
The State Of Shen , Yang Chao

Yang Chao, The State of Shen

The scorching sun was like a flame that poured down its burning sunlight from the sky like a pot of molten lava, its rays were like fingers stretching across the Land causing the entire land to transpire as It fills the sky with its brilliance and warm glow.


The State of Shen

The State of Shen is comprised of four big cities and a capital. The Capital of the State of Shen is known as Draica Holy city which is located in the middle of the four big cities like a quadrangle. The Long family controls the Northern region known as Silver Moon City, the Qin family control the western region known as Black Water city, the Feng family control the southern city known as Yellow Flower city and the eastern region known as Red Cliff city is controlled by the Yang family. Draica Holy City is in the central or in the middle of the four big cities. Unlike the other four big cities, Draica Holy City is without a city wall. It does not need a city wall because here is the internal organs or of the State of Shen. Inside this capital city gathers the most intrepid and the most powerful group of people throughout the whole Archaic Continent.

In contrast to the other big and small cities of the Archaic continent where there wasn't a defined rule within their Territory, but some unspoken rules, the State of Shen had taken things more serious and one step further than the others by having a clear written law. The people living within the State of Shen were divided into three ranks. The third rank is the lowest and the first rank the highest. The commoners with no battle efficiency or with no affinity for anything are considered as third class citizens. The low-level warriors or mages are considered as a second class citizen while The mid-level warriors or mages are considered as the first-class citizen. If someone was able to break through the high-level warrior or mage, then he would break free from the hierarchy of ranks and would become a Shouxian instead. The citizenship status within the State of Shen dictated the kind of life one could have, such as what kind of house one could live in or buy, how much tax one could pay, what kinda area one could live in, what kind of business one could open as well as what kind of information one could have .The citizenship status determined almost everything within the State of Shen. The law is very strict which prevent almost anyone to overstep this boundary even if you were super rich. This fact alone proved that the State of Shen was indeed different from the other big and small cities. Aside from this, there is mercenary guild, Merchant guild not to mention underground organizations within the State of Shen.


Red cliff City, City lord's Mansion

Within the main hall of the city lord's mansion, sits an old man in a huge decorated chair like a throne. This old man's hairs, eyebrows, and beard had all turned white. However, despite his old appearance, the old man has a pair of piercing eyes that were full of youthful energy and a look that command respect. The body of this old man was emanating an overwhelmingly powerful aura and innumerable dignity. His imposing manner was dreadful as well. This old man was none other than Yang Bi, the patriarch of the yang family one of the four great families of the State of Shen as well as the city lord of Red Cliff City. The old man had his brows slightly furrowed as if he was pondering about something. In front of him not far from the distance, was standing a young man in his twenties.

The young man was wearing a simple and tidy black attire. His figure was well proportioned, his eyes were filled with spirit and cunningness. The young man was extraordinary good looking with a dreadful imposing manner as well as an extraordinary aura.

" Father, I'm planning on taking over a big city as a way to show my worth to the Supreme Leader." Said the young man reverently.

Interrupted by his words, the old man snapped out from his thought and looked at the young man in front of him.

" You should know that I can't help with that, the supreme leader has his eyes on all of the four young masters from each family. If one of you received a big help from your family or used the banner of the family to subdue a City, your standing would surely be greatly decreased within his heart not to mention you could be out of the race. There is still fifteen years left before the supreme leader choose his successor, so don't be hasty and takes things slowly." Said the old man with a serious and solemn tone.

The State of Shen has four young masters and potential candidates to the supreme leader post. Four young masters, each is the peerless talent and ambitious character. There is Qin Jiao from the Qin family, Long Heng from the Long family, Feng Hai from the Feng family and Yang Chao from the Yang family who is considered as the pride of heaven from this generation. Each of them had already subdued one or two small cities on their own without the help of their family which is a way to show how capable they are without tje help of their family.Also, each of them has a bunch of followers acting as their personal private army.

" Don't worry father, I don't need the family's help to accomplish this task. Everything is already in motion, it won't be long before I conquer a big city." Said the young man with a devilish smile on his face.

" Ohh, if you can accomplish that, you will leave the other three behind by a big margin because none have then haven't been able to capture a big City yet. Each big city has at least an early 7th rank warrior or mage acting as a City lord." Said the old man with a pleasant smile on his face.

Even though, the four big clans are allied to form the State of Shen. They are always competing with each other brutally for the position of the supreme leader. They compete over conquering new land or City.

" Yes father I will accomplish it, just wait for the good news." Said the young man with a hint of certainty in his voice.

" Hahaha, I'll be waiting then. you may leave now because us four City lords have a meeting with the supreme leader." Said the old man with a hint of fear in his voice when mentioning the term supreme leader like he was going to meet the demon king in person.

" Yes, father." Said the young man while leaving the main hall his father was in.


Late at night In the city lord's mansion, within a luxurious room. Yang Chao sat on a chair, behind him were two men in black standing upright and attentively on both sides of him like unmoving statues

" Go and make sure everything is in place. Make sure that old geezer doesn't leave any survivors from that family." Said Yang Chao without even bother to look at the two men in black behind him.

Without saying a word. The two men in black disappeared without a sound as they left to execute Yang Chao's order. The two of them disappeared as though they were never there in the first place.

After the two men in black left, Yang Chao turned his head to the window and gazed at the moonless sky. He doesn't believe that his plan wouldn't work because it was foolproof.