
the game of Multimillionaria

siaaa_mir · Teen
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16 Chs


after hours of work, I'm finally done, I should get going or else av will literally whoop my ass, I grab my bag and my coat, I started walking towards my car, it's 7 pm , darn I took half an hour extra , now I gotta hurry, while driving the car I hear my phone ringing maybe I should pick it up , ok I really should pick it up it's an unknown number well maybe it's av but then I feel like it's not her suddenly I feel sick in the stomach this can't be good I don't know but I feel like this call is probably bad news or maybe I am just overthinking, calm your nerves Sera it's just a call nothing serious I take deep breaths and pick it up "hello" a strong voice says maybe it's a wrong number " um, hello who's this " I reply "may I talk to miss Black" the voice says calmly so it's probably not a wrong number " yeah I'm miss Black, do I know you? " I ask "ma'am I am from one of your hotels and there is a man, his name is Mr Knight, he is here with an offer he said he can get you the plot you needed " omg did he just say 'the plot I wanted' but why would a stranger show up like that I was lost in my thoughts when I heard him say "ma'am I think it's a win win deal, he wants the partnership in your new project" I think about it for a second and say "um well I gotta meet him first , and I want background check on this man I can't just go on trusting strangers " I hear him giggle, whoa wtf is wrong with this man I was about to interrupt when he says " ma'am he's Damien Knight everybody knows about him, he's in the list of top 10 rich people " "I still need to know his intentions, so it would be appreciated if you just do what you are told and not question me" I can feel him tense I smirk " I'm sorry ma'am it won't happen again " such a douche I think and then I cut the call ugh people these days I'm so confused I don't know why that call scared me and who the heck is this Damien Knight I think I gotta google him but rn I have other things to do such as shower lol.

whenever I reach the place I call home I feel like something is empty like it's not complete thinking of that my eyes become all teary but I've moved on I don't want to be so pathetic to cry over something that happened 4 years back, I was forced to break and then heal myself again but I became something else, do I regret it? no probably not, I don't regret being the person I am , I saw my guards opening the door for me and then I walk inside, I feel someone petite bumping into me and the next thing I feel is wetness on my shirt, holy fuck this thing costed more than some people's house darn it, but when I look down I see a young girl of 15 ugh but then I feel her tense up, " I'm so sorry mi..ss , she sutters "

I'm probably annoyed but I can't brust on a small girl , then I see Laura coming towards us "I'm so sorry Sera, this is my neice, I bought her here please forgive her " she said looking downwards , I can't help but smile at her " awe it's alright Laura, it's just a dress , I can always get another and why is your neice here if I may ask " I ask with a bored expression , she's about to talk when I interrupt "ugh never mind, did Amelia delivered my dress? " "yes, she did, it's in your room " she says calmly I just smile at her and move towards my room, it's been a long day and I need a good shower but before that I gotta check the dress, after looking at it for a couple of minutes I can't help but smile Amelia is actually a very good designer , the warm water soothes away all the stress and pain, well I don't know which pain like whether it's physical or mental because rn everything is hurting but I gotta pull my shit together after a long shower which was like 20 minutes probably, I came out wearing my black lacy robe, don't even ask me why I have it if I don't have a man, well it's called self love and I payed for it so why not

then I put on my dress Jesus did I mention Amelia is damn good at this well I am gonna say it again damn it's such an art piece and as for my hair I'll just let it be, you know wavy and open I think it looks fine and for makeup I'm going with a nude look then I was about to Google Mr Damian Knight but I saw my phone ringing omg it's 8 already I told av that I'll be there by 8 whoops my fault so I get in my car and text her (on my way, be patient) after few minutes I reach her apartment I was about to call her when I saw her coming towards me, she gets in the car and here we go again "omg why are you so late, you are half an hour late missy " "chill av it's just 30 mins you aren't gonna miss the world and let's not eat each other raw ok " we laugh and I continue driving..