
Chapter 141: Explosive

The atmosphere between Jiang Weiguo and Sun Guanyun was subtle, filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Jiang Weiming faced the situation with a smile, like a spectator who remains calmly watching from a fishing platform.

Jiang Feng looked confused and was soon to become the innocent fish that gets caught up in the trouble.

"Have you made up your mind?" Sun Guanyun asked in a deep voice.

"I have," Jiang Feng replied seriously, "and the shrimp is washed too."

Sun Guanyun nodded, "You start mixing them."

Jiang Feng had been thinking about the three sauces until two or three in the morning last night.

In his opinion, the primary flavors of sauces are sweet, salty, sour, and spicy. Among them, sour is quite unique; it can be paired with salty and spicy at will. Most dipping sauces for plain chicken and blanched shrimp include some vinegar.