
The Gamer - Restart

An AU story that retells the Manhwa known as "The Gamer" where our protagonist, Han Jee-Han will be forced to not only grow as a warrior but also as a man while he faces the cruel dangers of the Abyss without his "Gamer's Mind" passive. Rated T as this series will take on a much darker tone as Jee-Han climbs to the top of the Abyss, crushing anyone that gets in his way. ------------------------------- Disclaimer: TheBlackDuelist does not claim any ownership of "The Gamer" Manwha written by Sung San-Young and Sang-Ah. He is not using this fanfiction to make profit off of this story.

TheBlackDuelist · Others
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13 Chs

Black Silk Lace Panties

A/N: TBD here just dropping in with another chapter, not much to say about this one except this is a "special" chapter because Jee-Han's decision to get involved in the Abyss will be planted here.

We've been sticking to the canon so far but do not fret, the divergence will be upon us shortly.


Disclaimer: TheBlackDuelist does not claim any ownership of "The Gamer" Manhwa written by Sung San-Young and Sang-Ah. I am not using this fan fiction to make profit off of this story.

The Gamer – Restart

Chapter 12

[3:30 PM, After School]

Jee-Han ran.

As soon as the last bell had rung, he had already taken off and ignored the complaints he was getting from his teachers. Not like he cared; visiting Sun-Il took priority over that.

The first being, what the hell happened to him? Sun-Il had never been absent for school unless it had to do with his family's dojo. Otherwise, he was a very punctual and role model student. Today however, his teacher had informed him that Sun-Il had caught the flu and would be away from school for awhile.

Bull shit.

Aside from the fact that Sun-Il never got sick, there was no way Jee-Han would believe that someone of Sun-Il's remarkable ability could catch a flu that serious. Jee-Han refused to believe it.

So he made up his mind to go and visit Sun-Il after school to find out what really went down but from what he said about Sung-Gong, Jee-Han already had an idea.

"That idiot..." He bit his lip so hard that it felt as if it was going to be chewed right off.

He faintly remembered both of their levels as he was running, recalling that Sung-Gon's level was almost twice that of Sun-Il's.

As he passed the next and final corner, he saw the Chunbumoon's dojo in sight but stopped all of a sudden.

Shit. He had forgotten about cram school. His mother considered it "a way to get Jee-Han out of the house and his grades up" but Jee-Han considered a big ol waste of not only time but money. However, she was paying for it so it wasn't like he could skip it.

He whipped out his cell phone and called her, making sure to hold the phone away from his ear at the inevitable shouting that was too come.

"Jee-Han? What's wrong?"

"Mom, I need to skip cram school today..."

There was a brief moment of silence before an angry sea of nagging followed.

"Are you drunk!? There's no way I'm letting you skip something that I'm paying for! Why would you even want to-

"Mom, Sun-Il's got the flu and didn't come to school today."

"Wait... what? Sun-Il got sick?"

"Y-Yea, I want to go visit him and if I have enough time, I'll go to cram school after".

Jee-Han was worried that his mom would start yelling even louder but what she did next took him for quite a surprise.

"Alright, go ahead. If it's Sun-Il, it can't be helped. But you better make damn sure you don't miss cram school, got it?"

Jee-Han was a bit overwhelmed before he accepted the terms and just as he was about to go ahead with his visit, a screen popped up.


A Quest has been created!

Quest Alert: Paying Sun-Il A Visit and Making it to Cram School!

Pay a visit to Sun-Il and then hurry to cram school, you don't want to upset mom!

Time limit: 2 hours.

Completion award: Exp 700 + Increased closeness with Sun-Il and mother.

Completion failure: Mother's nagging + Decreased trust from mother.

Yes or No?

An annoyed grunt came from Jee-Han before he sighed and clicked "Yes" as there was no harm in trying to complete it. He then walked the rest of the way to the Chunbumoon dojo and knocked on the giant front gate. He had been here many times and yet, he still couldn't get used to their intimidating entrance.

