
The Game System : Showdown of Power

GAME GAME !? REAL ? OR FAKE ! It was a game-like place, bustling with the voices of confused people wondering where they ended up. To my sadness, I realized I had the lowest skill and felt utterly hopeless in everything. Whether I had to become a mighty fighter or a skilled magician, and even if time had somehow turned back, I knew my only chance of survival was to use every resource available. In that challenging situation, I pondered, [ " What can I do? " ] But the answer was clear: [ " I'll do whatever it takes to survive! " ]

ITSMEKING27 · Fantasy
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87 Chs

My Next Move!

Negotiations with the Azure Brotherhood went off without a hitch.

Soon after establishing my personal account, a flood of initial funds poured in, just as Jae-hoon Lee had promised. The original plan had always been to align with the Azure Brotherhood, and now that we'd reaped the maximum rewards possible, the choice seemed even more appealing.

In contrast to the Scarlet Mercenary Order, which relied solely on the Guildmaster's authority, the structure of the Azure Brotherhood was far more intricate and compartmentalized than I had anticipated. It consisted of Guildmasters and Sub-guild Masters, each overseeing six teams and several administrative roles.

To put it succinctly, the Azure Brotherhood consisted of six sub-factions, each composed of parties ranging from five to fifteen members. This explained why Jae-min Kim favored the Azure Brotherhood.

'A guild system like this facilitates coordinated movement.'

Upon joining the guild, however, the number of sub-factions expanded to seven. Unsurprisingly, the head of the new sub-faction was Jae-min Kim himself. While our party had yet to officially secure a position within the Azure Brotherhood, we were assured it would be sorted out in due time.

This was the extent of what the Azure Brotherhood provided for us.

The remaining aspects of our agreement included the hero-grade items that had yet to be distributed, and the guild position that I rightfully deserved.

I was somewhat apprehensive about where Eui-ki Lee intended to place me. I had no desire to be in a position where I'd be at odds with the likes of Seolho Lee, who would likely judge me upon entry.

Thankfully, the position that was eventually designated for me did not involve overbearing superiors looking to control my actions.

'Non-combat strategic affairs officer, huh?'

At first glance, it might have seemed like a vague and unimportant role, almost like a placeholder. Yet, Eui-ki Lee had chosen to grant me an executive position of my own, which wasn't the norm for regular guild members.

'In any case, this works out well.'

My proposition had prompted the Azure Brotherhood to adopt another perspective that would soon demonstrate its significance. Beyond that, my role as a non-combat strategic affairs officer would pave the way for my team's future growth.

Although I wasn't entirely sure about the responsibilities tied to my position, I figured it could wait. I sensed that Eui-ki Lee was aiming for something. Why else would she be in such a hurry to bestow me with a position?

"Mr. Kee Miyoung, there's a delivery outside for you."

"Ah, thank you, Mr. Kim."

I was well aware of the nature of this 'delivery'. It was a courtesy stemming from my position as the Azure Brotherhood's partner, someone affectionately known as the "Azure Guild's Heartthrob."

'What sort of "gift" does she have for me this time?'

I might have portrayed myself as supremely confident in what I brought to the table, but truthfully, I couldn't help but feel slightly anxious about Eun-ji Cha's intentions. Initially, I'd suspected her intent was revenge, but the valuable offerings and handwritten notes signaled a more serious commitment on her part.

Our conversation had been a success, after all. No one in the realm would dare challenge the Azure Guild's Heartthrob.


"This isn't it."

Her method of displaying her protection took me entirely by surprise.

Certainly, unlike me, the Azure Brotherhood seemed receptive to the notion of Eun-ji Cha's gifts. To them, it likely appeared as if she was striving to foster closer ties with the guild, a step toward future collaborations that could benefit my standing within the organization. I was fully aware that my influence and position were set to ascend even further from here, but with that came unwelcome attention, both from within and outside the guild.

"There's been a rumor circulating that Eun-ji Cha, the Scarlet Mercenary Queen, couldn't resist the allure of a dungeon newcomer. Consequently, he's become her latest conquest."

Beyond this distasteful gossip, countless other rumors, each more scandalous than the last, were circulating. I was either a double-dealer, a virtuoso in bed, or someone who had a pre-existing connection with Eun-ji Cha from my Earthly days.

I was willing to bet that members of the Scarlet Mercenary Order were the source of these rumors. Given the guild's size, it was inevitable that such speculation would eventually reach even the ears of the Holy Empire.


Beside me stood Jae-min Kim, his eyes wide like startled 'O's as he stared at the assortment of items Eun-ji Cha had sent.

I couldn't prevent a blush of embarrassment from creeping onto my face. I wanted no inkling of what was running through his mind.

"Could you tell me what transpired between the two of you?"

"Not much. I asked her for sponsorship, and she agreed. This is likely her idea of a jest."

"Hmm… Perhaps. However, judging by these gifts, it appears my esteemed friend Kee Miyoung left a favorable impression on her."

As I gazed at the array of items neatly stacked outside the building, Jae-min Kim's words led me to recognize why such misconceptions might fuel his skepticism.

[Ancient Republic's Alchemical Kit - Heroic Grade]

"An alchemical kit with roots in the ancient republic's traditions. The basic tools from underground laboratories have endured over time, exhibiting exceptional quality and performance. Increases potion production success rate and temporarily enhances user luck."

This wasn't the sole item in the heap.

[Minotaur's Sinew - Rare Grade]

[Benshi's Mystic Essence - Rare Grade]

[Troll's Essence - Rare Grade]

[Unidentified Monster's Blood - Rare Grade]

[Holy Empire's Sacred Water - Rare Grade]

Various catalysts for alchemy were neatly contained within boxes.

