
The Gamer's Pov

Yejin Choi led a relatively normal life, with the exception of his addiction to the MMORPG Enhanced Adventure. Once he reached the highest level and defeated all challenges in the game, he decided it was most favorable to log out for the final time. The following morning, he would be unaware that his beloved game, to which he had devoted entire years into, had transformed into reality. Yejin is faced with the task of starting over and working diligently to reach the top once again, relying on his extensive experience and ability from playing the game for years. As the story progresses, he starts to comprehend that things are not as they initially appear, and there are additional mysteries that even escape his perception. _______________________________________________________ Author here! I am not a novice writer, and even though this is a new novel, I have experience. I would be very thankful if you, as readers, could provide feedback on what could be improved or what you do not like about the novel. Of course, if you think the novel is good as it is, I would be grateful to hear that as well. Things you need to know: This world begins in Korea and anything can happen or anything is possible. This isn't a novel where the mc starts off stupidly strong and becomes overpowered within a few chapters. This is a story where the main character faces challenges and struggles, grows and learns from their mistakes, and ultimately becomes stronger through hard work and determination. The journey of the main character is one of self-discovery, resilience, and perseverance. Join them on their adventure as they face their fears, overcome obstacles, and become their own person in their own right. This is a tale of growth, development, and triumph, where the true power lies not in strength, but in the strength of character..

MajinLN · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter [10] Boss Killed!

This fight is nearing its end, and let me tell you, it's going to be intense.

But I'm 100% going to win.

[Skill: Intimidate is in effect]

Just by the thought of it, I enabled the skill.

I experienced a powerful burst of energy flowing out from within me, originating from the deepest essence of my being, my very soul.

Is this mana?!

But instead of it having any colour....

The mana surrounding me was blank of colour, enveloped in a black, murky presence filled with despair and intense suffering that spread to the air and seeped into the Goblin Champion.

The mana, devoid of any specific color, surged around the Goblin in a swirling vortex, gradually penetrating its skin as if searching for nourishment.

Consuming the thoughts of the Goblin Champion, it appeared as though the monster had encountered something supernatural. Its eyes were wide open, its expression frozen in a state of disbelief, and its body completely still.

When the Goblin looked into the darkness, the darkness gazed back with an intensity that sent shivers down it's spine. It seemed to be alive, pulsating with a malevolent energy that made the giant monster feel small and insignificant.

As the goblin stood there, paralyzed with fear, It realized that it was not alone in the darkness. And that realization filled him with a deep sense of dread, knowing that he was being watched... by something unknown.

[Goblin Champion suffered severe mind corruption.]

[Goblin Champion now cannot move due to fear.]

[Goblin Champion Stats decreased by 50%]

[Skill: Intimidate(E) is now upgrading to D+ Skill: Corruption]

[Unique Skill discovered....]

[Level up 8>9

+4 Stat Points

+100 coins]

Multiple system notifications appeared suddenly and unexpectedly, surprising me.

As I gazed at the screen, I could only stare in confusion. "A Skill called Unique Skill Corruption..? I don't think I ever came across something like that before," I muttered.

"And why did my Skill just suddenly upgrade..."


Deciding to refocus my attention on the Goblin Champion who was frozen in fear, I made the choice to address the situation at a later time. In that moment, all I could do was quickly seize the opportunity and charge towards the Goblin.


Gripping my daggers, I leaped up to behind the Goblin's neck, the place that I wounded.

"I'm not sure what's happening right now, but I can' let this opportunity go to waste!"

I started swinging the daggers backward and began cutting at the neck wound repeatedly until the Goblin's head was completely severed and separated from its shoulders.


Blood sprayed onto my face, staining my tattered and tear-streaked clothing.

Maybe my face did not express it, but I savored every swing of my blade aimed at the Goblin's neck until its health depleted to zero.

[Goblin Champion's health: 9/290 > 0]

Its head dropped to the ground with a loud thud, rolling on the floor with its eyes remaining open and the same look of fear still evident on its face.

What could have made the Goblin that scared?

[Boss killed!]

[Level up 8>9>10!

+8 Stat Points

+200 coins]

[Your achievements will be documented...]


"I nearly died two times trying to beat you, but it worked out in the end."

"First things first, let me allocate my Stats."

