
The First Human Encounter

Time flowed on, and a blink of an eye, a day has gone by.

It was already morning and the yellow sun had already risen from the ground. The morning sun shone brilliantly up in the sky as its golden lights dribbled over the land.

Due to the fact I was getting closer to the nearest human settlement, made it impossible for me to fly by using my Draconic form because I was afraid of getting caught or seeing by someone while flying.

Nonetheless, I moved very fast. Very quickly, the number of big trees and the undulating mountain range started to decrease as I continued moving forward with Sylvia on my right shoulder while the unruly little red was following me closely.

As expected, it didn't take very long before I got out from the outskirts of the magical beast forest.

Looking in front of me, all I could see was a vast flat land filled with green grass. I double checked my mini-map again and moved East where I eventually found what seemed to be a road made of carriages' trail and horse footprints. I didn't know how long that path has been used for the commute, but it was the only place in the middle of the vast flat land that was void of any grass. It formed a very long straight line reaching as far as the eyes can see.

As I was walking in this primitive road, my ears picked up the sounds of intense horseshoes coming from behind. Even though I turned into an old man by using the illusionary magic stone, it didn't change my excellent Draconic senses as well as my power. I quickly looked back, several hundred meters behind me, I saw a team of people spurring their horses onward. It was my first humans encounter after leaving the magical beast forest.

Their horses looked the same as the one I used to see back on Earth however, they were a little bigger and larger than the horses on Earth. There were more than fifty people on horses. In the middle was a magnificent and luxurious carriage. From the look of these people, they looked like they came from the same family or clan as they were all wearing the same uniform with the same initial on their chest. the men on the horses were heavily armed with long swords and spears while the others carried magic staffs.

Though the surrounding area was empty, the warriors, as well as the mages, were on very high alert. Their eyes were scanning the surrounding area from one side to the others. They were like tigers, ready to pounce and react to any danger. From the looked for it, whoever or whatever was inside that carriage was extremely important. Not to mention, the carriage looked ridiculously expensive which meant its owner was extremely rich and powerful as well. Strength was almost everything in this world as it dictated your status, In another word, no weakling was able to possess a luxurious carriage such as this.

Eighty meters, Seventy meters, Fifty meters, forty meters, thirty meters

As the troops of men were getting closer, I moved out of the way so they could pass. Deep down, I really wanted to wave my hands asking them for help or a ride, but I quickly Shove that idea to the back of my head. I didn't know who or what was inside that carriage. It's best not to get close to anybody until I get the complete picture of the changes that happened while I was gone. Plus, the nearest human settlement wasn't that far.

In less than a few seconds, the troops of men, as well as the luxurious carriage, finally caught up to me. However, A black robe rider wearing a shining red armor different from the others who were in front of the troops waved his hand and the whole team immediately stopped as they arrived next to me.

One of the warriors moved close to the carriage's window where he received a small bag from the person inside. I wasn't able to see the person's face, only a hand.

I was a little surprise when they stopped next to me. Nonetheless, I continued moving forward. I didn't look like a warrior or mage but some weak old man which means, I didn't have anything that would attract them. Also, These group of people were strong as well. The weakest of them was a 4th rank warrior while the strongest one was a peak 7th rank warrior. As for the person inside the carriage, I had no idea. I had already checked their level of power while they were stopping next to me. Back when I was in Red Cloud city, a 7th rank warrior was strong enough to lord over a big city and was rarely seen, but now, a 7th rank warrior was just acting as a guard.

As soon as the warrior took the small bag from the person inside, he respectfully bowed his head as a sign of compliance, got off his horse and approached me. He was a young man in his twenties.

" Old man , the third miss of the Long family is quite interested in this small dragon cub on your shoulder and would like to buy it from you. Don't worry, money isn't an issue for our young miss." Said the young man with a chuckle while slightly narrowed his eyes.

No wonder they stopped for an old man like me, it was because of Sylvia. Dragons were rare mythical powerful being. They were noble, aloof and powerful. If can be tamed, they would drastically increase the strength or the influence of their master. Not to mention, they can fly. Also, because Sylvia regressed to its small size, that young man must have thought that she was a small baby dragon. If only he knew that this small baby could transform into a gigantic beast that could swallow all of them including the horses and carriage whole or freeze all of them to death, he would have never asked to buy her or called her a little cub. Good thing it wasn't scarlet on my shoulder, otherwise, I'm afraid those guys would have turned into ashes by now. Nonetheless, Sylvia was very calm and didn't utter a word. Before I left the outskirts of the magical beast forest, I instructed her as well Little Red not to speak in human tongue without my permission by a measure of precaution. If they wanted to tell me something, they could just talk me telepathically like we used to do before.

As for this young man, Although his words hinted at discussions, his tone indicated that he was not going to take no for an answer or leave me much choice but to sell Sylvia.

" I'm really sorry young man, this dragon cub is not for sale. Tell your third miss to forgive this old man." I answered humbly with a hint of apology in my voice while remaining calm at the same time.

After seeing how I quickly rejected, the young warrior was taken aback as his expression slightly darkened.

" Old man, don't be so unappreciative of the third miss kindness. Our third miss is part of the Silver moon city's Long family and also the third child of the City lord!" When the nearby warriors heard my response, one of them sternly shouted in reply.

