
The Game System : Showdown of Power

GAME GAME !? REAL ? OR FAKE ! It was a game-like place, bustling with the voices of confused people wondering where they ended up. To my sadness, I realized I had the lowest skill and felt utterly hopeless in everything. Whether I had to become a mighty fighter or a skilled magician, and even if time had somehow turned back, I knew my only chance of survival was to use every resource available. In that challenging situation, I pondered, [ " What can I do? " ] But the answer was clear: [ " I'll do whatever it takes to survive! " ]

ITSMEKING27 · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Survival's Price !

Understanding exactly why the war erupted in the past, or, to be precise, in a future that had not yet unfolded within this timeline, was a puzzle.

"I was far from the continent's center at that time; such an event hadn't crossed my expectations,"  Kim Hyunsung confessed.

Troubles in the tutorial and the various ideologies associated with this world added fuel to the fire. 

In such cases, people often fixated on the outcome rather than the motives. Small conflicts, simmering for years, finally ignited a continent-wide war.

Factions turned on one another, forsaking their faith for undermining perceived foes. Malice begat more malice, wrath stoked anger, and revenge fueled hatred.

This was the Earthlings versus the Aboriginals, a clash between newcomers and natives.

In the throes of war, everyone sought to dominate or exterminate their enemies.

Witnessing these conflicts became commonplace, yet it seemed nobody wanted to acknowledge the underlying issue. Kim Hyunsung, too, feigned ignorance. Consequently, trust eroded further, and the prospect of treaties, alliances, or agreements remained elusive.

Among these occurrences, the Archmage, whom everyone admired, met a tragic end. Japanese magicians were slaughtered. The Mercenary Queen's life was in constant danger. Even those considered family or clan members were killed.

Many hailed as heroes met their demise.

The holy sword of the chosen warrior dimmed.

As time passed and coalitions crumbled, the first part of this futile war concluded with countless casualties.

Karma had come to collect its debt. This was humanity's failing.

"A war is not the same as a battle." Kim said.

"What..." Eunni asked in a surprised expression.

"Truthfully, I'll concede that you are strong—so formidable that neither I nor those beneath me can best you. An annoying fact, but an undeniable one." Kim replied. 

"But...you're human..." he said. 

"Yes, I am. I thought I'd be unrecognizable with this mask...But I've heard that even the brilliant prosecutor everyone praises looks different. Your protection by magic isn't of the highest quality."

"That's just a hunch. You seem slightly different from them."

"Hard to tell if that's a compliment or an insult."

"Why did you choose their side?"

"It's simply rational to choose the side with the better odds of success."

"Many humans have died because of this!"

"I know. But humans killing each other isn't novel. These people seek a peaceful, controlled population. They believe it's best for the long run."

"You've betrayed humanity."

"Well, I wasn't the only one. You're aware of that."

"Don't you feel any remorse?"

"I'm not sure. My heart ached when I had to kill a civilian and when I had to end the life of that innocent magician who loved me wholeheartedly. I never thought I'd have to end my own life. Why did it come to that? There were so many things I still wanted to do. I suppose the guilt became unbearable."


"It hurt even more to watch the Empire's Queen slay the people she loved. But it had to be done. It was necessary. My heart broke further when I saw the warrior who witnessed my loved one's death. He believed you had betrayed him. Don't misunderstand."

"You... Who are you? Who are you talking about?"

"You don't need to know. Besides, you probably wouldn't remember even if I told you. What matters now is your survival."


"Stop pretending to be noble, scum. You don't have a choice. And I know it will be tough for you. So, let's make a deal, Kim Hyunsung. I'm not entirely heartless. I'll find a way for you to clear your conscience. Kill the wretch gasping next to you, or your beloved will die. Did you really think I didn't know? How amusing. You two have been intimate, haven't you?"

"You bastard..."

"Let me reiterate. You don't have a choice. If you refuse, she'll fall into the clutches of inhumane perverts who'll relish exploiting her. Make a decision before my patience wanes. You know I keep my promises, unlike someone here..."


"Look, Eunni. I said I'd do it. Of course, I'll keep my word. I'll spare him and release the woman. Killing her now would be a waste. But you can't die here. I'll discuss it with my superiors. I'll be back so we can continue our chat, my dearest friend."

"Good job, Kim Hyunsung. I'm not quite sure what to say... So, I guess I'll see you later."



In an instant, Kim Hyunsung's  eyes snapped open, and his entire body was drenched in sweat.

