
The Game System : Showdown of Power

GAME GAME !? REAL ? OR FAKE ! It was a game-like place, bustling with the voices of confused people wondering where they ended up. To my sadness, I realized I had the lowest skill and felt utterly hopeless in everything. Whether I had to become a mighty fighter or a skilled magician, and even if time had somehow turned back, I knew my only chance of survival was to use every resource available. In that challenging situation, I pondered, [ " What can I do? " ] But the answer was clear: [ " I'll do whatever it takes to survive! " ]

ITSMEKING27 · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Finally a Job?

"It would be appreciated if you could grant my request just this once. I hadn't initially intended to ask this of you, but since you insist…"

I couldn't have misheard her request; her intent was clear. I didn't particularly want to get involved in any potential romance between the two, but I couldn't help but wonder why she desired this.

"Since when…?"

"Forget when... It's because Park Deokgu hasn't left my thoughts…"

Perhaps they shared some common traits?

"I once encountered him at a restaurant. He looked at me with indifference, but those eyes... They've been haunting me ever since." She said, 

'Oh, my God.'  I thought. 

It was a bit awkward to witness this side of Hwang Jeong-yeon. Then again, she did mention a preference for bigger guys, so I suppose it shouldn't be surprising.

Objectively, Hwang Jeong-yeon was strikingly beautiful. 

She exuded a calming aura that could put anyone at ease just by being around her. 

Her hair was elegantly tied to one side, cascading past her shoulders, accompanied by a delicate smile. 

There was something truly captivating about her. At the same time, it was almost unbelievable that it had taken Park Deokgu just ten seconds to capture her heart.

Meanwhile, it had taken me quite some effort to make Jung Hayan develop feelings for me. It was a bit embarrassing to admit, but at some point, I had to accept it.

"I'll do my best to help you out." I said to her. 

"Ah… I think he's genuinely a good person, someone I could trust. I believe we'd make a good match. Don't you think so? If you could assist me…" she said. 

"But, I'd be more than willing to assist you in return! I won't interfere with your research!"

"Don't worry; I'll hold you to your word. However, be prepared; this won't be easy."

"Thank you, and of course!" I said. 

With that, I had acquired a competent assistant.

Whether Park Deokgu and Hwang Jeong-yeon become a couple or not, it didn't matter much to me. 

However, I sensed a good chance they might. I knew Park Deokgu would respond positively if I praised her in front of him, given his complete trust in me.

With that in mind, I found the terms quite reasonable. In any case, playing matchmaker wouldn't hurt. If they did get together, Park Deokgu would likely stop frequenting my workshop, allowing me to focus on my research in peace.

"Then, let's get started."

"Let's do that, assistant."

With that, we dived into our work.

Not much time passed from that point.

"Have you found anything useful?"

"Not yet, but that doesn't mean I won't soon."

My goal wasn't to create something groundbreaking. Instead, I was adapting Jung Hayan's method to suit my own style.

I needed this to boost my stats and find a new job. Initially, my stats had improved rapidly, but progress slowed as we reached the second half of our research. Like before, the efficiency of stat increase through the catalyst dwindled.

"What do you mean by that?"

"As I mentioned earlier, I'm exploring whether alchemy can also compress and maintain magic within a catalyst, and if it can be used to harness genetic information."

"Ah, I see…"

"Your intuition about the spell's construction and design appears to be correct. However, achieving the same result through alchemy will be challenging. Jung Hayan truly is a genius…"

Yet the things that had initially seemed incomprehensible gradually began to make sense.

Now, I understand why Jung Hayan was hailed as a genius. Her ideas could lead to new theories. The magic power stored within her preferred catalyst was so immense that its effects could open up a new field of study in magical academia.

"The spell is truly unique."

Her method of arranging magic power, the sequence in which she built the Tower of Magic, and her execution were all sophisticated.

Unlike Hwang Jeong-yeon, whose intelligence enhanced her memory, Jung Hayan's intellect was naturally inclined toward innovation and enhancing magic.

"She's a genius."

Now, I understand why Kim Hyunsung was so fixated on Jung Hayan.

With that thought in mind, I continued my research.

My struggles to find answers led to sleepless nights and even skipping meals. Hwang Jeong-yeon followed a similar pattern. While she didn't contribute much in other aspects, her presence helped clarify the areas where I had been struggling.

[Intellect increases by 1.]

[Intellect increases by 1.]

Progress was slow, but it was satisfying to know that we were making headway.

When my intelligence stat crossed the 50s, I began to grasp the mechanics of increasing intelligence.

The first factor was acquiring or comprehending new knowledge. 

The second was deep meditation. Sharpening one's imagination, experimenting, reevaluating theories, and continuous reading all contributed to building one's intellect.