He reminisced all of the times he had been here when he was younger, sneaking around with Sun-Il to play games. Their clan wasn't big on using electronics and had only bought a computer recently, though it was safe guarded in Sun-Il's grandfather's room and out of reach from Jee-Han.

He heard a voice coming from the door buzzer.

"Who is it?"

Jee-Han recognized the pitch of one of his good friends and sighed in relief. If it had been anyone else, they probably wouldn't have let him in.

"Ah, you're Sae-Young right? It's me, Jee-Han. I'm here to visit Sun-Il"

"Jee-Han? Long time no see! Sorry, Sun-Il is too sick right now so you'll have to come back la-

"Don't lie to me! I know that he got done in by Sung-Gong! Sun-Il already told me everything so please let me in!"

He knew it may have been a bit rude to shout all of a sudden but he didn't have a choice, Sae-Young was the type of girl that needed to clearly understand your intentions otherwise she'd just blow you off.

The waiting seemed to go on for an eternity before the door began to open. Jee-Han walked inside and saw several students in white gi's practicing out on the open field next to the main house.

Jee-Han stepped forward, memorized by their dedication before finding the person who let him in standing by the stairs to the main house smiling at him.

This was Sun-Il's cousin, Poong Sae-Young. She was a few years older than them and was quite famous in their city for being an Olympic Medalist in Woman's Taekwondo. Like Sun-Il, she was the heir to one of the branch styles of the Chunbumoon which made her one of the most important people in the clan.

To Jee-Han, she was more like the big sister he had always wanted. Scratch that, more like stuck with. She took care of him when he was younger and played with him from time to time. And by played with him, he meant try to kill him several times with a good ol fashioned game of "Run or Die".

"Hey Sae-Young, how long has it been?"

Sae-Young had a smile on her face that Jee-Han noticed was different from her usual smile. It seemed forced.

"About two months I think?"

Jee-Han nodded before adopting a more serious expression and tone.

"So, where's Sun-Il?"

It must have been Jee-Han's imagination but he could have sworn she sent him a icy glare before putting wearing another smile and turning around to lead him in.

"Follow me"

He stepped forward to follow her inside before noticing the rather extravagant view of her smooth and toned thighs, blushing a bit as he cursed her for still wearing revealing clothing. It was fine when he was a kid but he was a healthy young boy now. He had desires!

As he shook his head to remove the lewd thoughts popping up, he received a notification.

You have entered an instant dungeon.

You have entered Chunbumoon's Wind Rain Cloud Triad Zone.

Not having the Wind God technique decreases your status by 10 %

Not having the Cloud God techniques decreases your status by 10 %

Not having the Rain God technique decreases your status by 10 %.

"What's all this!?" He shrieked, noting several debuffs that were plaguing his body. He didn't understand how he had managed to get himself into another Illusion Barrier but theorized that it must have been some sort of protection ability that punished those who didn't receive the clan's techniques. He made a mental note to ask either Sae-Young or Sun-Il about that before noticing that the former had disappeared and he was standing in a dark room with several pillars lined up in front of him.

He looked around to find her but she was nowhere in sight and he started feeling nervous as he continued forward.

Suddenly, the sound of cloud's rumbling startled him as he looked up and sure enough, a black cloud was hovering over him. Rain began pouring from it as Jee-Han tried to take cover but it followed him everywhere.

"T-The hell! Hey, Sae-Young where are you!" His screams were not answered, at least not yet ayway.

"The usual Jee-Han is a game obsessed loser who wouldn't know anything about Sung-Gong...how suspicious" A mature and hostile voice came from on top of one of the pillars and Jee-Han looked to see Sae-Young standing there.


He finally realized what was going on.

"Just like Sun-Il, she thinks I'm an impostor. God damn it, does everyone in the Chunbumoon kill first and ask questions later!?" He was at a loss at what to say to Sae-Young who may have been smiling but Jee-Han knew underneath it was a cold and vicious gaze.

Unlike Sun-Il, Sae-Young wasn't a gamer so she wouldn't understand game references. Well, he at least needed to try.