" Silver moon city, The Long family?" My eyebrows slightly raised a little. I did hear some story about that family when I was a little kid from my father as well as the State of Shen. I knew they were one the four great families that lord over the state of Shen.

" Sorry, not selling." Nonetheless, I still refused . I slightly patted Sylvia' s head and kept on moving forward. I simply could not be bothered with this group of people. I was not the same anymore, even if it were their so-called supreme leader, I would have given him the same answer. Not to mention Sylvia isn't just a beast, she was like my family now. Back then I couldn't protect my family, but this time I'll crush anyone who tried to hurt those close to me or those I cherished . I didn't spend all that time training in the magical beast forest just to let people walked over as they please.

"Stubborn Old man. Don't blame us since you rejected our kindness." Upon Seeing me intended to leave and not given them any face or sell them, Sylvia. The black-robed rider in front of the troop of men turned his gaze toward the young warrior that was next to me, and coldly nod his head without saying any word.

Suddenly, a vigorous battle qi erupted from the young warrior's body. He was a peak 5th rank warrior, he probably was considered as a genius from his clan or family because he looked very young and already possessed that amount of strength. Even though the young warrior unleashed his battle qi, he didn't attack me. I could see that they were just trying to scare me.

" Humph!, a Cheap parlor trick. you are still too young to face this old man." I said while an invisible waves of energy gushed out from my body enveloping the surrounding area.

I had already decided to act like an old geezer despite my age due to my new appearance. I might screw it up along the way but now I was just an old man who needed to teach this youngster about manners.

Unlike before, Once I released my Draconic aura or my battle qi, the frightful presence skill was automatically activated. Not only that, I didn't need to use my magic staff to increase the power of my magic spells. Because of my Draconic transformation, my magic power has changed and became purer and more powerful.

I stood there looking at the frightening warriors as my body exuded a feeling of a deity looking over this world, and my aura was like a billowing wave. I didn't even use the elemental crystals essences within my sea of consciousness, my Draconic qi was enough to deal with them.




One by one, the horses started to fall on the ground along with the warriors riding them. Unlike humans, The horses had a more excellent sense and were able to clearly feel my Draconic pressure. They could feel that my aura wasn't human. furthermore, my aura has affected them more than the humans because they were beasts. All of them just kneeled down and fell on the ground because they weren't able to handle pressure. As for the warriors, it's like they were being pressed down by a huge mountain as they kept on trying to stand up straight but couldn't.

Even while doing all that, my gaze was focused on the carriage.

" Have mercy senior." Said a middle-aged man that emerged from the carriage with an incomparably respectful expression while fighting as hard as he could in order to withstand the pressure with a grim and painful expression on his face. I was expecting the so-called third miss to come out, but it seemed like there was more than one person inside the carriage.

" Ohh, you don't want to buy my dragon cub anymore."

" Anyway young man, you are lucky I didn't sense any actual killing intent from you as well as your men, Otherwise, I would have turned all of you into corpses," I Said while I retracted my aura back into my body. I looked at the middle-aged man in front of me for a brief moment as well the carriage and then left.

" Senior just wait."

As I was leaving, I heard a feminine voice behind me. I turned back and saw a young girl running towards me. My eyes popped out wide open after taking a glance. She was truly beautiful female. Moreover, she had a very a gorgeous face which seemed to have been jade sculptured by the goddess of beauty herself. She had a perfectly straight nose, her limpid eyes were very beautiful. Even those hot celebrities women back on Earth weren't able to compare to that young girl natural beauty. Her body was shapely mature and possessed an incomparably exquisite curve.

" What is it, little girl. you still interested in my dragon cub" I said with a solemn expression on my face. Even though that young girl looked very beautiful beyond compare, I wasn't going to be fooled by her beauty.

" I am very sorry for offending you sir and wish to offer my apologies to you." Said the young girl while Bowing her head in front of me.

" Ohh, I see. Don't worry about it little girl. I was young and impulsive once too." I Said while keeping my old man act and continued my journey without paying any more attention to that girl. Right now, all I wanted was to get to the nearest human city as soon as possible. I missed eating delicious foods, nice hot bath, nice bed etc.

"Sir would like to ride with us." Said the young girl while she continued to follow me.

" Thanks for the offer, but I'll walk," I Said while walking faster than before.

" I insist Sir, I know that I offended you before. Just give a chance to properly apologize to you when I get to the city. If not this one won't be at ease."

Nonetheless, I kept on walking ahead.

" Please Sir, just I didn't mean to offend you before." Said the young girl while trying to keep up with my pace.

I abruptly stopped and turned around. I slightly gaze at the young girl who was following me. Well, it's not like I have money with me because I'm pretty sure that I'll have to pay some taxes in order to get inside the city. I couldn't find any bandits on the way to rob, so I am broke beyond compare . I do have a lot of magical beast cores within the ring that uncle Lei gave me. However, I couldn't just hand one to the guard.

" Fine," I Said while walking back to the carriage without waiting for the young girl.

" Thank you, sir." Said the young girl with a beautiful smile on her face.

At the end, I decided to ride with them. Not to mention I could get some information from her about the situation of the Archaic continent. With my strength now, I'm pretty sure the list of people that could threaten me can be counted in on hand. So I thought.