To exacerbate matters, a neatly arranged letter rested atop the boxes, bearing affectionate, handwritten words.

"This is a token of my gratitude. Nothing major, just a small offering. Sending love to my dearest friend in the world, Eun-ji Cha."

'This… is quite the situation…'

Certainly, I didn't despise the gesture. It wasn't every day that one received such rare and splendid items, useful to the heart's content. I cared little about the rumors that would undoubtedly circulate about me.

The predicament lay with Ha-yan Jung.

Naturally, she had consistently posed a problem in many of my endeavors.

As the first gift arrived and whispers began circulating, her expression conveyed more than words ever could. I pondered how Jung Hayan would react, concerned about her thoughts upon receiving the initial present. Yet, she gradually had to accept that she couldn't fulfill all these gestures for me – not yet, at least.

Certainly, I shared no intimate connection with Cha Hee-ra. I invested considerable effort into convincing Jung Hayan of this, punctuating my reassurances with heartfelt "I love you"s and warm embraces. However, Jung Hayan frequently withdrew into solitude to contemplate her own musings.

Focusing on my priorities, I grew anxious about immersing myself too quickly in magical training. I allocated minimal time for sleep and dedicated the rest to enhancing my power and influence.

I recognized that if this continued, Jung Hayan would eventually succumb to her uncertainties. A period for reaffirming our emotions had arrived, yet for her, it was also an opportunity to ensure I steered clear of the sordid matters discussed in the rumors.

"Jung Hayan…" I began, seeking to discuss her concerns.

"Miss Hayan is likely by the lake in the rear. She's presently honing her skills in water-based magic. That's where you'll probably find her. As for Mr. Deokgu…"

"Yes?" I prompted.

"She seems to be constructing a boat on the shore. He's been at it since this morning."

"A boat?" I inquired.

"Yes, indeed. It appears Miss Hayan has been eyeing the lake, considering the idea of boating. I thought it might complement their training, so I let them engage in it."

A shiver raced down my spine at this revelation.

'Park Deok-gu…' I mused, uncertain of his intentions. Pushing aside my thoughts, Kim Hyunsung interjected.

"What's the guild up to these days? Any insights?"

"Absolutely. Though I must admit, staying current with the meetings has been somewhat challenging. Nevertheless, I have a grasp of the current events. Tutorial dungeons are now opening up in other locations as well. The transfer market will follow suit in due course. Unfortunately, Blue lacks the resources to heavily invest in new recruits for the combat unit. We'll likely have one or two additions to our party at most. I've spotted survivors with greater potential among the lot, so I believe directing our investments towards them is wise."

"Seems their optimism stems from us," Kim Hyunsung commented knowingly.

His observation was spot-on. "Indeed, you're right. However, if feasible, we're contemplating a deposit for the newcomers joining our party…"

"Sounds like a plan. A few more members could boost our team's morale."

"I'm pleased to hear that. And you, any plans in motion?"

"I'm considering joint dungeon expeditions with other guild parties. It's a strategic way for Blue to enhance its stats. Naturally, this will happen once our current tasks are wrapped up. Yet, it's wise to prepare in advance."

"Which dungeon?" I probed.

"Undecided as of now. Personally, I'm inclined toward exploring an undiscovered dungeon. Nonetheless, the guild leans towards commencing with basic hunts."

"I see."

"We have a meeting ahead. Let's head in. Kee Miyoung?"

"Ah, sure. Go ahead."

"Great. See you shortly," Kim Hyunsung acknowledged before stepping away.

Respecting Kim Hyunsung as the leader, I lent my support in matters of external relations. Following the tutorial phase, we brought in those who were unselected or previously chosen but now available. Given Kim Hyunsung's other responsibilities, handling this task largely fell to me.

I sensed he appreciated my efficiency more than he initially expected. Though our acquaintance was brief, knowing he was content with his decision to invest in me was reassuring.

'He's likely developing greater trust in me.'

Encouraging him to believe I possessed diverse utility was advantageous. In time, Kim Hyunsung would gradually unveil more of his strategies.

Returning to reality, I anticipated my next move – visiting the training center where the newer survivors congregated. It doubled as a temporary abode for those emerging from the new dungeons.

Considering the timeframe of my discussion with Kim Hyunsung, I inferred their briefing had concluded. Preparing for recruitment was a logical step, especially since part of the agreement involved compiling a list for Cha Hee-ra. Hence, I needed to arrive ahead of the others.

"Today, the Blue Guild executives are due to arrive. You'll engage in brief or extensive training and receive offers or apply to different guilds. Your cooperation is appreciated."


Today's training event was eagerly anticipated. As I stepped forward, people approached me, greetings flowing naturally.

"You've got your hands full."

"Ah! No trouble, team leader."

"You haven't been officially appointed yet, Instructor."

"Haha. Nonetheless, Mr. Kee Miyougn is poised to become a pillar of the Blue Guild."

"I'm grateful for your words."

"Beyond that… There's still some time before the training event commences…"

"Ah, true. It might be prudent to assess the survivors beforehand. Given the position bestowed upon me, I must strive to validate my merit."


Though the conversation was brief, I could discern their thoughts.

Unfamiliar individuals were simply apprehensive about a high-ranking figure's visit. On the other hand, those who knew me from the shelter were baffled.

'I could get accustomed to this sense of authority.'

The expressions of disbelief were amusing. We all emerged from the same tutorial dungeon, shared the same shelter, and collectively escaped.

Given this shared history, why the vast discrepancy between them and me?

Surveying the surroundings, a subtle smile tugged at my lips.