
Iron Fist City

Iron Fist City! Regarding Archaic continent any warrior or mage was a fearful place or hell itself. However, similarly, it was also considered as a safe haven and a sanctuary as well for many warriors and mages. How could a place be considered as a heaven and hell at the same time? Well, it all depended on the person.

Iron Fist City wasn't an influence and it didn't not affiliate to any of the three powers within the Archaic continent. It's more like a free Chaotic place. Located at the north-western edge of the magical beast forest, Iron Fist City was almost the Archaic continent most liveliest City, Although, it was a very dark and degenerate place, it was a safe haven for many. It was the house or the city of many criminals and bandits that had committed monstrous crime throughout the continent.

Everything can be found and be traded in this city and it has been that way long before the founding of the three Empires. Furthermore, this situation had worsened after the creation of the three powers. Many city lords that had lost their cities to any of the three Empires have either chosen to migrate to Iron Fist city in order to seek asylum with their family or in an attempt to conquer it. For them, Iron Fist city was like an untamed horse. The creation of the Three Powers has led to an increase in population in Iron Fist City.

Asides from that, all kinds of ruffians, low-level thugs, mercenaries mix with good people live in the city as well. The nearby two Empires did not set their minds to conquer Iron Fist City as it was pretty close to the magical beast forest and were always under constant attack of the magical beast or beast tides. It was a waste of resources and manpower for them to rule such a city, as such it became the playground for criminals and all kinds of people.

This city was so chaotic that today the master of the city could be a certain family, but when the sun shines tomorrow or next week, the Master could have been replaced. A war between major powers and deaths were very common occurrence within the city. In this city, people argue with their fist rather than their mouths, hence came the name Iron Fist City. To put it bluntly, in this city, you let your fist do the talking.

Furthermore, because Iron Fist City was located very close to the Magical beast forest, many adventurers and mercenaries choose to settle in it. In the eyes of the adventurers or mercenaries, where there were magical beasts there were beasts core and beasts core mean Gold coin and cultivation resources. In another word, magical beasts core was also equal to wealth and practice resources for them.

In summary, even though Iron fist city was considered as the most dangerous and ominous place within the continent, it was also a treasure trove for many as well as their meal ticket. As long as your strength was enough then there's not much to worry about.


Early in the morning, the first pure scattering rays of light of the morning sun illuminated the whole continent. The soft rays of sunlight brought with them the warmth of a new day.

" How long till we arrive at the city?"

" We'll be there in less than one hour Sir Alfred."

After The Ice Queen and I left Silver Moon city, we have been traveling non stop through the night in a carriage. It was still unknown why she was following me but I could clearly feel that she didn't have any ill intent towards me. After I have swallowed the soul of number 4 and gained almost all of his memories, I now have a clear understanding about the current situation of the Archaic continent as well as the relations between the three empires. Not only that, because number 4 was a spy working for the Long family and a high level one at that, I now know all the information and secrets that he knew. I know about the spy ring running by the long family throughout the continent as well as where most them are operated. Because of this, I also have a clear idea about how powerful a Saint rank expert is, how many of them were out there, as well as an estimate of how much resources they have plundered in the underground cave mansion.

Assimilating number's 4 memories, also made me realize how childish I was by thinking that I can just come back here creating my own power and take revenge for my family that easily. I've come to know that the death of my family wasn't just Lin Fei's doing and that he was just a pawn, but that didn't mean I was gonna let off that bastard.

The Mastermind behind it all was the current crown prince of the Yang Empire all along. This wasn't a secret among the four clans as they spied and kept a tab on each other. With my current strength, I still can kill him even though it won't be that easy as he was a 10th rank late stage and a step away from the Saint rank, however, what worries me the most was the power behind him.

The Yang Empire have a total of three Saint rank experts at its disposal while I was still a 10th rank early stage. I don't want to scheme and act behind the scene to get my revenge against them. I wanted to be able to storm into the Yang imperial capital frank and upward and drag his ass out. I wanted to shred him to pieces with my bare hands because it's the only way to appease all the hatred that has been accumulated in my heart since all those years, and if those old geezers wanted to interfere then I won't mind sending them to meet their maker as well. I wanted them to know that I survived and the Jin family bloodline will still cary on. I really need to get stronger and breakthrough the Saint rank as soon as possible.

