
Level up Simultaneously

" I think it's time to go back," I said with a big smile on my face. I turned around and glanced for the last time at the Luxurious tent behind me.

" The harvest today was truly great," I whispered to myself. Not only I got two Beasts core, I didn't even pay a dime for both. More importantly, I just friended a powerful person. This night can't get any better than that.

"Time to go." I ran through the crowd of the people inside the Merchants' caravan market like a blurry image. Within a span of twenty minutes, I instantly ran out from the crowd.


At the southern corner of Red could city stood a magnificent palace. In front of the entrance were two guards standing while their body was emanating a powerful aura. Also, In front of them, were two other black armored guards walking around and staring into the distance as if they were waiting for someone with their faces filled with anxiety.

Previously, due to the disappearance of the little City Lord, the two bodyguards went crazy searching for him but with no avail. After running a fruitless search, they came back and asked the two other guards on duty in front of the City Lord mansion's entrance, but they said that the little City Lord hasn't come back yet. It's not the first time the Little city Lord has ditched them and went on doing his own stuff, however, it's the first time he took that long for him to come back. The merchants' caravan market is simply too vast for both of them to cover not to mention it's filled with people. Hence, their only choice was to wait in front of the entrance of the City Lord mansion, praying for the little city lord to come back without a scratch. Because If anything happened to the little City Lord, not even their family would be spared from the City Lord's rage.

" Little Lord." One of the armored guards yelled out in a surprised delight. A hint of relief can be heard from his voice as if he had just been saved from the mouth of a tiger.

The other black armored guard, as well as the other two guards on duty, turned to look. They saw a small figure from the distance running towards them as if he was being chased by a pack of wolves. Both of the black armored guards ran towards the small figure with a huge smile on their faces.

" Little Lord." The two back armored guards stepped forward to pay their respect as well as the two guards on duty while they all fell into one knee.

" Sorry for ditching you again guys. Also, how many times that I've to tell you that you don't have to kneel down in front of me." I said with a hint of disappointment in my voice. I truly still haven't gotten used to people kneel down in front of me.

" Sorry little lord, but it's the protocol. Also, we can't defy the order of the City Lord." Said the guards in unison as if they were reciting a prayer.

" I know, the City Lord this, the City Lord that. Anyway, let's go inside." I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice. Even though the guards listen to me, but they don't obey the order I gave them that's contradicted with my father's. my father's order is supreme and absolute to them.

Moments later.

I went inside the mansion as the two black armored guards followed me.


It was already late at night, and the Cold wind was whistling outside the Red Cloud city lord's mansion. My body was trembling with excitement as I entered my room.

Inside my room, I sit on the bed with both of my legs crossed against each other. Within my hands, there two beast cores in each. I forced my self to stay calm and composed from all this excitement.

Suddenly, a huge suction force came from within both of my hands swallowing the energy within the beasts core in my hands. As the energy within both beasts cores is being absorbed, an extremely comfortable stream of energy starts to flow to every part of my entire body. The Cubic circuit patterns within my brain are shining and buzzing as it converged or sent the suction force within both of my palms as they wildly absorb the energy of the beasts core. The Cubic circuit patterns known as the Gamer's Godship crazily absorbed the energy within the beasts core as if it were like a thirsty traveler in a desert who is able to drink water all of a sudden.

If there were someone watching me absorbing the beasts core, they would see the battle qi around my body is getting stronger and stronger. Not only that, I can clearly feel that my mortal body is breaking through its limits, my muscles strength are increasing by a huge margin as my body strength is being enhanced to some shocking extent.

After an hour, I completely absorbed all the energy within the beasts core as they broke into tiny pieces of shard and disappeared as of they have never existed.

While I was taking a deep breath, suddenly the woman's voice rang out like crazy inside my head.

[ Your level has risen]

[Your level has risen]

[your level has risen]

[your level has risen]

[ Your level has risen]

[ Darkness attribute has been acquired]

[Earth battle qi has been acquired]

[ Host has already possessed Fire battle qi, would you like to combine fire qi and Earth qi together]

" Yes," I said in a low voice while listening to the voice within my head.

[ Metal battle qi has been acquired by combining fire and Earth battle qi.]

Suddenly, my reddish Battle qi turned into a sharp silver luster type of energy. It seems more powerful and more aggressive.

right at this moment


I felt like a large explosion took place within my head which gave me a killer headache.

" Gamer's Godship has risen to level 1]

While I was holding my head in order to resist the pain. My consciousness was sucked into a different location right after I heard that my Gamer's Godship has risen to level 1.

When I regained n the control of my mind, I find myself floating in the air or rather my spirit because I couldn't feel body to touch my body. As I looked down, I saw what seems to be a dried sea, barren and desolate. However, even if it looks desolate and barren, I can sense an enormous, ancient and a unique energy from the air. Also, I can only think about one thing when I sense that energy "Divine." I felt like I was an ant in front of that energy.

