
Chapter Eight: Game Two: MindCrift: Parkour (MindCrift Part One)

"EVERYBODY THE SECOND GAME IS A CITY FAVORITE IS... MINDCRIFT!!! BUT NOT ONLY THAT, BUT ALSO PARKOUR!! IT'S JUST LIKE THE LAST ONE TWO PEOPLE FACING WITH PARKOUR SKILLS AND LIKE THE LAST ONE ONE HAVE TO BE CHOSEN TO DO THIS SAME AS THE OTHER GAMER WHO GET TO GO AGAINST THAT ONE OTHER GAMER!" Luna went to Kris. "Hey, Kris... Good Game and everything, but I think that you should do this one." "Why me?" "Because you love parkour." "Fine I'll do it." EVERYBODY GOT THE GAMERS READY?! OKAY GAMERS PLEASE GO TO THE MINDCRIFT STATION?!" The Gamers got to the MindCrift Station. "GAMERS READY?! SET!!! GOOOOO!!!!!" Both of them started and started pretty good too. "He is pretty good." Kris thought to himself. "You are good there..." "Yea, back to ya." "You didn't listened to me fully..." "What do you mean?" "You are good there, but still need a little more training." "What do you mean we are exactly the same speed." "That's where you are wrong..." "What do you mean?" "Look on my screen." The other gamer looked at The Gamer's screen. "H-how?" "I just needed to distract you for a little while. And a good gamer never miss any details." The Gamer finished the coarse. "Nice game, could I ask your name?" "Sure it is 'The Gamer 2.0'." "Sooo... like The Gamer." "Well, that's why call myself that because I am a fan... and people keep thinking that I am him... But call me Mac... Tho, what is your name?" "Believe it or not... I am The Gamer." "But call me Kris." He whispered in his ear. "WAIT YOU ARE THE GAMER?!" "Yea, cya Mac." Kris went back to the table. "Trevor, Luna, He was tough to beat. But I still beat him." "THE GAMER YOU GOT A LETTER!" "Okay." Kris got his letter. <Hello Kris this is someone important that you knew, but we haven't talked nor seen each other for a long time. Meet me outside after the tournament and I will and have been watching your games. From D-> "From D?" "Who is this guy? A fan?"

What comes next in the next chapter? Well he find out who sent him the letter? Well he beat the tournament? Questions that is gonna be waiting for the other chapters.

This is one of my best chapter from the ending...Well cya till the next chapter.

thesharkboy1creators' thoughts