[Name: Yejin Choi

Level: 10

Class: Adaptive Savant

Health: 150/150

Strenght: 15

Speed: 18

Defence: 14

Mana: 121/150

Skills: Analyse(E), Adapt(E)]

I guessed I used a decent amount of mana when I was used the Intimidate... I mean the Corruption Skill.

I noticed that the skills I copy do not appear in my skill bar because they are not truly my own skills. I suspect that my Analyze Skill stacks the skills I replicate.

Woah... I'm saying "Skill" quite alot, arent I?

Moving on...

After checking my Stat, I found that I had accumulated a total of 12 Stat Points from a single battle, so I should use them wisely.

Firstly, I will prioritize my speed and focus on improving it since it goes hand in hand with my Class.

-Tap Tap...

[Speed: 18 +6]

Tapping on the hard surface of the system screen, I allocated 6 points into speed.

Now for Strenght amd defence.

After my battle with the Goblin Champion, I came to understand a few things. One important realization was that I am really vulnerable without a weapon.

But the most important realization is that my durability is extremely ass; just one or two hits and I'm basically toast.

How should I approach this? Well, I shouldn't stress about it too much because I'll have many opportunities to improve my Stats in the future.

-Tap Tap Tap...

[Defence: 14 +4]

[Strenght: 15 +2]

I allocated points evenly between strength and defense to make sure they were at least equal, if not the same. Given my poor durability and strength, I should work on improving them simultaneously.

After distributing my Stat Points, I immediately noticed significant changes in my body, as if it was adjusting to the elevated levels of strength.

I felt my muscles getting stronger, my skin becoming tough like metal, and my body feeling light, flexible, and agile.

-Hop Hop

Jumping on my feet might make you think I was some sort of human robot, as I was able to effortlessly jump several meters into the air.

It's honestly crazy how this system works...


Suddenly, I heard the sound of applause approaching me.

"What you just did... I can't tell if I should be concerned or thankful."

I heard Mark's voice approaching me, and when I glanced up, I saw him walking in my direction. He mentioned that it felt like a dream to watch me battling just now.

"How did you manage to make the dam monster experience fear?"

To respond to his question, I honestly replied. The reality is that I was unaware of what actually occurred myself. Honestly, it did not go as planned. But in the end it all turned out fine.

Mark looked curiously but chose not to inquire further. "I see," he replied before asking, "So kid, where are you headed next?"

"Jung-gu." I said.

"You answered that quick... is there something I'm missing?"

"It's the beginner area, it's where we can be at 'ease' for a while."

"I suggest that you accompany me if you're considering going there-" I responded, but before I could finish, Mark interrupted me with a laugh and a sincere smile, saying, "While I would love to keep saving you from death, I believe it would be more beneficial for me to stay here and search for more survivors to help. After all, I am an officer, remember?"

"Regardless, from the looks of things it seems that you are capable enough to handle things on your own and since I'm only a level 4 Support Class, I don't think you'll be needing my assistance anytime soon."

Mark then slowly turned around, preparing to walk in the opposite direction from me, "Take care, kid...well, I can't really tell you to stay safe in an apocalypse, but try not to get yourself killed out there." I responded, "I could say the same to you."

I gazed at Mark until he disappeared into the fog, preventing me from seeing anything beyond.

I couldn't help feel a a little diappointed.

He thinks his Support Class is useless, but it's far from it. I'm guessing most people picked Classes obliviously, meaning they didn't bother properly understanding them.

"With the right leveling,and skills, he would have been highly useful."

Darn, I may have missed out on a valuable ally and in the end I shared information with him for no benefit. Having a Support Class user would be crucial in my current situation. I regret not attempting to convince him, but I have a feeling he wouldn't have listened anyway.

Besides, I have a gut intiuation that I will encounter him again in the near future.

[Time Left until Tutorial Level ends: 10minutes]

10th Chapter everyone!

I am having a great time developing my own unique style within the genre of the system, and it will continue to evolve and become even more distinctive moving forward.

Witnessing my imaginations come to life is incredibly thrilling; I just hope it's enjoyable to read and that I'm doing a good job at writing it.

I usually don't plan ahead and often just write whatever comes to mind, so don't blame me if things are out of place. Trust me, it will all make sense after a while.

see ya in 40 more chapters!

MajinLNcreators' thoughts