
The Gamer's Gambit In Another World

Lucas, a clever trickster from Earth, found himself suddenly in a world strikingly similar to a video game he had once played. Immediately upon his arrival, he faced imminent danger as someone pointed a gun at him. The new world he found himself in was dominated by the extraordinary individuals who possessed many supernatural powers unseen in Lucas's previous life. What scared Lucas the most was the immediate threat to his life and his lack of any real power in this unfamiliar world. However, he quickly relied on his quick thinking and skills as a trickster to craft a lie. He claimed to be a high-level supervisor sent by the leaders of the Argent Empire. Using his extensive knowledge of the game, Lucas convincingly backed up his claim, persuading the agent pointing the gun at him to accept his fabricated identity. This lie not only saved his life but also provided him with a new role within the secret intelligence group as an inspector. Assuming this role, Lucas conducted himself in ways no upright official would. He used his game knowledge to deceive others, build his own power base through kidnapping, stealing, and engaging in other nefarious activities. His cunning and resourcefulness allowed him to execute his plans with goal of minimum risk and maximum rewards. Unbeknownst to him, Lucas was also part of a larger scheme. His actions had consequences that extended beyond his immediate goals and survival. How will his maneuvers impact his fate in this new world? Read to discover the consequences of Lucas's daring gambit in "Gamer's Gambit In Another World."

Lazy_Pen_Master · Sci-fi
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90 Chs

Chapter 83: The Inspector's Promise: Money After the Job

The unified shouts of thousands of people converged into a wave of sound crashing towards Councilman Virgil.

Echoing off the towering City Administration Office building, the sound grew into a formidable force. 

Virgil's feeble voice was like a mouse's squeak before a dragon's roar—completely inaudible.

In the face of such momentum, Virgil's composure as a councilman vanished. He wanted to make a stand before city officials and dignitaries, but now he seemed more like a helpless clown.

The "angry" crowd inched forward, with strong, burly men at the front.

The high bounties emboldened them to push against the sheriffs forming the human wall, advancing the protest line toward the Administration Building.

Virgil retreated up the steps, his view filled with a sea of heads, the sheriffs' line barely holding.

In his panic, Virgil tripped and fell. This immediately elicited laughter from the entire crowd.