Amidst his heavy breathing, he struggled to recognize the room's layout, slowly assessing his surroundings.

"I'm back...or am I?" Kim said to himself.

It was a question that plagued him throughout the day.

This wasn't the place he had been in before; it was his room in the Blue Guild. A sword hung on one side of the room, much like the one on the nearby table.

Judging from the minimalist decor, he knew this was indeed his room. The metallic scent of blood that had clung to his body in his dream had vanished.

In place of the screams that had haunted his senses, he heard the cheerful chirping of birds, heralding a new day. Instead of the foreboding, dark magic, warm sunlight streamed in through the window's crack.

It had been a long time since he dreamt of the past.

Unpleasant memories of thrusting a knife into a dying comrade's chest still gnawed at him. The atmosphere and conversations in the dream felt all too real.

He felt dirty, and his body had involuntarily hardened its defenses, quickening his breath and causing a pounding headache. His mind swirled with thoughts as  tried to regain his composure.

But as memories from the past surged back, he couldn't stop the sweat or the trembling.

"Hah...Hah..." Kim found himself holding his quivering body.

"It's different now..."

Of course, it was different now.

Kim had prevented the tutorial dungeon's accidents and saved countless lives.

"It's different now..."

He had rectified his past mistakes as much as possible, atoning for his wrongdoings.

"This is different. It's not like before..."

He had found Jung Hayan from the start and recruited Kim Ye-ri to their team. Killing Jung Jinho in the tutorial dungeon had been a significant achievement.

Of course, Kim still needed to find many others and had more work ahead, but he felt he had done well so far.

It was different now. Simply saying that the current situation had improved didn't suffice.

The world he inhabited now had indeed changed, but not solely due to his actions. Someone else was responsible for it.

"Kee Miyoung..."

Kim Hyunsung hadn't noticed both Park Deokgu and Kee Miyoung in his initial journey. They possessed the talent he hadn't known he was searching for. Deokgu dedicated himself to training relentlessly, while Miyoung managed every detail of their party. It was hard to believe that an alchemist could hold so much value, but  Kee Miyoung's worth surpassed most expectations.

"He's more than capable."

No, "capable" wasn't sufficient. He was the type who could work miracles even when appearing as a mere bystander. He had masterfully manipulated the Blue Guild members and struck an agreement with the Red Mercenary Queen. He had even successfully recruited Sun Hee-young, a remarkable talent, into the guild.

It felt like Kee Miyoung contributed more to the party than Kim Hyunsung ever did.

But that wasn't all he had done for them.

Kee Miyoung was also responsible for the alliance between the Black Swans and the Red Mercenaries, an alliance that would have been inconceivable without his influence.

"The future itself has changed."

Kim could say it had changed for the better. The war in the past had claimed the lives of many talented individuals.

In the first place, many non-combatants got caught in the power struggles of officials, against their will. It made sense to pave the way for their growth now rather than have them suffer in this timeline.

Kim Hyunsung knew positive changes were on the horizon, but he hadn't expected them to be this extensive.

They called it the Butterfly Effect, where a small flap of a butterfly's wings could cause a typhoon.

Kim could hardly believe it himself. The little bonds he had formed gradually transformed Lindel for the better.

Of course, he also understood that changing the future too much was risky, but what could go wrong, right?

"Anyway, I need to stock up." He assured himself.

Now was the time for him to build his strength and ensure he fulfilled his role. As he pondered all this, a voice echoed from outside his room.

"Oh, Kim Hyunsung."

"Yes, Doekgu?"

"It's breakfast time. Everyone's waiting."

"My apologies, I overslept... I'll be there soon."

"When you sleep early and still wake up late, isn't that a bit annoying?"

"I suppose you could say that."

"You had a disturbing dream, didn't you?"

"I'm just kidding. Everyone's waiting; come down quickly."

"I will. Thank you for letting me know."

Though an indescribable unease lingered in his heart, he knew he could change the course of this timeline. He desired a life free of regrets and to make amends for his wrongs.

"It can be different."

he could alter the future.

That was the very reason he had returned here.

"Forgive me for my tardiness."

"No problem, Hyunsung."

"Let me outline the party's future direction."

"Yes, of course."

"Please, continue eating. I want everyone to be comfortable as I explain."

"Thank you."

"We need to focus on enhancing our abilities, stats, and changing jobs."

"Are you suggesting  that we get new jobs?"

"Definitely," Kim Hyunsung confidently said.