Just as Park Deokgu engaged in weight training to enhance his strength, I continually fed my mind with knowledge to boost my intellect.

"It's been a while since I cleaned your room, Kee Miyoung." 

She said, 

"Oh, please don't clean near me. I have tons of unorganized data."

"Of course. Would you like to get some more rest?"

"No, I can't afford to interrupt my progress."

Hwang Jeong-yeon had a point. My room and workspace had become a mess. All the data I'd organized had piled up once again, leaving little space to move.

Seeing educational materials strewn across my bed might have looked amusing, but it wasn't fun in reality. The continuous studying was mundane.

Even though an opportunity had presented itself, there was no guarantee it would work out. This uncertainty heightened my anxiety. Yet, I had no choice but to press on.

I knew my fellow party members were striving to make progress at this moment. I had to catch up before I fell too far behind.

At the same time, I knew Kim Hyunsung wouldn't abandon me, even if I did lag. This was my responsibility. If I didn't put in the effort to improve, it was only natural to be left behind. 

In a way, Kim Hyunsung had guided me in the right direction, and I didn't want to be a mere asset.

For now, I had to stick to my plan.

"Hey, Mr. Kee. How do you use your magic?" She asked. 

"Ah. Different people have different ways of casting spells. In my case, I built the Tower of Magic. Jung Hayan does something similar, but hers is like a rotating watchtower. It's like gathering all the necessary parts and assembling something from them."

"I understand what you're saying."

"It's more complex than it sounds. I don't know much else, so the most challenging part is finding compatible genetics."

"Simply interpreting the sequence seems complex... It must be quite a task to construct a magic circle."

"It's a straightforward process... You just need to manage your time wisely."

On the surface, it might seem like simple circle conjuration, but there were intricacies involved. I was certain my research would yield results soon, but I was growing impatient.

One month had passed, and Kim Hyunsung and the others hadn't returned.

"They must be facing difficulties…"

Perhaps the supplies they'd taken weren't sufficient for their journey. I knew their condition before they left, so I understood they'd struggle.

Jung Hayan would have cried every night, and without Kim Hyunsung's guidance, Kim Ye-ri might have been firing arrows in the wrong direction. Park Deokgu could have reverted to his cowardly self.

On the other hand, Sun Hee-young would be moving normally, but as the leader, she'd be burdened, and the entire team would likely feel lost. 

Knowing I wasn't the only one facing challenges made me feel somewhat better.

More time passed.

At this point, I had started to understand Jung Hayan's magic and had surpassed an intelligence stat of 60. Personally, this felt like a satisfying achievement.

"The results are becoming apparent."

"Yes, we're approaching the desired intellectual levels."

"Ah. Congratulations. How about taking a short break today?"

"No, no. I'll rest once I've reached my goal." I confirmed. 

After dedicating so much time to my progress, I began to ask questions that would help me achieve my goal. This time, it wasn't about uncovering the hidden truths of magic.

Rather, I started contemplating the job change I was aiming for.

How had Jung Hayan created advanced spells with no prior experience?

I already had an idea.

Jung Hayan had secured a job before embarking on a hunt. I didn't delve into how she'd obtained it; she likely understood herself better than I did and had used this knowledge effectively.

I was trying to do the same now.

'I need to understand…'

Alongside analyzing, documenting, and organizing data, I had to grasp everything swirling in my mind. I knew I was moving in the right direction.

I began asking myself more questions. 'Why?' was a common theme. So, I embarked on the search for hidden truths rather than visible results.

I imagined experiments and attempted to decipher why they failed, which wasn't as challenging as it seemed. After all, I had a highly capable assistant by my side.

Additionally, I had started to shed some weight.

'Not a bad feeling, though…'

Why would it be, when it felt like I had stumbled upon a valuable piece of progress?

I didn't need a groundbreaking answer to my goals; a small piece would suffice.

How did changes in genetic traits, information values, and magic power affect individuals? Was the magic contained in the transformed individual complete or incomplete?

We hadn't stopped experimenting with stranded DNA, and we still didn't know which virus was lethal to certain monsters and why a specific gene wouldn't accept that virus.

None of these pieces of information were fully understood, but one thing was certain.

We were inching closer to answers.

"What do you need this time?"

"I require catalysts from the Garden of Terror, please."

I was far from finding all the answers, and I wasn't a scientist. My knowledge of genetics and related fields was limited.

However, I found the process of searching for answers enjoyable.

"You must be having fun."

"I'm not."

[Intellect increases by 1.]

"Isn't it interesting? I find it fascinating."

"No, honestly, I find it boring."

[Intellect increases by 1.]

"You're lying."

[Intellect increases by 1.]

As time went on, I made even more progress.

[You have discovered a new job.]

The results I had hoped for had finally materialized.
