
The Gamer - Restart

An AU story that retells the Manhwa known as "The Gamer" where our protagonist, Han Jee-Han will be forced to not only grow as a warrior but also as a man while he faces the cruel dangers of the Abyss without his "Gamer's Mind" passive. Rated T as this series will take on a much darker tone as Jee-Han climbs to the top of the Abyss, crushing anyone that gets in his way. ------------------------------- Disclaimer: TheBlackDuelist does not claim any ownership of "The Gamer" Manwha written by Sung San-Young and Sang-Ah. He is not using this fanfiction to make profit off of this story.

TheBlackDuelist · Others
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13 Chs

Physical Endurance Level Up!

A/N: Let's keep the ball rolling and head straight into Chapter 5. Oh, just a heads up you'll notice that I'll be displaying the current skills and stats of Jee-Han at the end of each chapter starting from chapter 7 from now on just so that people won't get confused.

Without further ado, let's continue!

Disclaimer: TheBlackDuelist does not claim any ownership of "The Gamer" Manwha written by Sung San-Young and Sang-Ah. I am not using this fanfiction to make profit off of this story.

The Gamer – Restart

Chapter 5

[8:30 AM, Yeogang High School]

Sun-Il sighed. Before class had begun he was wondering why Jee-Han hadn't arrived yet and feared for the boy's life. Their teacher may have looked harmless but tardiness to class was something he did not take lightly.

When Jee-Han finally arrived, Sun-Il narrowed his eyes when he noticed that he was out of breath, sweating profusely and seemed to just be on edge. What happened to him?

Jee-Han didn't even get a chance to explain his circumstances before he was doing the downward dog with both his hands on the floor and his ass in plain view for his teacher to strike.

"Why are you late?" He asked.

"T-Teacher, please let me just explain.."

"Excuses, excuses... let's do five times." He raised his favourite stick that was labelled the "Rod of Love" and smacked Jee-Han's butt.

"Agh!" Jee-Han screamed as he felt a stinging sensation from his backside.

"I want you kids to understand that I don't do this because I enjoy it, I'm only trying to keep you all diligent and on the right path. Do you understand?"

Jee-Han knew he was right and weakly nodded. Other than giving his students beatings if they were late, their teacher never got mad at anything else and would always strive to help any student that was in trouble. It's his form of "tough love" that he uses whenever anyone does something that "strays from the right path" or whatever it's called.

Jee-Han took a look at the top of his teacher's head to view his stats.

«Passionate Teacher»

Level 15 Do Gi-Hyun

With a level like that, it made sense that he could beat the crap out of any street punk that tried to attack him after school. Jee-Han still had goose bumps when he heard about how a bunch of students that were beaten for being late tried to ambush him after school and all ended up with broken bones.

"What the hell are you staring at?" Gi-Hyun smacked Jee-Han on his butt again and made him make an embarrassing squealing sound, causing some of the students to snicker in the back. Jee-Han felt like he was going to cry before noticing a new notification message.


A skill has been created through a special action. Through the power of your body to endure pain and damage, "Physical Endurance" has been created.

"Are you freaking serious!? I don't want to make a new skill in the middle of a beating!" Jee-Han's pleas went unanswered as he was hit a couple of more times, increasing the mastery of his new skill.

"Somebody... please save my ass..."

After his torture was finished, the teacher instructed him to sit back down and warned him that if he was late again it would be doubled. Jee-Han took the hint and walked as fast as he could to his seat while rubbing his poor aching bottom.

As he sat down, he tossed a glance at his best friend who had a sorrowful expression on his face an shrugged his shoulders before turning back to face the teacher.

"That bastard..." He seethed before bringing out his notebooks and utensils.

His teacher was saying something about studying to get into a good college and that those who already gave up on college should look for a job. Truthfully, he didn't care for either and kept his head low to avoid contact before the class ended and his teacher left.

He sighed as he dropped his shoulders to relax but was taken by surprise when Sun-Il grasped a hand on his shoulder.

"That looked like it really hurt, is your ass alright?" He said with that usual smile on his face. God, how Jee-Han wanted to just punch him for smiling at a time like this.

"Don't ask" He smacked Sun-Il's hand away and rested his head on his arm while frowning.

Sun-Il bent down and placed his elbows on the desk and tilted his head.

