
The Game of Ice and Fire

When a ROB decides to give little Jon Snow a small blessing , this small change completely changed the song of ice and fire if you want to support my work visit my patreon https://www.patreon.com/emperordragon I am 10 chapters ahead there

Lucifer101 · TV
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74 Chs

Chapter 17 Giants

I am 15 chapters ahead on my patreón check it out if you are interested


This is the last chapter of 2020 , hope your new year goes better than this one

Happy new year to all my readers



Jon pov

After checking on my dragons Nightfury and I made our way to the huge village near the volcano

This village housed about 3000 giants and few hundred children of the forest, both of them last of their species, the buildings were way too large for humans and were built like a city, it can be called a village only due to its small population

I am still surprised by how quickly the giants builts these buildings but I guess they also helped built the wall that is still standing after 8000 years

3 years ago I and Nightfury went beyond the wall because of a vision I had , all of the 27 tribes of giants beyond the wall came together with the last of the children of the forest to fight against the white walkers under the banner of Mag the Mighty, but they were walking into a trap and the only thing that would have done is get them killed and added to the armies of others

I went beyond the wall to stop that from happening, but I knew they won't stop just because a human asked them to, so I posed as the King of winter and ordered them to stop which was easy because of my stark features and ghost with me, but even that was not enough to stop them

So I challenged Mag the Mighty to a duel, the giants clearly looked down on me because no human could ever match Mag the Mighty the undefeated warrior even amongst the giants, and that is true no human can even come close to match with the giant warrior king but I am not an ordinary man, I am an awakened dragon I have the strength of the dragons running through my veins which makes me many times stronger and faster than any man but even with that Mag was stronger I don't know how did he grow so strong, I had to rely on my speed to fight with him, even with my speed and skills it was a very close win

After winning the duel I earned their respect, so I told them to gather all of their things and travel to hardhome where my ships were waiting to take them to skagos, the giants and children of the forest were joined by a tribe of humans called the thenns which always had close dealings with the giant tribes

Skagos is really a perfect place for them, it is near the shivering sea so that mammoths can easily live there and the island is covered with heart trees so children of the forest won't have any troubles living there

I had to talk to the local people for lands for the giants but it wasn't hard to convince people when you have dragons flying over their heads and the fact that I look like a stark and have a huge direwolf also helped

So the giants and children of the forest are living here for more that two years now, I send them supplies every few moons and have hired blacksmiths to arm the giant warriors with weapons and armours, as the lands beyond the wall don't have much resources they didn't have much to fight with

Half of the giants among the 3000 are warriors, you can clearly see the difference between a warrior giant and a normal giant, warriors were all 14-15ft tall while normal giants were only 11-12ft tall which is huge compared to humans but small against warriors, normally a tribe of giants will only have a tenth of them be warriors but the lands beyond the wall are harsh and only the strong can survive there so half the giants are warriors

I am arming these warrior giants with steel weapons and proper armour, most of the lower half of the giants is covered with thick fur so they don't need metal armour there, they only need metal armour for their head and a little over their upper body, hide and leather armour will be enough for the rest

The children of the forest are also teaching the giants to fight against human armies and also with conjunction with armies , children of forest know how the human armies fight through the heart trees, these giants warriors are going to be a huge help against the others, the giants are slow to start but with enough space they can charge faster than horses and hit harder than battering rams, a giant warrior can easily decimate hundreds of normal soldiers and break through any line of defence

With only three dragons and 100 giant warriors and 5000 men I can conquer all of the seven kingdoms, but that will lead to too many losses of fighting men, I need to keep the loss of human warriors to the minimum to fight against the others

Everything seems to going according to plan, shipments of weapons and armour are coming in regularly, the warrior giants were practicing with human sized straw dummies to get used to their opponents size, they were also practicing different strategies

As I was checking on things a white blur suddenly came an knocked me down, it started licking my face, Ghost I left him here a moon ago because he likes the snow and giants here, the direwolf is huge but still moves like a blur

Even though ghost and I are bonded and can wrag he still missed me, the vows that stark takes with their direwolves are no joke, he is also part of me like Nightfury one I cannot do without, I took the vows with ghost in front of the heart tree a year after he was born, his life and mine are connected he will live as long as me, and if I die he will only live as long as a normal direwolf

Bonding with ghost also changed the way I wrag, I no longer lose control of my body when I wrag and my eyes turn red like ghost when doing it, this is a great help because I don't have to depend on others to keep me safe while I wrag

Bonding also changed my senses , I can smell when a person lies to me and my hearing is also way better, maybe this is how the honourable Starks kept the north for 8000 years, because later when Robb bonded with greywind he also was able to do this, this is great because as strong as the Starks are they are always too trusting of others