
The game world

Mike buys a brand new game about superpowers, in the midst of playing he gets sucked into his PC and now he has to beat the game from the beginning…

Qais_Y · Games
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27 Chs

Episode 4-Explorers (3)

Okay time to go to the rainforest.

Sure Josh says.

One day later.

Oh, finally we made it to the rainforest, Mike says.

Time to walk around, Josh replies.

Three days later.

Okay is this what you ment by walking around?

Damn you don't have to be so rude!

Oh and also I saw something.

It's like a tomb I think?

I think that's where we're supposed to go Josh!

They head to the tomb.

How is it so big on the inside Josh!

Because it goes a kilometer down.

Well that's what I think.

Well let's get going, Mike says.

They walk around until they see something.

Yo Mike what's that.

I think those are… sand slimes!