"Why were you late? You of all people should know what happens to those who are late to his class"

Jee-Han snorted.

"I wasn't late on purpose... something unexpected just came up. Yea, that's it..." Even Jee-Han couldn't really explain what had happened to him. Truth be told, his heart was still pounding and he could feel that he was still a bit sweaty.

He recalled what happened earlier and after that red haired girl had disappeared, he had absolutely no idea how to get out of whatever kind of barrier thing they were in. His curiosity was answered when suddenly, a crack appeared in the middle of the sky and shattered into hundreds of beautiful fragments. The next thing he knew, everything was back to normal and the fat old man he saw jogging before was back.

Even though he was happy he was able to get out, more questions just kept piling onto the never ending list. Before he could even think about questions, he took off with lightning speed towards the school as he knew the fate that awaited those late to his teacher's home room.

"Did anything happen on your way to school?" Sun-Il asked out of the blue.

Jee-Han spared him a glance and noticed he wasn't smiling like he was before and adopted a more serious and hardened expression that had traces of concern behind it.

"Nah, it wasn't anything important. It's not even worth mentioning" Actually, it was definitely worth mentioning but he couldn't just tell Sun-Il about it now when he himself didn't understand it.

Speaking of him, Jee-Han wondered if Sun-Il had any connections to the red haired girl and tuxedo guy from earlier. Could it be possible that there was some sort of secret organization of super humans?

"Yea right..." Jee-Han sighed as he shook his head, an act that confused Sun-Il while he still had his elbows on the table.

Suddenly, a loud ringing bell resonated throughout the halls that signalled students it was time for class to begin again.

"Look that's the bell, scurry on back to your seat" Jee-Han tried to shoo Sun-Il away. Sun-Il nodded and walked back towards his seat but not before stealing a quick glance at his friend who stared at the window. He was hiding something, Sun-Il knew it but he didn't want to force it out of him. He'd tell him when he was ready.

As the next teacher walked into the class room and began teaching his lessons, Jee-Han didn't even bother to pay attention as he tried to process all of the events that had transpired this morning.

From what he remembered, he was only able to survive that encounter because he could create an attack skill by doing some sort of special action and also because he was able to obtain critical information from that slime monster. His two newly created skills [Rip] and [Observe] had proved their worth and Jee-Han thought about how his gaming ability was able to make them become real skills.

"If I'm able to create skills by doing certain actions, then I should be able to do other things that a normal RPG would have right? What would be the first thing I'd do if I was starting a new game..."

Jee-Han put a book in front of his face for cover.

"Status Window" He made sure to whisper as quietly as he could.

A window screen appeared before him, but this time it was different than the others and had numerical numbers and more interesting information.

Name: Han Jee-Han

Class: The Gamer

Title: None

Level: 6

HP: 200/200

MP: 230/230

STR: 15

VIT: 9

DEX: 11

INT: 8

WIS: 6

LUK: 9

Points: 10

Money: £3000

Jee-Han sighed in relief. It was just as he theorized; his life had really become like a video game. If he could summon a status window, would an inventory also be available?

He whispered again.


This time, a brand new screen appeared with several empty boxes and a silhouette sketch of his body that displayed his clothing as if they were armour. It really did look like a video game inventory window.

He glanced at his mechanical pencil lying on his desk and wanted to test something. He picked it up and slowly moved it towards one of the empty boxes in his inventory. It was as if he was storing his pencil through another dimension and it fit perfectly into the box that displayed the item with a small avatar.

"Holy crap, this is amazing!" He couldn't actually believe that worked. I mean, he could believe it but still, he couldn't believe it!

"Next I should-


"Ow!" His reached out to soothe his head as he looked up towards a very annoyed English teacher that didn't appreciate a student playing with a pen during the middle of an important lesson.

"First you want to show up late to home bell and now you want to ignore my lessons? I must say Jee-Han, you've got balls."

"T-Teacher this is..."

It was no good; he was doomed.


Jee-Han complied and held out his hands in anticipation of the oncoming pain he was about to face. He glanced at his friend again who was snickering to himself and Jee-Han cursed him before he squealed like a girl after being slapped on his wrist five times by the teacher's ruler.

«Physical Endurance's Level Goes Up By One»

"Will I have to go through this every time I want a new skill..." He thought as he rubbed his aching hands.