
Chapter Seventeen: Who is "The Mysterious" pt. 2: Alatar the mage? "The Mysterious" revealed...

"Who are you?" The Gamer asked. "I am Alatar." Alatar answered. "What happened?" "Well, you encountered with the most dangerous person..." "'The Mysterious'?" "That's just a alias... He's real name is 'The Hacker', He's the best Hacker..." Alatar explained. "So... That's why-" "Yea, that's why you lost to him... He hacked..." "Makes sense." Alatar is going out of his dorm. "Where are you going Alatar?" "trying to stop 'The Hacker'." "I'm comi-" "Nope, strict order to keep you here." "By who?" The Gamer asked in his mind. Alatar goes to try to stop "The Hacker". The Gamer following Alatar. "Who was that?" The Hacker questioned. <Alatar...> "The mage?" <Yes...> "I hate that mage so much..." <Looks like we have visitors...> "Visitors?" Alatar questioned in his mind. "But, I'm the only one here..." "Oh, no... Why?"

thx for around 20K views... I love everybody who supports me btw, That's what keeps me making more chapters...

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