some kind of animal attack, probably a cougar." Danny says changing the subject.

"I heard it was a mountain lion." Jackson says.

""A cougar is a mountain lion."" Lydia and I say at the same time. Lydia gives me a weird look again, but Jackson does as well.

"Who cares. It's probably some homeless tweeker who's gonna die anyway." Jackson says.

"Actually I just found out who it is. Check it out." Stiles says as he show everyone his phone and plays a video that says who it is.

"I know this guy." Scott says, "Back when I used to take the bus when I lived with my dad. He was the driver."

There's a short period of silence before Lydia interrupts, "Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please? Like, where are we going tomorrow night? You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?"

Well this is news to me. I'm surprised that Allison didn't tell me.

Allison glances at me before saying, "Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do."

"Well, I am not sitting home again watching lacrosse videos, so if the four of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun." Lydia says.

"Hanging out? Like, the four of us? Do you wanna hang out, like us and them?" Scott asks Allison.

"Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun. Will, do you and Jane want to come along?" Allison asks.

"Danny and Stiles, how about you guys come along too." Lydia says.

"I'm down and I'm sure Jane will be too. She really likes you. However, do know that if any of you hit on her, I hit you." I say. Which get a chuckle out of Danny.

"I promise not to hit on her. I'm coming." He says. I roll my eyes.

"I'm coming too." Stiles says.

"Let's go bowling then!" Lydia says excitedly, not giving Jackson the time to say no.

After school, I'm making my way out of school when I hear someone yelling, "Am I attractive to gay gu-"

I recognize the person yelling as Stiles. Okay. Makes sense. Then I head home.

Later in the evening, I got a text from Scott. Apparently, he went to talk to Derek and Derek told him to go back to the bus and he'll remember what happened. Well, I could've told him that. Police take victims who can't remember things back the the scene of the crime or show them pictures of a crime scene to try and help them remember. Seeing it again can stimulate the memories and allow them to become more clear and easier to recall. Like when you go into your childhood room or home and you can suddenly remember things you can't normally recall.

Even later, he texted me and told me that he remembered and he was trying to save the bus driver.

I went to bed and started the slaughter. It's getting harder and harder to level up. Also, it seems like the items that are dropping are getting worse and worse. I think that the more times an item drops, the lower the drop rate becomes.

Thank you for the support. The surgery was for my ACL and between school and recovery, I didn't have time to write. Thanks for understanding and I hope you enjoyed.

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