" Where the fuck is this." I murmured to myself.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard the voice of the woman that claimed to be the Gamer's Godship administrator.

" Welcome host within the Gamer's Godship."

" Where are you." I have heard that voice a lot so there's no need to ask who she was as I already knew the answer. However, I've never seen her face.

" Sorry host, the Gamer's Godship is still in his weak state, so it doesn't have enough energy to mold a body for me yet." Said the woman with an emotionless voice like she didn't care whether she has a body or not.

"What is this place," I asked her with my voice filled with anticipation. I have an idea about where this place is, but I want to make sure about my suspicions.

" This place is the Divine Elemental Essence Sea. It is within the Gamer's Godship that is inside of your brain." Replied the woman

" I asked you before about the Gamer's Godship, and you said that the information will only be available to me when I raised its level to 1. I think that I'm qualified now to know about it." I said the woman hurriedly.

" To know about the Gamer's Godship, you should know what a Godship is first. It is the crystallized essence of a God's insight of the elemental law they train in. Having a Godship means that the person is on the path of Godhood as the Gods are divided into ranks such as the People in your Archaic continent. Before a person actually becomes a God, there's a natural Edict which determines whether that person is worthy to ascend to Godhood or not known as Heavenly Tribulations. There are many types of Godship such as Fire Godship, Earth Godship but never a Gamer Godship."

" Your Gamer Godship is truly complicated as your Divine Elemental Essence Sea is void of any divine elemental essence. In another word, your Gamer's Godship is incomplete or drain. Only gods can possess Godships, yet you possess one while being just a mortal. Even though I am the Gamer's Godship spirit and required to tell you everything you want to know as you are considered as my master, there are things that I still don't know yet. Only by getting stronger and fill up the dry Divine Elemental Essence Sea, you'll be able to know the true Origin of the Gamer's Godship and why you possessed it." Said the woman

I was dumbfounded when I heard the woman's explanation, from her words, I can infer many things. even though I didn't get the answer I was looking for, I was still satisfied in a way. Am I going to be God after the Gamer's Godship is complete? What kind of God would I be? How did I end up with a Godship while being a Mortal? Where did it come from?

A large number of the unanswered questions were buzzing into my mind. While I was lost deep in thought, I felt that my soul was being pulled out from that space. I don't know how long I've been within that space as the concept of time didn't seem to exist in there. Suddenly, a familiar feeling slowly returns to me, it was the feeling of having the control of my body. my headache was gone as if it never happened. I feel that my body is much stronger and sturdier. At this moment, I felt like my entire body's muscles are full of strong vitality. I can clearly sense that my body's toughness, strength, and agility has drastically increased. Even my eyesight become much swifter and clearer.

" Stats." While I was feeling the great change in my body, I decided to check how much it has changed in terms of number.

Suddenly a huge materialized out of nowhere In front of me.

Name . Jin Longwei

Race. Human

Age . 5 years

1st Occupation. Mage (Fire, Darkness)

2nd Occupation. Swordsman(metal battle qi)

3rd Occupation. Spiritual master

Level . 11 ( 25%)

Uniqueness. Gamer's Godship ( Level 1 (25%) )

Strength . 35

Intelligence. 17

Agility . 35

Stamina. 35

Talent. 35

Magic power. 35

Battle qi. 35( metal battle qi)

Spiritual power. 35

Charm . 13

Extra points. 15

I finally broke through the 2nd rank warrior and mage. Now I can study more magical spells not only the Fireball spells that my father kept on teaching me. A 2nd rank is truly different from a 1st rank, I can feel a considerable amount of battle within my battle qi sea. As for the extra points, I will use them after a real fight to the area I lack the most.

After finishing checking my stats, I decided to check my window skills

" Window skills."

A small blue screen appeared in front of me.

[Primary swordsmanship level 8]

[ Basic fireball spell level 7]

After spending years swinging my sword, I finally made it to level 8. So far I only have two skills. Now that my strength has enhanced, I think it's time to bury myself into some skills books.

" Because the Gamer's Godship has risen to level one, the host will be able to use one of its functions known as " Mini map."

While making plans of what to do, suddenly the woman's voice rang out inside my head again.

Suddenly a map of what seems to be the Whole Red Cloud City appeared in front of me. It was like the perfect replica of the city. The most interesting thing was, I can actually see a green dot which is me in my room while the rest of the red dots scattered throughout the whole city are the people living in it. I was beyond happy when I saw this because a mini-map such as this can be truly magical depending on how it's being used. With this map, I won't suffer any ambushes. As matter of fact, I'll be able to ambush people. There are so many ways this map can be used that I don't know where to start. After checking everything, I went back to sleep because I have an exciting day waiting for me tomorrow.