As for the village, I still have a plan and the first step was to make the Ice Queen my subordinate which would be helpful in creating the village and its future development. In order to village to upgrade fast and work perfectly, I need her management skill and her connections because she was the owner of the Jade Auction House and have a branch store in every major city in the two Empires.

I know what she wants the most and her aspirations through number 4's memories including her background which would be a great help in convincing her. Also, having her working for me would be the best way to repay her for her kindness towards me in the past as she would fish a lot of advantages as well. I wish I could tell her who I really was but it wasn't the right time yet, plus I have to be careful and cant afford to be too trusting. While I was traveling with her through the night, I have already come up with a plan. I have to say, absorbing number 4's memories was the best and productive things that I have done so far since coming back.

" So tell me, young miss, how does a powerful and influential person like you is living in Iron Fist City," I Said while looking at her playing with her hair. she looked the same since I last saw her when I was five. It's like she didn't age at all. She looked so young that she still had the exuberance of youth. She had that kinda movie star look, not too tall and willowy. Her hair was in pony-tail and face was free of make-up, yet she was radiating an intelligent beauty.

She smiled and looked at me in the eyes, and said. " The main branch of my Jade Auction house is located In Iron Fist City, so I mostly stay over there. Also, sometimes the safest place is the most dangerous place."

" I see," I Answered bluntly as I was thinking about something.

" Now that we are already safe and pretty far from Silver Moon City, what do you want with me, Miss?. I know that you've have been following me for quite a while now." I Said in a solemn tone. it's not like I am mad or anything, but I have to play pretend. nobody likes to be followed for nonapparent reason or consent. I am quite happy at the moment to see her, but I didn't show it at all. on the outside, all that could be seen was a solemn face. In fact, I was planning on looking for her, luckily she came to me without knowing.

" hehehe, Sorry If I have offended you, one of my employees just informed me about a new powerful person that appeared in silver Moon City, and I guess my curiosity got the best of me."

" Also, it's not every day you meet a new powerful person so I was hoping to recruit you or form an alliance with you after investigating you before the other four clans. But, it seems like I wasn't the only one eyeing you." She said

" you mean the Long Family, I'm afraid they are just playing with fire," I Answered back as if I wasn't afraid of their Saint rank old ancestor.

" Oh, I guess my plan to recruit you or to form an alliance with you is just a pipe dream then, you are not even afraid of the Long family. I didn't think you had already found yourself a powerful backer." She Said in a surprised voice as well as a questioning look on her face.

" What did assume I had a powerful backer. Are suggesting that I can't take on the Long family by myself?" I asked.

" That was my guess, although you seem pretty strong, you haven't broken through the Saint rank yet. So far, I have met three Saint rank expert and they all have this faint Holy aura around them that they can't hide even if they tried. I don't feel that kinda aura around you so assume you were a 10th rank expert and a peak one at that because you were able to kill a 9th rank expert such as number 4 effortlessly."

" Fair enough," I answered her back. That's what I was looking for all along, I wanted her to believe that I have a powerful backer behind me which is why I was boasting about the Long Family was playing with Fire. Well, it's not like I can't deal with them except for the Saint rank old ancestor.

" Sorry for my rudeness but If I may ask, which of three powers are you working for Sir Alfred because of its the first time I see you and heard about you ." She Said with a curious look on her face.

" None, my young Lord isn't affiliated with any of the three powers," I answered.

"What!" she blurted out with a look of surprise on her face.

well, can't blame her. It is a common fact that the three empires are the overlord of the Archaic continent and all the Saint rank expert came from the four great clans. They control the resources that facilitate a 10th rank expert to breakthrough the Saint rank which is Soul energy stone, as such, it seems nearly impossible to have a Saint rank expert out there that doesn't come from the four clans. Also, because I am a 10th rank expert, she thought that my young Lord was a Saint Rank expert.

On the way to Iron fist city, I seemed to pick the ice Queen's interest hundredfold, especially after I told her that I was the subordinate the so call young lord who wasn't affiliated with any of the three powers. Ohh well, I took the opportunity to create this young lord persona who is Jin Longwei as well as building a shroud of mystery around him, but I didn't give her the name of my young lord yet. If I manage to convince her to work for me, I'll use this Alfred name and look as a proxy even though we are one and the same. As we were talking, we finally made it to the gate entrance of the legendary Iron Fist city.