
The Game Of King's

Imagine a world not ruled by any kind of fate nor destiny, but by the actions of Two Kings sat at a table choosing unknowingly who lives and who dies. A land of Knights, Creatures, Monsters. Light against dark, Good against Evil...

TheSilverKing · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter III - Narador

Onwards the two Kings sat focusing on the board, it was up to Thesus to make his turn, and brought the castle out of its place two steps forward, giving it room to finally be useful to the game. Thesus tapped the piece with his ring finger. Thunder clapped and lightning split the sky upon a castle made of stone and white marble, the Great kingdom of Narador, stood at the centerpiece of great flat plains that surrounded it, planted like it belonged there. Strong clean walls 24 foot high surrounded the castle and the lower settlement below it. A place which was like any other, friendly people, plenty ale in the taverns and customers that accompany it also. It was known to be the center of purity for its smooth marble encasing the castle in a shell of white. 

Ferald saw a window of opportunity, he slid the pawn in front of his queen 2 spaces ahead, supporting his knights, leaving room for his next plan of attack behind the white screen inside the court of Narador.  Meanwhile, it was up to Thesus to pinpoint his next attack, his instinctive move was to move the pawn in front of his queen one space up to endanger the black knights, giving Ferald a tough dilemma. The castle or preservation of his dark cavalry. 

A dark green raven flew past Thesus. Brushing his ear with its emerald feathers. Ferald quickly extended his hand for the bird. It perched on his forearm, a note buckled on the ravens foot. Ferald plucked and unravelled it, he smiled with such joy yet disbelief. Then realised of the company he kept and quickly returned to his poker face. Word has reached him of the news of the raid of the Black Knights. Happy about his news, Ferald picked the black Bishop up from next to the queen and took the white castle.

Meanwhile in Narador… Bells toll to warn the Kingdom that an armed force was coming. Narador guards tried to close the gate shut but they were forced open by the force of armed soldiers on horseback ramming the gate. The guards flew backwards from the force as the convoy stormed into the kingdom. Knights tried to defend the oncoming cavalry. Trying their best to fend off their homeland from these invaders. However they did not succeed. They arrived at the castle's courtyard, unmounting their horses and fought their way through the castle's halls. A mysterious woman led the assault "capture the knights, or kill them. I no longer care" she ordered with no care of life. 

The keep courtyard filled with advisors and noblemen flocking like sheep and grouping in heards. Whispers echoed throughout the room, all questioning what was going on? Who would dare attack them? Silence froze all chatter in the court as the doors swung open with force. Six Black nights with silver embroidery laced into their armour lined up upon the sides of the strip or red carpet which guides a path across the room to an empty throne.

The knights smacked their metal pikes on the marble floor as a sign of salute, someone was coming. Footsteps echoed through the corridor, each step echoed louder and louder as this mysterious woman entered the court. Hair black as night with lips coloured with a blood tint. Youth flowed within her as she opened up among the groups of old rich men with a soft yet empowering voice "Gentlemen of the court of Narador, I expect you travelled here safely." she took a short pause and smiled "By now you are wondering who I am and why I am accompanied with my knights in dark armour" she struck the chestplate of one of the knights. "what is this bollocks!?" one noble stepped out among the flock. The Lady pierced at the nobleman with her grey eyes with such disdain and pity "I am Ingrette, new ruler of Narador. I have one rule, live and obey, or don't." she commanded with such power. the nobleman sniggered with disbelief and disgust "I'm not listening to you, whore!" he bellowed from his chest. Ingrette simply responded to such simplicity "fine", she strode to the crown with pride and sat in it with ease, she raised her hand and with a slight wave two guards were relieved of their positions and marched to the rebellious nobleman, one kicked his knee to force him to kneel, the other Knight pulled out a bronze dagger and stabbed it straight through his throat. Everyone else in the room expelled thoughts of shock and fear, blood squinted with force all over the noblemen. Hysterical laughter filled the court, overlaying the sounds of horror. Ingrette couldn't control her sadistic nature, she eventually caught control of her outburst and cleared her throat "from here on out, taxes on the lower city will be raised by 80 percent! We have been slacking recently since his royal idleness has been on his purposeless venture". The nobles feared for their lives, fearing that their blood will also spill onto the court's stone cold floor….