"L-Listen Sae-Young, just hear me out for a-

"Shut up. I don't know who or what you are but you're not getting off easy for trying to pose as one of my friends. Let's unmask you, shall we?"

She spread her hands wide and behind her, a group of black clouds began to form as they produced a rumbling noise that sounded like lightning.

Jee-Han started to back away and recalled how terrifying Sae-Young could be when she was angry. The scary black clouds weren't helping in that matter either. At a loss of what to do, the idea of running away sounded promising but he realized he was in an Illusion Barrier so fleeing was pointless.

Before he could escape, he was surrounded by a thick fog that covered his entire view and he frantically looked around but all he could see was the fog.

Your movement speed decreases by 50 %

You've been affected by the "Slow" status.

"Another debuff! Great, now I can't even run away!" He wasn't proud of it but Jee-Han was confident in his running away skills. However, with his movement speed being restricted by that much, he wasn't going anywhere. He cursed himself for not having items to remove status alignments before his brain went into over drive trying to think of a way out of this mess.

"What do I do! What do I do! If I don't prove that I'm me, she'll kill me! But I love me! I don't want me to die! Wait, I have that skill! The one I got from Sun-Il to escape Illusion Barriers!" He felt like an idiot for forgetting about the very skill he desperately wanted. He wore a cocky grin and thrust his hand into the air, exaggerated of course.

"ID Escape!"

«This is an inescapable zone»

"Fuck!" He cried as his one last hope was rendered completely useless.

Before he could even react, he felt an powerful impact from his backside that sent him flying through the air. He landed on the ground, face first and rubbed his aching face. He checked his status window and saw that he had taken 150 points worth of damage and had gained more mastery of [Physical Endurance] before being conflicted on whether to be depressed or happy.

"Hmph, just as I suspected. You aren't the real Jee-Han. There's no way in hell the real one could survive a force like that!" He couldn't see her face but he knew Sae-Young was making a frightening expression.

He struggled to get up as his back creaked with agony but he needed to try and convince her.

"B-But it's me! I have an ability that turned my body into a Game-

"Enough with the deceit! What did you do with the real Jee-Han?!"

Though he was very close to dying, Jee-Han was touched by how far his friends were willing to go to make sure that he was safe. He knew they may have been rough around the edges but they truly cared about him.

But still, he wasn't about to die here. He had spent all week trying to think of ways to survive and he wasn't about to go through all that just to be killed because of a misunderstanding. That was just too pathetic.

"I'll prove that I'm the real Jee-Han! But first, Inventory!" He yelled and his inventory window popped up. He grabbed the bread and milk that he had stored over the weekend and materialized them.

"I choose bread and milk! I will eat to survive!" He started pigging out and as such, his health was being restored little by little.

As this was going on, Sae-Young stared blankly at the scene and was utterly confused at the spectacle. Impostor or not, this was still too strange wasn't it?

With his HP bar almost filled up, Jee-Han wiped his mouth and sported a weak smile as he had remembered something about Sae-Young that no impostor could have known. It was perfect. He would prove his innocence right here and now, the consequences be damned!

He took a deep breath and screamed with all of his strength.

"In the sixth grade Poong Sae-Young had a crush on a boy and started wearing black silk lace panties to impre- oomph!

A swift kick was delivered to Jee-Han's face as he tumbled across the room and landed face down on the floor. He clutched his neck and started coughing for air. He immediately sensed ferocious killing intent as he slowly looked up to see Sae-Young giving him a devilish smile with her hands on her hips.

"Han. Jee. Han. I clearly remember telling you to never speak of that again..." she walked towards him as she cracked her knuckles.

Jee-Han feared for his life in that moment, which was ironic considering the method that was supposed to save his life was now endangering it. The halls were decorated by the sounds of Jee-Han's cries for help as Sae-Young educated the boy to never speak of her deepest shame.

A/N: TBD here just saying that this was a long chapter. It took a lot of work to make it. Please review, comment and rate! Thank you. Yay for mass release!